American Theatre from March 1, 1777, to April 30, 1777

I wrote you yesterday by post and took the liberty to ask the favr of you to forward a Letter to the Committee of Safety; Respecting the case of a Brig lately cast on shore some where nere point Judith she was sent for account of the Continent to return with Iron for the 74 Gun ship that is to be built here,2 I am a stranger to the neighbourhood where she is on Shore, but I am well... Continue Reading
Date: 28 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
That Your Petitioner was formerly a passenger on board the Ship Mary wereof Wm Jones was Late master and bound from St Cristophers to Liverpool that on the 19th of november Sd Ship was taken by an American Privateer Called the American Rivenue & Carried into bedford in Dartmouth that Shortly after Your Pettr was by order from the Honble Court March'd from bedford to Providence in order to be... Continue Reading
Date: 28 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The Humble petition of Hugh Lyle leat master of the ship Fame of phillada & in Continental Sarvis Bound to Lisbon march 1776 and on the Voyage got Dismasted & when arrivd at Said Lisbon after a Verry teadious passage Came under the King of portugals Decree was Oblidgd to lave there Said Ship Fame And in Order to get out to phillada took a passage by way of The west indias and when in... Continue Reading
Date: 28 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Petition of John Horrogan and Patrick McCartpy Natives of Ireland — Setting forth that they were at Newfoundland forced into the regular Service & sent to Fort Cumberland from whence they made their Escape in a Boat to Machias Since which they have served on board Privateers fitted out from this State, & faithfully performed their duty, as will appear by Certificates ready to be produced... Continue Reading
Date: 28 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
We the Subscribers having been taken and captivated as Subjects of the British Crown by the American Cruizers and brought into the Massachusetts Bay as Prisoners, Esteem ourselves under every obligation of Justice & Gratitude to declare and accordingly we do by this Instrument freely unitedly & solomnly declare that we have been treated by the Government of the aforesaid State with the... Continue Reading
Date: 28 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Married: In the North Parish of this Town, on Monday last, by the Rev'd Mr. Jewet, Elisha Hinman, Esq; Commander of the Alfred Continental Ship of War, to Miss Nabey Dolbeare, Daughter of the late Mr. George Dolbeare. ー Parties greatly esteemed and respected.1
Date: 28 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
. . . if you do but effect our European War to employ the British Navy, this Country will become Free and independant in a shorter time than cou'd have been expected. I fancy Genl & Ld Howe have it in View to attack this City they may possibly get possession & if they do it will probably bring on their ruin, for they will then raise a Nest of Hornets that they dont expect & are taught... Continue Reading
Date: 28 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
"A Plott! a Plott! an horrid Plott, Mr. A." says my Barber, this Morning. ー "It must be a Plott 1. because there is British Gold in it. 2. because there is a Woman in it. 3. because there is a Jew in it. 4. because I dont know what to make of it." The Barber means, that a Villain was taken up,2 and examined Yesterday, who appears by his own Confession to have been employd by Lord Howe... Continue Reading
Date: 28 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Isaiah Robinson Esqr quitam &c vs The Sloop Racehorse &c In the Court of Admiralty for the Port of Philadelphia in the State of Pennsylvania These are to Certify that by the Verdict of the Jury impanelled and sworn in the above Cause (among other things) it appears that there were Ten Cannon mounted and Sixty Men on board the said armed Sloop called the Racehorse at the... Continue Reading
Date: 28 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
A Representation from the Navy Board respecting the present situation of the Navy, was laid before the Council, and the same being considered ー thereupon Agreed, That the Navy Board be requeste to recommend such Commissioned Officers as may be necessary for the approbation of this Council, and that the said Board do appoint the Warrant Officers. That a Committee be appointed to Settle the... Continue Reading
Date: 28 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The House took into Consideration the Report from the Committee appointed to ascertain and determine the Number of Naval Officers necessary for this State and to describe and fix their several Districts, and thereupon came to the following resolutions: That the State of Maryland be divided into eight districts, and a Naval Officer appointed for each. That the river Potowmack be accounted the... Continue Reading
Date: 28 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
By mr. Thomas Dixon, who is just arrived from Bermuda, we learn that he was taken in the Eagle, capt. Johnson, belonging to Baltimore, with 5000 wt. of gunpowder, salt, and dry goods, by the Galatea's tender, one Burns commander, who is a native of Maryland. After remaining on board the tender some time, he was turned over to the Nautilus cruising off Bermuda, where, after remaining the best part... Continue Reading
Date: 28 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
March 1777 Friday 28 Moored in Port Royal Harbor Jamaica Moderate and fair Weather This day put His Majesty's Sloop Porcupine in to Commission as pr Order Vice Admiral Gayton, Saluted the Flag with 13 Guns.
Date: 28 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Ordered that William Phillips & Benjamin Austin Esqrs be a Committee to give directions for the bringing up into this Harbor the Brig Rising Empire now lying in Plymouth Harbor & upon her Arrival here to equip her if found suitable for the accommodation of such Prisoners as may be brought into this port by any of the Arm'd Vessels belonging to this or the United States agreeable to a late... Continue Reading
Date: 29 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
A brig, Capt. [John] Moody, belonging to Boston,1 which had been taken by a frigate, and ordered to Newport, arrived near Point-Judith on Monday last, when the wind proving unfavourable, she came to anchor. The enemy had put on board two midshipmen and eight seamen, and taken out all her former hands, except the mate and a boy; the latter, while his new shipmates were re[ve]ling below... Continue Reading
Date: 29 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Resolved, That the Marine Committee be authorized to advance to every able seaman that enters into the continental service, any sum, not exceeding forty dollars, and to every ordinary seaman or landsman, any sum, not exceeding twenty dollars; to be deducted from their future prize money.
Date: 29 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
I have it in Charge from Congress to transmit the above Resolve,2 which is so explicit that I shall not enlarge any farther than to direct, that you do not after Receipt hereof in any Way whatever exercise an Act of Authority or Command over any of the Vessels belonging to or in the Service of the United States of America. I am Sir [&c.]
Date: 29 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Herewith you will receive Several Packets for Wm Bingham Esqr at Martinico, they are of great consequence and must not on any account fall into the Hands of the enemy, therefore have them slung ready for Sinking in case of danger. Should you fall in with the Islands so as to make it convenient for landing these Letters at Martinico send an Officer on shore with them. He must deliver them himself... Continue Reading
Date: 29 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The Several Packets sent herewith were intended to be conveyed to you by the Randolph Frigate. They were sent out to sea after him by a Small continental sloop which has been cruizing in the proper Station for her since the Middle of feby 2 But it seems the Randolph carried away one of her Masts soon after she left this Port and put into Charles Town to refit, therefore I send these... Continue Reading
Date: 29 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
James Barron is recommended to his Excellency the Governor and the honble the Council as a Proper Person to be appointed Captain of the Boat Liberty ー Richard Servent is recommended to his excellency the Governor and the honble the Council as a Proper Person to be appointed first Lieutenant of the Boat Liberty ー Richard Barron is recommended to his excellency the Governor and the honble the... Continue Reading
Date: 29 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8


Subscribe to American Theatre from March 1, 1777, to April 30, 1777