American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

I have just now procured the dimensions of masts yards &c which I enclose to you. The length and bigness of cables and weight of anchors is not determined on but hope to bring it with me in the few days. Yours of the 26th ult is now come to hand enclosing a sketch of the harbor of Portsmouth for which I thank you .... P.S. I have sent the 15,000 dollars to the care of Mr. Thomas Cushing.
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
It being represented by the Commodore that Pilot Boats can be employed to more advantage in sounding the Channel at Reedy point, than the Armed Boats, and that he can employ skilful persons to effect that service without sending any of the Officers of the Boats; it is Resolved, That the Commodore hire pilot Boats, and employ such skilfull and trusty persons to do that business, as he shall judge... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
At a Meeting of the Committee Thursday 8 March 1776ー Resolved, that the Schooner Resolution be fitted out as a Tender for the Ship Defence on the present Emergency, and that Capt William Waud be Captain, Capt Thomas Moore 1st Lieutenant, Capt George Wise 2d Lieutenant, & Capt William Paddison Master ー Messrs Robert Purviance, George Woolsey, & David Stewart be directed to carry this... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
[Baltimore] Recd 8th March 1776 of Captain James Nicholson Fifty four Shillings for nine days work of one able rigger at Six Shillings p day, recd the above for James Galloway by Mary X Galloway [mark] £2.14
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Gentlemen. We are'much obliged for you information ー We yesterday sent an Express to Phila to forward our Powder & small Arms, and also to the Head of Elk to prevent it coming down by Water. ー Capt Nicolson's Guns are just now arrived, & alongside, & he will be in a very good posture of Defence by Sunrise tomorrow — We have hove up a Brest Work at Fells point near the Ship and shall... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I did not know until I had finished the Inclosed that the Bearer did not intend to call on Mr. [Charles] Carroll as that Letter represents our present Situation I thout it as well it should go forwd to you. I hope in God by tomorrow Night to furnish you a good accot of the Tenders & Hudsons Ship, & that the issue of this affair will reflect some little Honour on the Spirit of Maryland At... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir I left the Council of Safety yesterday in the afternoon after the man of war & her Tenders had passed the mouth of our River, if any place is in Danger of an immediate attack I think it will be the Town of Baltimore and on talking with their Committee of observation I find they have men enough but they are very badly armed I think therefore it will be proper that you march your Battalion... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
There was an immediate want of a surgeon for the ship Defence, neither the Surgeon we had thought of or his Mate being here, I therefore directed Doctr [Frederick] Weisenthall to appoint Mr [John] Coulter or some other, and to get all the lint Bandage &c he could, for the payment of which he should have an orderー
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
My dear Barrister. Mr Eddis is this moment returned from the Otter sloop of War and brought a letter from Capt Squire to the Governor, a copy of it I send you. As I expected So it has turned out that the man of war was detained three or four hours and in all probability winnot be before Baltimore Town 'till seven or eight oclock in the morning. I therefore send you this express to apprize you and... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
You are requested to keep a good Look out in the Bay near the Mouth of this River and see that no Vessell pass out of the harbour or from below towards the Mouth of Potapsco unless they have Licence so to do from the Council of Safety.ー
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Gentn We approve very highly your Conduct and the spirited Behaviour of the Militia ー The Man of War and Tenders are past this Harbour and we apprehend are bound to Baltimore, but as there is no determining precisely their Destination, and as possibly they may return more speedily, than we imagine, and attempt a Landing in your County, we recommend it to you to keep up a constant Guard to watch... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I have just now recd Yours of this date &have by Mr Eddis sent some Pamphlets I reced for you my intention on my return was to have called at Annaps & sent them on shore by a Flag of Truce as well as to Purchase fresh Provisions ー I am sorry to find by your Letter that the People of Annapolis Should be under any Apprehensions from their Town being burnt or beat down, I must beg Leave to... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Gent On Tuesday last [March 5] in the afternoon I received advice that three armed vessels were in and near the mouth of Patuxent, that one of them had taken a vessel laden with Flour bound to Casco Bay ー On the above notice (as soon as it was possible) we marched down to the mouth of Patuxent but before we could do any thing we were obliged to borrow all the arms from one Company of the militia... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
We have intelligence that the jail distemper rages with great violence on board lord Dunmore's fleet, particularly among the negro forces, upwards of 150 of whom, it is positively affirmed, have died withina short time, and who, as fast as they expire, are tumbled into the deep, to regale the sharks, which it seems swarm thereabouts, and no doubt keep a sharp a look-out for all such sorts of... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
You are hereby required and directed to put to Sea without a moments loss of time in his Majesty's Sloop under your command and proceed with all possible expedition to Boston, where you are to deliver the enclosed Packet to Rear Admiral Shuldham or the commanding officer of his Majesty's Ships and Vessels there, waiting his orders for your further proceedings. Given under my hand on board His... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
at 6 AM gave Chace to a Sail in the S E Qr from George Town to Salem without any papers at 10 Brat too the Chace the Sloop Adventure 2 loadd with Rice Indigo Dear Skins & Indian Corn the masters name Francis Boardman 3
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
... the Council of Safety request you to engage Dr Blake to build Such A Boat as you have given the dimensions of, agree with him for a price & Superintend the work from beginning to end & a proper Commission will he allowed for your trouble as is customary in Such cases, make such improvements upon Capt [Thomas] Buckle's model as you Shall judge proper ー from time to time draw on the... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
On Sunday [March 3] a Detachment of 120 Men of the Charlestown Volunteer Companies set out for Savannah. We hear from Savannah, that twoarmed Schooners and a Sloop had got above the Town through Back River, and had taken a Brigantine and Schooner lying there; that the Syren was arrived in the River; and that some large Vessels were in the Offing; that the Troops, said to be about 500 or 600, were... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir, I did myself the Honor to write to your Excely the 16th ulto which for want of Conveyance lyes here Still, as our Continental Post is not well regulated this Length yet. - It is hardly worth troubling you with any Report of our Battalion, as I have heard from very few of our Recruiting Officers, - & we have only between 20. & 30 Men of them in Town. - but the Transactions here since... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
[Wednesday] 6 at 9 AM got up the lower Yards & topgallant masts, a boat came from town.& brought Intelligence of Severall of the Rebells being taken fresh breezes & Clear [Thursday] 7 at 9 AM loosed Sails to dry &c People employ'd'in overhauling the Rigging and Watering the Ship Light breezes & Clear Wtr Carpenters Employ'd shifting some pieces in the main Deck. [Friday] 8.... Continue Reading
Date: 8 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776