Volume 5

1776 May 23 Yankee, Sloop. Guns, 9; Men, 60. Commander: Henry Johnson. Bond: Continental, $5,000. Bonders: Paul Dudley Sargent and Henry Johnson, mariners, both of Boston, and Nathaniel Crafts, merchant of Watertown. Owners: Paul Dudley Sargent & Co. Witnesses: Perez Morton, Benjamin Hichborn.
Date: 23 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Genl [Artemas] Ward desires you would provide proper boarding and lodging for Mr.John Aleaster, a Midshipman who is a prisoner of war, he is to be confined to the town of Concord until further orders, and the expence of his decent support is to be charged to the Continent and paid by order from the commander in chief of the Continental Troops at Boston  I am &c.
Date: 23 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston duly Qualified & legally warned in public Town Meeting assembled at the Old Brick Meeting House on Thursday the 23d day of May Anno Domini 1776 ー The Town took into consideration the expediency of sinking Hulks in this Harbour, at present ー and the Question being put ー vizt Whether it be the sense of the Town, that it... Continue Reading
Date: 23 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Yours of the 18th Inst. the General received this day, in answer to which I am to inform you that when you want provisions for the Continental Privateers, you may draw upon the Commissary who will be ordered to supply you. The General wants a particular account of the prisoners under your care who are supported by the Continent, and what the expence of their present support is? Capt [Daniel]... Continue Reading
Date: 23 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Early last Friday morning [May 17], the Franklin schooner, one of the Continental cruizers, commanded by Capt. James Mugford, of Marblehead, fell in with one of the enemy's transport ships from Cork, bound directly into this harbour, the Captain not knowing that the place had been evacuated by the British fleet and army. Notwithstanding she appeared to be an armed ship, and was in sight of the... Continue Reading
Date: 23 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Amount of the Cargo &c of the Severil Vessills Fitted out on Acct of the Contenent by Nichs & John Brown ー Viz Sloop Polley Benja Cumstock £     932.. 1.. ー Schooner William Joshua Bunker     4536.. 8..3 Brigg Happy Return Gideon Crawford     3036.. 5..3½ Schooner Salley Saml Avery     4067.11..6      £ 12572.. 6..0½ Commn 5 PCt       628.12..3½   £ 13200.18..4 First... Continue Reading
Date: 23 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
You being Master of the Schooner Sally fitted by Us with your Cargo onbord, on Accot & Risque of the thirteen United Colonys In consequence of a Contract with the secret Comte of the Honbl Contenental Congress, Our Orders are that you proceed with all possable Dispatch Consistant with the Graitest Prudence & Care to Avoid the Enemy, to Nantes in France or to Some safe Place at the... Continue Reading
Date: 23 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Notice is hereby given, that on Wednesday the 29th Day of May inst. at Nine o'clock in the Forenoon, at Col. Daniel Tillinghast's Wharff and Store, in Providence, will be sold at public Vendue, to the highest Bidder, the Brigantine called the Georgia Packet, Burden about 90 Tons, with all her Appurtenances and Cargo, consisting of Flour, Sea Bread, Bisket, Rum, Porter, Bar-Iron, &c. &c.... Continue Reading
Date: 23 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Sail Makers in the different Regiments, are all to parade in front of the General's Quarters, tomorrow morning at six o'clock. All those men of the following Regiments (Vizt:) Colonel Person's [Samuel Holden Parsons], [Charles] Webb's, [Loammi] Baldwin's, [John] Nixon's, [Samuel] Wyllys's and [James] Read's, who have agreed to serve in the Whaling Boats with Lieut: Col. [Benjamin] Tupper, are... Continue Reading
Date: 23 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
General Putnam, attending, was admitted. He produced a letter from General Washington, containing extracts of a letter from Major-Genl. Schuyler, requesting intrenching tools, rigging, sail cloth and sailmakers, and lead, desiring General Putnam to request the aid of this Congress to procure those articles, or spare any of those articles, if they have them in store. General Putnam was informed... Continue Reading
