American Theatre from August 1, 1776, to August 31, 1776

The Commissioners of the Navy having information of some six pounder on River, will be oblig'd if you'll make proper inquiry, and acquaint us whither the owner will dispose of them, and the price, if they belong to the Public, be so good as to let us know the safest and most expeditious way of getting them up the Country. We understand they belong to a Mr [Henry] Howard, near the half way House... Continue Reading
Date: 17 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Augt 1776 Saturdy 17 Mount Desert NWBN 8 or 9 Leags at 4 AM Made sail at 5 out 2d reefs at 11, 2 sail in Sight Mode & Cloudy at 2 PM saw 2 sail gave chase at 7 in 1st reefs 8 hoisted the boats out & gave Chace to the Strange Sails at 8 brought too Mntopsl to the Mast Sunday 18 at 4 AM Made sail saw the 2 Sloops Seizd them2 at 7 Departed this life Alexr Miller Carpentr... Continue Reading
Date: 18 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
I have the pleasure to Acquaint You that yesterday a Small Brig was sent in here taken by the Hancock & Franklin. she was going from St. Augustine to Bristol, her Cargo Consists only of 3600 Ran deer Skins, and 6840. Ib Indigo2 - two other of the Schooners are Abroad, the Lynch will sail to morrow. she came in two days ago After a Months Cruise without Success, having Nothing... Continue Reading
Date: 18 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
You are hereby directed to proceed immediately to Sandwich & there procure teams sufficient to convey two Sea Mortars with their appertenances across the land from Sandwich to Buzzards Bay; you will then procure Vessels proper for transporting the mortars from said Bay to N. York to which place you are to convey them with all possible safety & expedition, and deliver them to the order of... Continue Reading
Date: 18 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
You have, one Robert Aitkinson In your Hospital, who is an exceeding good Pilot for this Lake. If his health will posibly admit of his comeing here I beg you will let him have such necessaries as he may want, & dispatch him as soon as posible, He belongs to Major [John] Bigelow of the train. ー I am Dr Sir [&c.]
Date: 18 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
I have this moment received your letter from Crown Point of yesterday evening. It is my Orders you Instantly put Commodore Wynkoop in Arrest and send him prisoner to Head Quarters at Tyonderoga. You will at the same time acquaint the Officers of the Fleet that such of them as do not pay an Implicit Obedience to your Commands, are instantly to be confined & sent to me for Trial; I am Sir [... Continue Reading
Date: 18 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Thursday, General Arnold went to Crown Point to take the command of the Fleet, collected there, Inclosed is a Copy of my Orders to him, which he read and much approved, before his departure from hence, ー Late, last night, I received the within Letter from the General, with an Extract of what passed between him and Mr [Jacobus] Wynkoop, which you will also find in the Packet, together with my... Continue Reading
Date: 18 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Names of Vessels and Commanders No of Guns Size of Guns No of Swivels No of Men   Sloop Enterprize Dickson 12 4    lbrs 10 50 Sailed Schooner Royal Savage Wynkoop 12 4.6 lbrs 8.4 1bs 10 50   Do Revenge Seamon 8 4.4 lbrs 4.2 lbs 10 35   Do Liberty Premier 8 2.4 lbrs 6.2 lbs 8 35   Gondola N: Haven Mansfield 3 1.12 lbr 2.9 lbs 8 45   Do Providence Simmons 3         Do. 8 45... Continue Reading
Date: 18 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
You with the Party of Men under Your Command, will immediately embark on Board of two large & one small Batteau, to be delivered You by Mr [illegible] the Waggon master at the Provision store & will proceed from hence with all possible Dispatch to Poughkeepsie & there deliver the Letter addressed to Messrs [Augustin] Lawrence & Tudor [Samuel Tuder]. You will there take on Board... Continue Reading
Date: 18 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Phoenix and Rose shot by all the Forts & got down to Staten Island thro' the Delays in obstructing the Channel. They have created some Expence to the Continent in the Land Carriage of Provisions from Philadelphia to New York ー Had they brought up a 1000 spare Hands, they might have spread Fire all along the Shores up to the Highland Forts. It is difficult to say who is most to blame the... Continue Reading
Date: 18 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
