Volume 5

May 1776 Fridy 24th Remark's &c off Boston Light house at 8 AM Boston Light house WBN 3 Leags at ½ Past 9 Joind his Majst Ship Centurion Saw 3 Sail to the Nowd Chaced Fired 3 four Pounders Shoted at a Schooner  Do Schooner Ran on Shore  mand & armd the Longboat & Sent the Master to take hir. upon the aproach of the Boat the Rebels Quited hir  towed off, Proved to be the Resolution... Continue Reading
Date: 24 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Wednesday se'nnight one of the new Continental Ships was launched at Providence.1 We hear that Capt. [Seth] Harding in the armed Brig belonging to this Colony,2 a few Days since took a Vessel loaded with Tories, bound from the western Part of this Colony to Long-Island; who are since properly secured.
Date: 24 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Dear Sir  On the 22d I was honored with your Excellency's Favor of the 17th Instant, and the same Evening the Nails and Lead arrived here, 31 Boxes of the latter I gave in Charge to Colonel Wynd [William Winds], who left this with his Regiment Yesterday Morning. the Remainder is gone with General [John] Sullivan who sailed hence with [William] Irwin's and [Anthony] Wayne's at 8 this Morning. ー [... Continue Reading
Date: 24 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I Received yours of 22d from Amboy and waited immediately on the Provincial Congress they gave me the inclosed Invoice of Articles they had forwarded on for Albany. ー Most of the articles General Schuyler wrote for I have already ship'ed ー and will this day proceed up the River. ー Col: [Henry] Knox has sent Two Conductors to Kings Bridge to pick out 12 Cannon suitable for the Vessels and have... Continue Reading
Date: 24 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The following Sail Makers are to embark this day on board a Vessel, in order to proceed to Albany, and from thence to Genl: Schuyler, and receive his further orders ー Vizt: Francis Howard Samuel Holmes Ebenezer Durkee Daniel Van Der Pool of Col [Jonathan] Wards Regiment Lewis Lamb of Col [Moses] Little's Regt. George Lemot of Col [John] Bailey's Regt. They are to be furnished... Continue Reading
Date: 24 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The committee appointed to confer with General Washington, Major General [Horatio] Gates, and Brigadier General [Thomas] Mifflin, brought in their repdrt; which, being taken into consideration, was agreed to: Whereupon, Resolved, That the commanding officer in Canada, be informed, that the Congress are fully convinced of the absolute necessity of keeping possession of that country, and that they... Continue Reading
Date: 24 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
In Committee of Safety [Philadelphia] 24th May [1776]. Resolved, That Mr. [Thomas] Wharton & Mr. Sam'l Morris be a Committee to direct the properly fitting the Four Flats, to be purchased as Hulks for a cover to the Armed Boats in time of action, at or near Fort Island. Robert Morris, Esq'r, produced to the Committee a Copy of his Instructions to Mr. [Stephen] Caronio, dated 12th Feb'y &... Continue Reading
Date: 24 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Wednesday 22 [Off Delaware Bay] at 5 A M came too with the best Bower in 7 fm empd Barrackading the Quarter Deck Light airs and fair at 9 P M sent 2 Boats mann'd and arm'd in Shore to destroy a Schooner of the Rebels Thursday 23 at 1 A M the Boats return'd with 9 Prisoners having set fire to her she being aground Modr and fair 4 P M saw a sail weigh'd and gave chace at 6 fir'd... Continue Reading
Date: 24 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Two days before I went to Anapolis, I had the Schooner Ninety two valued at £500. by four men chosen by the Owners, (Cravath & Dugan) & which agreement they seem'd well Satisfied with, having at the Same time agreed to find her two Sails, which I promised to add to that Sum with any other repairs might be thought necessary after this Valuation; however on my return they chose four other... Continue Reading
Date: 24 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Convention, that upon the evidence before them of the correspondence which his excellency governor Eden has, from time to time, held with administration, it does not appear that such correspondence has been with an unfriendly intent, or calculated to countenance any hostile measures against America. Whereas by a late intercepted letter from lord George... Continue Reading
