Volume 6

A Libel is filed in the County Court for the County of New-London, against the Ship John, and her Cargo with all her Boats, Sails, Rigging and Appurtenances, James Dunbar, Master, the Property of the Subjects of the King of Great Britain, and not Inhabitants of Bermudas nor the Bahama Islands, being taken on the high Seas by the armed Brig Defence, belonging to the State of Connecticut, manned... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Our Fleet has been engaged with the Enemy and they have obliged us to quit the Lake with the Loss of the greater part of our Vessels ー The Militia is ordered up to support the Communication: but the Tardiness of their Motions gives me great and just Cause to apprehend that the Enemy will interrupt our Supplies ー It is therefore of the greatest Moment that you march with all Dispatch to Fort... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
You doubtless have heard of the engagement between our fleet on the Lake, and the enemy, on the 11th instant. Our advice left them the 12th, our fleet then at anchor near Schuyler's Island, in a Battered and leaky condition; the enemy just appearing in sight, beating up with a light southerly breeze. Events since have been very unfavourable: Our fleet made but little tarry at anchor, only to stop... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
...we Expect a general battle here within a few days, As the Enemy have been Landing on frogs Point Ever Since Last Saturday from Long Island, & from the s[h]ipping which came through hell gate on Sunday, Supposed to be About 40 Sail, Part of which has Since returnd ー on Monday a Number of boats with cannon & other warlike Stores, on board, were Lost in hell gate ー tis supposed the Enemy'... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
[New York] 17th Octrー The Recruits lately arrived for those Regiments which are with the Army under General Howe, went through Hellgate this morning in Flatboats. The ships with the Hessians cannot go through for want of a proper wind. Several ships with Horses and Waggons are detained for the same reason. The Senegal Sloop of War got through this Morning with much difficulty; she touched the... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Capt John Roche having laid his plan before Congress they have referred the same to this Committee with power to carry it into Execution, and as we are of opinion the publick Service of America will be promoted by it We hereby authorize and require you to have built with the utmost Expedition a Brigantine calculated for a Vessell of War a fast Sailer and of strong Construction to carry Eighteen... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Honorable the Congress having ordered that you should make avoyage under direction of the Secret Committee therefore you will receive their Instructions and comply with them ー Those fulfilled you must give us notice that we may again direct your further proceedings, and during your present voyage we expect you will transmit us any useful or important intelligence that comes to your knowledge... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Brigte Andrew Doria Isiah Robinson Commander     To the Commissioners of Naval Stores Dr.   — For his First Cruise —   1776 —     c  qrs  lb           September 24 To 1 Pair of Swifters wt 1. .3. .26 @90/     £    8.18..4   October 7  " Cash paid for days Labour   2. .0. .0       " "     "       "    for a suit of Colours   1.10..—         "     "       "    for sawing... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
In Council of Safety, [Philadelphia] October 17th, 1776. Mr. Nesbitt to pay Little & Owner £ 9 7 0, for making Ammunition Chest for Five Guard Boats. Mr. Nesbitt to pay George Graham £ 3 3 0, for Wharfage of the Armed Boat Convention. Resolved, That no persons be permitted to view the Fortification or go on Shore at Fort Island, unless they are employed in our Service, or have permission from... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
We send you by Mr [John] Barry the £ 400, you desire may be transmitted by him, and will write you fully about the Masts, Sails, Rigging, and Cordage, also the weight of Metal of the gallies as soon as we see Mr Stewart [Stephen Steward], who has proper Drafts of those vessels &c, and has engaged the necessary Cordage. We are &c:
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
This will be handed to you by Mr John David he I think is a verey fiting Man for first Leftenent of one of the galleys he is a brisk active Man he likewise Saild along time In one of the french galleys If you shuld think well of giving him a Comition he may be Recruting till the galley is Redey to shipp which will be In a few Days ー I am gentell men [&c.]
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Ordered that the Boat with all her Tackle and Furniture that was taken at Gwynns Island by some of the Provincial Officers from Thomas Ohanow be redelivered to the said Owner he having been tried by the Court of Commissioners for Gloucester County on suspicion of being inimical to the Rights and Liberties of America but acquited by the said Court.
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Ordered that a Warrant Issue to William Brokenberry for the use of Archibald Ritchie for four pounds sixteen shillings and nine Pence for necessaries furnished Capt Robert Tompkins for the use of the Henry Galley. ー Also for Thirteen pounds nineteen shillings and three pence for the use of Doctr John Brokenberry for Medicine furnished Capt Gabriel Jones's Company of Marines. ー Also for Ten pounds... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Board met according to Adjournment Present Edward Blake Esq: First Commissioner Thomas Savage, Thomas Corbett Esqrs: Geo: Abbott Hall Josiah Smith George Smith, Roger Smith Read the Minutes of last Meeting The following Letter was agreed to be sent to Mr. Anthony Bonneau, at George Town Navy Office Charlestown, October 17, 1776. Mr. Anthony Bonneau Sir Capt. Seymour having... Continue Reading
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
We are well informed, that the Men of War have left North Carolina, and gone to New York. Previous to their Departure, they burnt the Cruizer, being unfit for Service, and several Prize Vessels. It is more than probable, that there is not at present one British Ship of War on any Part of the American Coast between Pennsylvania and East Florida.
Date: 17 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
That there are now in this Town, a Number of the Subjects of the King of Great Britain, who were Taken & Sent into this port in Vessels, Either Employ'd in his Immediate Service, or by the Inhabitants of his Dominions, As at present We have no Authority to Restrain those People, they have been down to our Fort, Viewed the Entrance And Every other part of our Harbour, and Daily Visiting our... Continue Reading
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Owners of Captn [Joseph] Dennis's Sloop have deliver'd two of the Men which Sign'd their Articles, and have given sufficient Security that they will not carry away any of the Men belonging to the Fleet ー If you find any Men onboard that do belong to the Fleet take them out and then discharge the Sloop, as there are some of the Owners2 that are Men of honour & will not do any... Continue Reading
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Montgomery Privateer, belonging to Providence, has taken and sent into this Port, a Schooner from Cape Nichola Mole, bound to Halifax, having on board 9000 Gallons of Molasses and 6000 Wt. of Sugar. The Privateer had been out but 24 Hours when she took this Vessel. We hear that the Continental Brig Cabot, Capt. Elisha Hinman, has taken seven Prizes, one of which, a Ship, is arrived at Rhode-... Continue Reading
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The very critical state of our Army and frequent movements of the Enemy render it almost impossible for the General to write himself without neglecting more important duties. He therefore directs me to answer your letter of the 14th and to say that the Captains of the Galleys from your State have misbehaved invariably from the first moment they came to the time of their departure from hence about... Continue Reading
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
My Lord, I beg Leave to acquaint You that in Consequence of your Lordship's Directions signified to me of the 1st of September last; and finding His Majesty's Sloop Cruizer to be in a worse Condition than represented by the several Surveys held on her; (as will appear by Captain [Francis] Parry's Report of the 27th September here inclosed) I gave the necessary Directions for her Stores,... Continue Reading
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6


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