Volume 6

Early this Morning the great Fleet, with the second Division of the Hessians, Waldeckers, & British Recruits on board, appeared in the offing: about Noon, five or six Transports came up to the Town, the rest not being able to pass by the Hook through the contrary Wind. The Active Frigate of 28 Guns, Capt. [Anthony] Hunt, and the Cruizer Sloop of 8, also came into Harbor from the Southward.... Continue Reading
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
[New York] 18th Octrー The Rose of 20 Guns went through Hellgate this Morning without any difficulty, having a fine wind, & favorable tide. The transports with the Hessian brigade, from Staten Island, which have waited so long for a favorable opportunity, went through without any accident, and proceeded to join the Army. A Signal this morning at Staten Island for a fleet, supposed to be that... Continue Reading
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The honorable Congress having directed that you should make a voyage under orders of the Secret Committee you are therefore to receive their Instructions and comply with them giving us notice when the service by them required is performed that we may direct your future operations. During the present voyage we expect you will transmit us any useful or important intelligence that comes to your... Continue Reading
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Sloop Sachem Isaiah [sic James] Robinson Commander 1776 For Second Cruise. — [Philadelphia, Octoer 18, 1776]2 Septr 30. To Cash paid days labour p Locktons Bill & Carlisle for 3 h[i]des   £  12. .1..—   October 3. " 7 Bolts Russia Duck a£7.10p   52.10..—   7. " Cash paid days labour p Locktons Bill & for sawing 2 Cord Wood   24. .2. .6   12... Continue Reading
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Herein you will find two Resolves of the Continental Congress2 of which we have the honor to be members, whereby you'l observe you are ordered to account with us from time to time for the Continental Share of all Prizes received and sold by you as Agent and to pay the amount thereof to our order. In obedience to this Resolve we think proper to lay it down as a Rule, that you State your... Continue Reading
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Sir We have the honor to inclose herein a Resolve of the Continental Congress2 of which we are members whereby you will see we are empowered to order a proper and just distribution of all Prizes taken by the Cruizers Genl Washington caused to be fitted out on Continental Account, and also that we are authorized or rather Ordered to receive from the Agents who received and sold the said... Continue Reading
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
In Council of Safety, [Philadelphia] October 18th, 1776. Resolved, That in Consideration of the high price of Cloathing. &ca., the pay of the men on board the Fleet belonging to this State, be advanced to Three Pounds P month, to commence from the next pay day.
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
this will be handed to you by Mr Gideon Dair [Adair] he is averey sperited young fellow and has all Ways ben verey Desirous of geting Into the Cuntreys service he now is verey Desirous going out In your Largest Armd Schooner Captain of Moreins I think no one of My aQuantance More Deserving of a Cometion than Mr adair I Would awaited on you Myself Was not My Presence Much want'd In the yard but... Continue Reading
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
We, the subscribers, joined three companies of the 26th battalion of militia, under the command of col. [William] Harrison, at Sandy-Point, on Tuesday the 23d July last, early in the morning, in the character of volunteers. About 9 o'clock the ships began to man their tenders and small boats, when col. Harrison ordered the three companies to stand to their arms, and after watching the motions of... Continue Reading
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Captain Sandford Commander of the Brig Adventure bound to Dunkirk requested this Board to inform him the Termes for his undertaking the Voyage Ordered therefore that he be allowed eight shillings per day and Cabbin Stores and it was also further Ordered that his Mate be allowed six shillings per day.
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
ordered that Capt Robert Cooke of the Schooner Speedwell proceed immediately with his Vessel to Alexandria and wait on Mr John Dalton with a letter from this Board who will furnish him with such necessaries as he may be in want of for fitting his Vessel for a Voiage to the West-Indies, which being done, he is to take on Board a Load of Flour and Tobo which will be delivered him by the said Dalton... Continue Reading
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
A Maryland privateer, fitted out by Mr. [Gilbert] Middleton, of Annapolis,1 has taken a Jamaica ship, and sent her into Hampton Road, having on board upwards of 300 hogsheads of rum and sugar, some cotton, coffee, indigo, &c.
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Since the Resolve of your Honorable Board came to hand for the King Tamminy to Cruize we have been indefaticable in Our Endeavours to get her Mann'd and rendered fit for Sea, and we have the pleasure to inform you that She is now nearly, or quite complete. We have lately been informed the Pennsylvania Farmer is gone up to New Bern, to heave down, and will not be ready for some considerable time... Continue Reading
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
At a meeting of the Council, [Savannah] 18th October, 1776. Ordered, that Capt. Pray be directed to proceed on a voyage to the Island of Saint Thomas and to procure as many seamen, arms, ammunition and swivels as he possibly can, and that he be permitted to mount as many carriage guns, as the vessel can bear on his return hither.
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
My Lord; I am sorry to inform your Lordship that the Cumberland Packet Boat, which was dispatched the 9. of September, after out living a severe Storm at Sea, returned in about three weeks, in distress, and sunk in the Harbour. The amer[i]can male [sic] was sent by Captain [Thomas] Bishop of the Lively to New York. The Captain and Crew with the Guns that were on Board the Packet, are on Board the... Continue Reading
Date: 18 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
We the Subscribers inhabitants of Barrington in the Province of Nova Scotia, Haveing hired and partly Loaded the Schooner Hope with Fish and Liver Oyl bound for Salem or Newbary In the Province of the Massachusetts Bay ー Earnestly Pray and Request of you the Honble Congress or those whose business it may be to see to it, To permitt and Suffer the said Loading to be disposed of by Herman Kenney... Continue Reading
Date: 19 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
That We your Petitioners can Testify that Walter Perkins have Acted and Serv'd as Second Lieut on Bord the Schooner Dilligent John Lambert Commander since the 16th March last, and to general Satisfaction both to Officers & Seamen as he took a Commission for said Schooner in the Name of Jonathan Knight for Executing the Office as above and did it from the Above Date. the said Commission was... Continue Reading
Date: 19 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Montgomery and Eagle Privateers have taken and sent into a Port at the Westward a Schooner from Cape-Nichola Mole, bound to Halifax, having on board 9000 Gallons of Melasses, and 3000 Weight of Sugar. The Privateers had been out but 24 Hours when they took this Vessel.1 Capt. [Abner] Coffin in the Privateer Favourite, has taken and sent into Port a Schooner from Dominica, bound to... Continue Reading
Date: 19 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
I have a Complant Enter a gainst Mr James Bryant your goner [gunner] for Carring a way with out Leaye out of the alfred a pare of pistoles and Sum other things belonging to the goner of the alfred and on Rescept of this you are to Lett Leut [Robert] Saunders have the pistoles if to be found and Lett him Sarch to his Satisfaction for the other things mising.
Date: 19 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
I understand by Captn [John Paul] Jones that there is some Junk and Sails-onboard the Prize Ship which he sent in to Bedford ー2 and as them Articles are much wanted onboard several of the Continental Vessels in this Port Should be glad you would Send all those Articles more than barely for the Ship by the first Opportunity to this place to me, or in my absence to Mr. John Manley deputy... Continue Reading
Date: 19 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6


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