Date: 23 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Resolved, As the opinion of this Congress, that James M'Knight ought to restore to the owners the money found on board the sloop Sally, and also all the effects, or the money he received for the effects, on board the said sloop, at the time she was run on shore, and for the wreck, tackle and furniture of said sloop; which effects, wreck, tackle, and furniture, were sold or pretended to be sold,... Continue Reading
Date: 23 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
With the Brig Rogers, now Under Your Command (being Ready for sea since the 11th of this Month) we desire You may directly get Under way, & proceed with her to Annapolis, and there go on shore & wait on the Council of Safety, for their Orders where You are to proceed & Deliver your Cargo, and when You Receive their Orders, let us know to what Place you are Bound that we may send... Continue Reading
Date: 23 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
the bearer Capt Thos Ridly of the Brig Rogers will Deliver this to you, and I make no doubt you will give him orders to Sail Directly. Indeed I have allredy been at a Considerable Expence by the Dalay the Vessell has met for the benefitt of the Publick, but I make no doubt of Being Reimbursed on Applycation. I would have gon down with the Captn but nei ー ther my health, nor Business will permitt... Continue Reading
Date: 23 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
On motion, Resolved, That a committee be appointed to examine into the expenditures of the money placed in the hands of Mr. William Lux, as agent for the ship Defence; and Mr.[Thomas] Ringgold, Mr. Beall, Mr.[William] Richardson, Mr. [James] Murray, and Mr. Turbutt Wright, were elected by ballot a committee for that purpose.
Date: 23 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I wrote you this morning that 30 sail of the enemy's fleet were moved down the river, since which it appears that their whole fleet is in motion. From our church steeple I can see 60 or 70 sail of vessels of different kinds, hovering about the mouth of James's river. What they mean is impossible to tell.
Date: 23 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Wednesday 22d At a Single Anchor in Hampton Road, Virginia Fine pleasant weather, dried Sails, and exercised the Ships company at Great Guns and small Arms; at Noon Sent the Barge and Cutter to assist getting down the fleet from Norfolk, who were at this time under certain apprehensions of being destroyed by the Rebels. Ditto weather, this afternoon many of the fleet came down,... Continue Reading
Date: 23 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I have not lately heard from Cape Fear nor do we know with any kind of certainty what number of Troops may be there, by the last advices there were about seventy sail of Vessels in the River of different Burthens, some of them large Transports, it was likewise said that two large Ships supposed to be Men of War of fifty Guns lay without the Bar. It is difficult to conjecture their meaning or what... Continue Reading
Date: 23 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
1776 May Sunday 19 [Off the coast of South Carolina] A M saw the land from NbE to WNW dist 6 Lgs lattr part fresh gales & squally in all reefs T sails, and handed F T sail, wore ship First part fresh gales & thick Wr, with rain, sett F T sail @ 5 P M Chas town beacon NbW½W dist 7 or 8 miles TKd ship & fir'd a Gun for the schr2 to come under our stern, middle & lattr... Continue Reading
Date: 23 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Sir  I conceive your early knowledge, of the possession of this principal key of all North America, being effectually secured to His Majesty, to be of such immense importance, to the public weal, that I cannot excuse myself, from sending, the herewith inclosed duplicates, in the Ship Hope; she being a Transport, which we can very well spare. On the 22d General Carl[e]ton sail'd upwards, in His... Continue Reading
Date: 24 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Rate Ships Commanders   In Halifax Harbour   Disposition 4th Chatham V. Admiral Shuldham   [Moored off the Yard     Captn John Raynor   6th Lively "  Thos Bishop Under Orders to proceed with the Levant Victualler to New York and the Delaware, and from thence to Cape Fear and Saint Augustine " Scarborough " Andw Barkley Refitting " Greyhound " Archd Dickson Intended to accompany... Continue Reading
Date: 24 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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