Volume 9

Thomas Leppar late Gunner of the Arm'd Boat Camden having Petition'd the Board for a Second Lieutenancy on Board the Armed Boat Burke there being a Vacancy, the Board agreed he should be promoted to said Vacancy, and having attended, was qualified and received his Commission — Samuel Ford being recommended as A Capable Person to perform the duties of A Lieutenant, the Board appointed him Second... Continue Reading
Date: 9 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
July 1777 St Augustine Lighthouse S 34 W Distant 34 Leags [Wednesday] 9 at 4 saw a sail to the Eastward made sail & gave chace at 6 retook the Nancy a ship Belonging to London Loaded with rum, sugar & wine2 had Been taken by two Rebel Privateers hove too with M T sail to the Masts at 8 Little wind at 9 made sail at Noon Light Airs & Clear the Galatia Perseus... Continue Reading
Date: 9 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
July 1777 Tuesday 8th Saint Augustine S 33° 0" W 48 Leagues At 6 AM the Signal on Board the Brune to Spread, at 9 gave chace to the SE in Company with the Brune and Galatea: at Noon 34 Sick on Board. First and middle parts fresh gales and clear, at 2 PM Tacked after the chace, as did the other Ships; at 7 ar­ rived up with the Brune, shortened sail and left off chace: Wednesday 9th at 4... Continue Reading
Date: 9 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Trans on Thusday the 10 of July — the first part of this 24 Hours foggey Sounded Seveiral tims got Bottom from 50 to 60 &70 fathom Cach plenty of Mackrelland Cod At 4 am the fogg cleard aw y & we made the Land of Menheagin [Monhegan Is.] and fine and pleasa[nt] weather A Number of Small Craft a fishing At 5 oClock this afternoon we Came to an anchor in Sheeps Gut [Sheepscot] River all... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
You are hereby appointed to the command of the Guard Ship Adams now in this Harbour, by us provided agreeably to an Act of this State for the reception of all Persons convicted of being inimical to this & the other united States, & whose Residence in this State may be dangerous to the Public Peace & Safety; — You are accordingly to enter on said command & to receive on Board said... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
My duty lays me under the disagreeable Necessity of acquainting the Honble Board with the loss of the Brig Robert (late Lively) on her passage to South Carolina and sent into Rhode Island, I am glad there was no Cargo on board, and we have made some small saving by taking out a good New Cable of ten Inches full length — I could wish it was the only loss the publick have lately sustain'd from this... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Last week arrived at a safe port a Prize, which makes the eighth taken and the sixth sent in by Captain Fisk, in one of the State Vessels; she came from Topsham in England, was taken in seven days after sailing, her loading salt Provisions, and bound to Newfoundland: He also took another vessel from said Port, which he gave to the Prisoners about 60 in number. Saturday last Captain Glover... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Last Sunday arrived at this port the Brigantine Freedom, of 12 guns, in the service of this State, John Clouston, Esq; commander, in 40 days from Nantz — Capt. Clouston sail'd from Marblehead the 8th of last March, and has since taken 16 sail of vessels, 5 of which he burned, gave two away for the sake of getting rid of the prisoners, and discharged 9 for port, three of which are arrived — all... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
William Vernon, James Warren, and John Deshon, Esqr Whereas by a Resolve of Congress the Nineteenth day of April 1777 You were appointed a Board of Assistants to the Marine Committtee, to Reside at or in the Neighbourhood of Boston, in the State of Massachusetts Bay, with Power to adjourn to any Part of New England, and to have the Superintendance of all Naval and Marine Affairs of the United... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
July 1777 Thursday 10 At Single Anchor in Chesapeak Bay at 6 AM found the Emerald had left Lynn Haven Bay at 9 got up the Spare Sails to Air The Rebel Frigate in York River, Accompanied by two Schooners and 2 Galleys in Hampton Road2 12 heard a Gun fire at Cheqy Stone Point. Do Breezes and Hazey Weather Care n'd Ship and Scrub'd her bottom Employ'd Pointing and Robing the Foresail... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
July 1777 Thursday 10 Cape Henry SW ½ W 3 Leas At 5 AM weighed & gave chace to 6 Vessels to the SE as did the Brig [Raleigh] & Emerald. At 9 sent the pinnace who took a sloop from James River to the Wt Indies,2 the Longboat took a schooner from Do to Do3 & the Emerald's boats took 2 Sloops. Light Airs & cloudy. Cape Henry NW 6 or 7 Leas. At 5 P.M: joined... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
As the Senegal's Water is nearly expended, I am obliged to send Her to New York. I joined the Phoenix at Her Rendezvous the 5th of last month, and we proceeded immediately into this Bay, and put back Nineteen Sail out of twenty three that were without Cape Henry. The Raleigh arrived the 14th at Night, the Phoenix Sailed the next Day. The Thames is Stationed off York Spit at present, & the 1st... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
A Letter to Mr David Hamilton dated Navy Board July 7th 1777 Sir/ The President having Signified to the Board by Message delivered by Mr John Calvert that it was the Determination of the Council, that a Galley of the Following Dimensions Sixty Two feet Keel Twenty feet Beam & Six feet Clear in the Hold should be Immediately built for the defence of this State, you'l therefore have [the]... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Friday July 11th [1777] This Day plesent Weather at 10 am Waid anchor and Went up as far as Whiskcaiset [Wiscasset] point Where We Safely moored Ship
Date: 11 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Received of Nathaniel Shaw Junr Sixty pound Lawful money on Accot and for shiping men for the Continental Brig. Resistance Samuel Chew Esq Commander
Date: 11 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Lieuts [Ephraim] Chamberlain & [John] Oddel Just delivered your Orders respecting Sixty Men that are to Repair on Board my Ship. Proper Officers for the Ship have been Nominated & Appointed by the Honourbl Continental Congress. If those two Gentn stay on Board, they must expect to be Commanded by my Officers. I am Sr [&c.]
Date: 11 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
I just now received your Letter of this Date in Answer to which I can only say I sent the Officers as well as Men on Board of your Ship are to be commanded by you as they will of Course by any Officer Belonging to the Ship of superior Rank to them & I trust you do not mean that they shoud by any other — Your Officers without Men will be of little Service to the Public — The Ship cant be of ... Continue Reading
Date: 11 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
[Extract] . . . I have lately drawn the Montgomery's Cables across the [Hudson] River in Front of the Chain which appears as if it would answer a good Purpose and hope in a Day or two to have those of the Congress across likewise2 — T he Redoubts and other Works at this Post are in as good Condition as could be expected and the Booms for obstructing the River in great Forwardness. I am... Continue Reading
Date: 11 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
It is intended to man Ship & Cheer the Flag, on its arrival here, & it's reccommended that each man of War does the Same, & man when the Nonsuch does, & give three Cheers in succesion (after the Nonsuch) according to seniority of the Commanders, & after the Flag Ship has answered that each replies with one Cheer, in Succession & manner as before —
Date: 11 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Dr         1777         July 11 To the Amount of Officers & Seamen Wages p Accot of Particulars Exhibited   £ 3001.. 7 .. 9 ¾   To Board allowed Officers & Sick Men together with Sundry Expences, & Contingent Charges, on the Recruiting Service, see account render'd with this Accountg to   1295 .. 9 .. 8 ½   To my Commissions on the above @ 1 & ½ pCt         64 .. 9 .. 0... Continue Reading
Date: 11 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9


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