Date: 24 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
An Order having heretofore passed this Board for weighing the Vessels sunk in the Channel of the. River Potapsco near Whetstone Point and that Captn James Nicholson with the Ship Defence and her Tenders should assist in executing the same. ー which Order hath not hitherto, we are informed been complied with, by Reason of the necessary Absence of Captain Nicholson and one or both of his Tenders. ー... Continue Reading
Date: 24 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Dr The Brig Wicked Dick [Wild Duck] 1776       March To Cash paid Seamens Wages P Ships list and Slops delivered them included   123..  7..6  To   Cash paid at Statia to Thos Piggot, Simon Black, John Nighland, & Thomas Lacock as Advances, who deserted the Ship the Night we Sailed       4. 19: 0  To ditto paid for 12 Water Casks & bringing off a 7/6.       3. 19  6.  To... Continue Reading
Date: 24 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
...Ld D[unmor]e has left Norfolk & burnt all his small Vessels & flung 45 thousand Bushels of Salt into the River. 55 Sale of his Fleet were in Hampton Road yesterday evening I refer you to Mr Page for News  I am Sr [&c.]
Date: 24 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Genl. [Charles] Lee is in North Carolina, where it is uncertain what number of the Enemy's Troops are arrived. The Genl. is of Opinion they will not stay there longer than to take an Airing, and to go to So.Carolina or Virginia. He means to stay at Newburn to Watch the determination and meet them at either place. He thinks rage and revenge may prompt them to Attack Wilmington, but hopes Brigr. [... Continue Reading
Date: 24 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Last Sunday morning [May 19] our guard at Norfolk took a couple of lads belonging to the Otter, regaling themselves ashore with strawberries; also a little boy, whom, after asking a few questions, they suffered to go about his business. Last night an express arrived from col. [William] Woodford, at Kemp's landing, with advice that lord Dunmore's motley army, after dismantling their intrenchment... Continue Reading
Date: 24 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Friday 24 Cape Fear So 35.16 W Distance 82 Leags at 6 A M saw a Schooner to Windward, gave Chace, at 8 boarded her, from Virginia bound to Santa Cruize, Laden with Corn, sent an Officer and 4 Men on board her, at Noon Squally Close Reeft the Topsails. Little Wind and Cloudy  at 11 lost sight of the Prize
Date: 24 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Gentlemen  One of our Men this Moment came in, who was taken at the Cedars. He made his escape this morning & says we have lost only ten Privates & [no officers] killed. the rest are Prisoners at St Anns & the Cedars. the enemy lost double that number. they were last Night within three Miles of us with 300 savages 50 Regulars & 250 Canadians with our two pieces of Cannon. but on... Continue Reading
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Colo [William] Maxwell with his Party arrived here yesterday ー He is very unhappy in being ordered up, & thinks that he could with the few Troops he had with him have kept his Post at Deschambault 'till a reinforcement of both Men and Provisions could have been sent to him. He believes that with two Gondolas and a small Battery on each side the River opposite to them the Pass can be supported... Continue Reading
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Having, after finishing my Letter of Yesterdays date, had it confirm'd, from the mouth of an Eye Witness, I can now, with unutterable Satisfaction, congratulate my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, on the certainty, of all the Rebels, who were, at Trois Rivieres, amounting, ('tis said) to about One Thousand, having left that important Post, (where they were casting Shot Shells &ca) with... Continue Reading
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Sir, From the present very extensive Business in the Transport Department, and the certainty of a large encrease of Shipping in the course of this Campaign, I humbly apprehend His Majesty's Service in that Line does require an Officer of Superior Rank, to have the Command and direction of the other Agents: I am therefore induced to make Application to you, to appoint Lieutenant [John] Bourmaster... Continue Reading
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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