Volume 6

October 1776 Sunday 20 Lattde In 32..06 N at Noon Saw a Sail under the Lee gave Chace in Company with HM Ship Galatea & Brig First Part fresh Breezes and Cloudy Middle & Latter Light Airs ½ pt 6 PM Lost sight of the Chace at 9 Saw a Light to the WNW Monday 21 ½ pt 1 Saw a Sail Cleared Ship for Action Spoke the Galatea found She had taken the Sloop Little Dolphin of Bermuda from... Continue Reading
Date: 21 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
I think proper to certifye that Mr Thos Stone whom I have appointed Commissary for the Exchange of Prisoners, is at the same Time Commander of the Pacific Sloop, & has also the Direction of the Hostage Cartel Schoonerー Given on board the Rainbow 22d Octr 1776 [at Halifax]
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Last Sunday arrived at Saco a small prize schooner sent in by the Putnam Privateer, John Harmon Commander, having on board 300 bushels of salt and some oyl. Next day arrived another schooner, taken by the same privateer, having on board 375 quintals of green fish, and some oyl; she brings an account of another small vessel taken that is not yet arrived, and one that they took, which was... Continue Reading
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Saturday last was sent into this port a prize brig, bound to Bilboa, with 2000 quintals of fish, taken by a Salem privateer. Yesterday was brought to this town, from Falmouth, 16 English Light Horse, which were taken some time ago in a prize, and carried into that port. Monday 14th inst. arriv'd at Falmouth (C[asco] Bay) a large ship from Jamaica, bound to London, laden with 500 hogsheads of... Continue Reading
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Capt John Fiskー The Brigantine Tyrannicide under your Command being properly Armed & Man'd, and in other respects fitted for a Cruise, You are hereby Ordered & dii-ected immediately to proceed to Sea, and Use your utmost Endeavours to protect the Sea Coast, and Trade of the united States, And you are also directed to exert yourself in making Captures of all Ships & other Vessels,... Continue Reading
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
I am happy in receiveing the dispatches from the secret Committe by this days post with directions how to conduct relative to the unfortunate Capt [William] Tokely & his New Master Capt [Elijah Freeman] Paine, with pleasure I acquaint you that after an interview with Mr [Samuel] Adams & Colll [William] Whipple concerning this affair, the same evening they left this Town ー I saw Capt... Continue Reading
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Interogations answered by Thomas Turnbull late Mate on board the, Prize Ship Belle Interog: When where and by whom was the Said Ship and her Cargo taken, who was the Master of the said Ship when taken, what is her Tonage, from whence and to what Port was She bound what are the Contents of her Cargo, and who are the Owners of said Ship and her Cargo? Answr The said Ship and her Cargo... Continue Reading
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Continental Frigate called the Providence is gone to Newport. The Warren was under Sail last Sunday, and out sails all the Boats in the River upon a Wind without Mainsail or Top gallant Sails being set. How the Providence sails I know not, as She went down before the Wind directly from Me. They are Two very fine Ships, and a Credit to our little State. There has been bro't into this Port 32... Continue Reading
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
You are desired to attend at a Court Martial to be held onboard the Ship Alfred at two OClock this afternoon for the Tryal of Samuel Halm or Einom James Robinson and John Robinson for Mutiny and Thomas Donehoe By Order of the honble Esek Hopkins Esqr Commander in Chief ー
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
You are directed to go onboard the Alfred and take the Command of her and go to Sea with her and the Hamden [Hampden] Captn [Hoysteed] Hacker, who will be directed to keep Company with you, and follow your directions ー You will form such Signals, and appoint such Rendezvous, as you think will best answer the end of keeping Companyー You are to Take all british Vessels, and all Vessels bound to any... Continue Reading
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
You are to go to Sea with the Hamden [Hampden] under your Command, in Company with the Alfred, and take and follow such directions as you may receive from time to time from Captn [John Paul] Jones respecting your Cruise ー If you should part with the Alfred by accident, you are to do all in your power to join her ー but should you not be able to join You are to cruise as long as you can in such... Continue Reading
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The above and annex'd is a list of what Goods belonged to the Captain and Passengers onboard the Ship Ester sent in to Deptford by the Cabot ー and as it has been Customary in this State for the Captains to have their private Adventures, and the Agent here has always delivered it by my Consent ー and as the above Lists does not to me seem unreasonable ー I think you will do well do [sic] deliver the... Continue Reading
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Voted, To allow Mr. Adam Babcock & Co., to export sixty barrels of salt beef to Rhode Island, for the use of their privateer. Voted, To sell to Mr. Adam Babcock & Co., two of the cannon and carriages taken on board the ship Guinea Man and brought in by Capt. [Seth] Harding to New London.2 Voted, To desire Mr. [Titus] Hosmer to give orders to Mr. [Abel] Buell for 40 fire-arms to... Continue Reading
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Octobr 76 Tuesday 22d At single Anchr in Huntingdon Bay ー Loyds pt. NWbN 1 M. AM saw the Niger at Anchor in the sound at 6 more Moderate Weigh'd & came to sail the Niger working to Windwd past by her, fir'd a six poundr at a Privateer Sloop that run into Norwalk Harbor, stood into 5 faths and run along shore as far as Fairfield at Noon the Fore NbE 6 ms haul'd our Wind Employ'd working... Continue Reading
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Sir In addition to the memorandums with which I have troubled you, to be communicated to His Majesty's Ministers; I must beg you will represent the necessity of sending out for this service, as early as possible, a Battalion consisting, at least, of three hundred seamen, it being to be wished that the expensive expedient, to which we have been obliged to have recourse this year, of detaining... Continue Reading
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Sir I have already said so much to you upon the necessity of having a considerable number of seamen in readiness for the Lake Service, that I can now only repeat, for the reasons before alledged, my request that you will leave as many as possible in Canada; and that particularly the Frigates of which I wrote lately may remain, as they can furnish in the greatest proportion, and our wants will be... Continue Reading
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Capt. Samuel Tuder one of the superintendents of the Continental frigates building at Poughkeepsie, attending, informed the Committee that the said frigates were by the Honourable the Continental Congress, ordered to be launched as soon as possible, that one if not both of them will be ready to be launched in a few days, but that they are at present destitute of anchors and cables. Capt. Tuder... Continue Reading
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
These are to Certify the Right Honorable The Lords Commissioners of His Majestys Treasury that John Blackburn Esquire of London hath supplied from on Board the Brigantine Burgoyne James Emerton Master for the Use of His Majestys Land Forces under my Command and delivered at this place to His Majestys Commissary General of Stores and Provissions One hundred and thirty Hogsheads containing Thirteen... Continue Reading
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Resolved, That the Commissioners going to the Court of France be directed to procure from that Court, at the expence of these United States, either by purchase or loan, eight line of battle ships of 74 and 64 guns, well manned, and fitted in every respect for service; That as these ships may be useful in proportion to the quickness with which they reach North America, the Commissioners be... Continue Reading
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6
I Elijah Bowen of the City of Philadelphia ー considering the Uncertainty of this transitory Life, do make and declare these Presents to contain my last Will & Testament: That is to say, I give and Bequeath unto my Loving Friend Susannah Derry of said City all my Estate & Property wheresoever it may be found being Second Lieutenant on Board the Brigt Lexington ー And all the rest of my... Continue Reading
Date: 22 October 1776
Volume: Volume 6


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