[August 1776] Saturdy 17th In Hudsons River New York AM at 1/2 past 4 saw 4 Rebel Galleys about 3 Miles below us, they Row'd off and kept close to the Fort on the Eastern Shore, which we suppos'd to be the Channell. First part light breezes and Clear, Middle little Wind with Rain Sunday 18th AM at 5 weigh'd and came to Sail as did the Phenix Tryal Schooner, and Shuldham Tender, steering... Continue Reading
Date: 18 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
August 1776. Sunday 18th At Single Anchor Off Staten Island. at 5 AM Weigh'd and came to Sail in Co his Majestys Ship Rose, Tryal Schooner and the Shuldham, at 20 Minutes past 5 the Rebels Fir'd at us from a Battery on the Eastern Side of the River which we return'd. at 1/2 past [5] passed through the Channell on the East side of the Vessels &ca Sunk by the Rebels to block up the Channell... Continue Reading
Date: 18 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Dear General Early this morning The Phenix man of war, Rose Frigate, and the Two Tenders Came to Sail and stood Down the River, Keeping Close under the East shore, in Order to avoid the Fire of our Cannon, But notwithstanding this Precaution the Phenix was Thrice Hull'd by our Shot from mount Washington, and One of the Tenders Once, ー The Rose was Hull'd once by a shot from Surdits Ferry ー They... Continue Reading
Date: 18 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
I am happy Capt Van Buren has succeeded so well in the business he was upon, it being of great consequence for us to fit out and maintain our vessels on the Lakeー On the night of the 16th two of our Fire Vessels attempted to burn the Ships of War up the River. One of them boarded the Phoenix of 44 Guns and was grappled with her for some minutes, but unluckily she cleared herself ー The only damage... Continue Reading
Date: 18 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
Dear Sir It was with no small Degree of Pleasure, on my Return here, I ob-served the Cheerfulness which brightened the Countenance of every Soldier I met. The whole Army are in most excellent Spirits &-shew an Impatience for Action And the Spade & Pick Ax have been so well employ'd, that there is scarce a Spot upon the whole Island, where a Redoubt or Breast Work could be of service, but... Continue Reading
Date: 18 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
The Phenix & Rose have Just now passed our Batterys & I fear without much damage ー I was in one of the Batterys during the whole time they were within gun shot ー The visit they had two nights agoe from our fire ships made them sick of their Station & they have now Joind the fleet at the Narrows ー Every countenance here is chearfull and if our Enemies dare attack they will undoubtedly... Continue Reading
Date: 18 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
This Morning, the Wind being strong at N E and the Weather hazy, the Phoenix and the Rose, with two Tenders, came down the River, in Defiance of all the Efforts of the Rebels from Batteries, Cheveaux de Frize, &c. Not one of all their Shots struck the Phoenix, and but one or two the Rose, and those did but little Damage. One man only was wounded by a Splinter in the Leg. The Rebels kept up an... Continue Reading
Date: 18 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
This night and morning blowing and raining very hard. At five o'clock in the morning or a little after, heard a heavy cannonade up the North River; it continued to increase, and canie nearer to us. About seven o'clock all the batteries in and near the town and opposite shore were firing away very fast; at this time very thick, raining and blowing. A little before eight the Phoenix, Rose, Trial... Continue Reading
Date: 18 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
August 1776 Monday 19 [In the St. Lawrence River above Sorel] at 4 AM weigh'd and run 4 Miles higher up and came to an Anchor, Empd loading flatt Bottomd Boats with stores &c for St Johns. ー Set out in above Boats, The Master, Boatsn and Gunner, with most of the People. ー2
Date: 19 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6
My Friends Your favours of the 5th instant I've recd and most heartily re-joice with you at the Success of our Arms, in taking sp many Prizes, they are continually coming in here ー Capt Brown in a small Sloop has just arriv'd here from Holland, belonging to Colonel [Isaac] Sears of New York and others, she is Loaden with Medicines Linnens &c valuable Cargo.ー If the Committee had let me have... Continue Reading
Date: 19 August 1776
Volume: Volume 6


Subscribe to American Theatre from August 1, 1776, to August 31, 1776