American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

Captain Conway arrived opposite the mouth of Port Tobacco Creek about 2 oclock this morning & it being calm & an ebb tide he came here for orders about eight oClock ー I sent him on board again immediately to proceed up the eastern branch of this river till his vessel was fast on ground & then to deliver the powder to the Committee of Bladensburgh if I am not there without loss of time... Continue Reading
Date: 7 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
You are hereby required and directed to proceed to Sea imediately with the Tender, Lord Howe, under your commd and cruize off the Mouth of the River Delaware, placing yourself in the best manner you can to intercept any vessels going in or coming out of Philadelphia, which you are to Seize and detain, and send round to Norfolk. And whereas I have ordered the Kingsfisher Sloop to the Same Station... Continue Reading
Date: 7 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
March 1776 Friday 1 Moor'd in Cape Fear Harbour. (A M) at 8 fired a Gun as Signal for a Pilot Came out the Faulcons Tender with a pilot at 10 Weighed at 11 Came too in 7 ffams Cape Fear EBN the Et end of Oak Isld. NE First middle and Latter mode at 3 weighed came to Sail Standing in for the Harbour Let the reefs out of the Tops sails got up T G yards and Sett T G sails at 6 Came too in Cape... Continue Reading
Date: 7 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Gentlemen: We have been privy tq several letters which have passed to and from Colonel McIntosh, Messrs. Demeré and Roberts, and yourselves; and we find by yours that you consider that we consented the merchant shipping should go down to Cockspur, with the troops; whereas the most cursory review of the letter which appertains to that matter, will at once evidently show you, that the troops and... Continue Reading
Date: 7 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Lost sight of the Sloop Saw the Land bearing from NNW to SW distance 7 Leagues Bent now buoy Ropes to the Anchors others lost in [New] Providence Harbour Fresh Gales and clear Wr At 1 (PM) found the small bower Cable the Outward end much Rubd and wore and unfit for service cut off 15 Fathom ー Bent the Cable At past came to Anchor off St. Augustine Barr in 8 fathom Water, the Bacon WbS the Fort... Continue Reading
Date: 7 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir I have the honour to acquaint your Excellency that His Majesty's Schooner under my Command is arrived off this Bar in three Days passage from New Providence, and that on Sunday last [March 3] an Armament consisting of eight Sail of North American Vessels Vizt. two Ships two Brigs three Sloops and one Schooner arrived at that place and landed Troops supposed to the Number of four or five... Continue Reading
Date: 7 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
To Esek Hopkins Esqr Commander in Chief of the Continental Fleet ー The Petition of Joseph Hinson Sheweth That your Petitioner is Master of the Brigt Christianna, off and from St. Thomas's (an Island subject to his Danish Majesty) bound to New Orleans in the River Missisippi and put into this port about a fortnight past in a leaky Condition; That he obtain'd leave of the then Governor and Officers... Continue Reading
Date: 7 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
This May Certify that I John Rich of Magerbagawayduce With a Permit from the Committee to Sail to marblehead Second Day of Febery the Third Day Ariveed at Both by Lay there at that Harbor thirtwen Days the Seventwen Day Came out in Morning about eaight Clock about Eaight Clock at Night I See the Light on the Island Shooles I Run for Cape and Being very Dark and Came In Full of Snow I Could Not... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Monday Night [March 4] Two Thousand men under the Command of Brigadier General [John] Thomas took Possession of Dorchester Heights; a vast Quantity of Materials being previously Collected, especially, Chandiliers, & Fascines, our Troops were soon coverd, & long before day, began fo Break Ground to thicken their defences against The Enemys Cannon: ー To Conceal our design, & divert the... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I Enoch Linnel of Eastham Mariner of lawful Age Testify that in the Month of February A. D. 1775 being then Master of the Sloop Unity of Thirty Tuns Burthen Value one hundred and twenty Pounds Lawful Money - Bound from Salem to Eastham with a Cargo on Board of one Hundred sixty Six pounds seventeen Shillings and seven Pence three farthings lawful Money Value as may be seen per Invoices and... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
As his Exceliency Genl Howe is determined to leave the Town with the Troops under his Command, a Number of the respectable Inhabitants being very anxious for its Preservation & Safety, have applied to Genl [James] Robertson for this Purpo~se, who at their Request has communicated the same to his Excellency, Genl Howe, who has assured him that he has no Intention of destroying the Town, unless... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Herewith I transmit to you Copies of Two Letters I received since my last of the 26th past from Captain Parker at New York, and Captain Wallace at Rhode Island, with their Intelligence and information of the State of these Colonies; And I am now to inform you, Sir, that on the Morning of the 4th instant we observed that the Rebels had the preceding night taken post on the heights of Dorchester,... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
March 1776 Friday 7 [sic 8] [In Nantasket Road] AM [Unmoored] and Came to Sail Out of Nantasket Road, Boston Light SWb W 5 or 6 Leagues at 1 P M made a signal to the Fowey in Marble Head Do fired a gun and made the Signal for all Cruizers at 3 Spoke HM ship Fowey, bore away and Set Studding Sails at 7 Hauld down Do ½ pt 8 Came too in Nantasket Road with the S.Br in 3 f. Veer'd ½ of a Cable... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Inventory of the Stores belongen to the United Colonies from on Board the Schooner Harrisson at Plymouth 8th March 1776 4 Carredg Guns 4 pounders 4 Swivells 1 Ditto belongin to one of the Privs 1 Ditto Swivel 2 Kow hornes 5 Kags of Powder   55 lb 1 Ditto   27 27 Carterages   37 1 Kag with ditto     4   123 3 Pouch Kags 8 Carterages boxs 1 Powder horn a Number of Fuzs... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
By Capt. John Chapman from the West Indies, we learn that Capt. Jabez Perkins, Jun. and Capt. ---- Brown, from this Port, also Capt. Alex. Boyd from this Port, but last from Virginia, are taken and carried into Antigua. The English Men of War examine all the vessels they meet with, and have lately carried into Antigua two French Vessels, where they were condemned.
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I am honoured with yours of the 4th instant. The Continental Congress have resolved that Capt. [Jacobus] Wynkoop should be employed upon the lakes under Commodore [William] Douglass. Whether the latter gentleman means to engage in the service I do not know. Of this Congress can very speedily inform itself, as he resides near New-York. Should he not engage, there is no person I would more... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The following is a Copy of a proposal made me by Jno Griffiths a Partner to Saml Patrick to which I acqui[e]sced March 8, 1776 An Estimate of Ball and Ballast for the ships of War building in New York Province vizt Ballast at the lowest Computation 150 Tons Pig Iron a £  8. p Ton Grape Shott 10 Tons a £20. p Ton Ball from 4 lb to 32 lb 50 Tons a £15. p Ton 20 Cannon of 9 lb by th end of... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Ordered, That Mr. [Thomas] Randall and Colonel Ten Broeck be added to the committee to confer with Lord Stirling, on the subject of a communication with the ships of war, &c. and that Mr. [John Sloss] Hobart and Mr. [Leonard] Gensevoort be excused from attending the said committee. A letter from Capt. Joseph Smith, setting forth his distress, and offering his service to his country... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I write this letter to you in the utmost confidence of secrecy, and therefore no man but yourself is to see it. It is absolutely necessary to prevent the present communications between the ship Phenix, which lays off the ー west end of Long-Island, below the Narrows, and the people of that part of Long Island; but more especially to take or destroy a certain Frank James, a pilot, who now assists... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Dr Papa ... If we take Quebec, of wh we have hopes: I think it will not be very difficult to draw the Canadians into the union on certain terms: I am sure it is their interest to unite with us, and The Congress is disposed to make it their interest and to convince them of this disposition.... By General Washington's last letter to Congress dated 26th Febry he seems to be of opinion that Howe is... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776