American Theatre from March 1, 1777, to April 30, 1777

The Commissioners of the Navy finding it necessary to have a Commodore for the Navy of this Commonwealth appointed have thought proper to recommend you to the hon'ble the Governour and Council for that purpose. You are therefore desir'd to repair to this place as soon as you possibly can in order to receive your Commission —
Date: 29 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
His Excellency the Governor laid before the Board a Letter which he had received from Captain [Thomas] Lloyd of the Atalanta Sloop of War which is as follows Sir As His Majestys Ship under my Command and the other armed Vessels here at present are ordered upon Immediate Service, but being short of the Established Compliment of Seamen, which cannot be compleated without impressing I Beg you would... Continue Reading
Date: 29 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Above is Copy of my last Respects & am still without any of your esteemed Favors; there have been no Accounts lately from America, & very little News that can be depended upon . . . The Ship Seine will sail to morrow for the Place of her Destination; I have taken out of her One hundred Bales of Camp Equipage & Cloth, & Two hundred & Seventeen c:;ases of Fusils, which I Shall... Continue Reading
Date: 29 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Light winds and variable, from N. E. to W. by N. at 8 A. M. saw Mount Desart, bearing N. N. W. distance 9 leagues; out oars and rowed part of the day.
Date: 30 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
When the Enemy advanc'd Mr. Thomas Inform'd me that the Posts at the Ferry were to be cut down, and the Bridge over Ogdens Ferry to be cut away, and the Cannon at the Fort to be Spiked by a .Person on duty there. Mr. Warren, alias Caton, went in Company with me to the Jerseys, we met with Jonathan Henry Smith at Bullions Tavern who said he would take us safe through the lines which he accordingly... Continue Reading
Date: 30 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Yesterday, I took a Walk upon the Wharves, to see the Navigation. The new Frigate called The Delaware, is hawled off, into the stream and is ready to sail. Captain [Charles] Alexander is to command her. She makes a fine Appearance. ー I then went to the House of one [Joshua] Humphreys an ingenious shipwright and found him making a Model of a seventy four Gun Ship. He has nearly compleated it. You... Continue Reading
Date: 30 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
. . . I want two vessels now for Continental service, one to go to old France, the other to Martinico. They are not to be had here on charter, & I have no power to purchase any on Continental account. Would it not be advisable for this State to purchase two or three good vessels & hire them to me for the above service. I have power to give high wages for suitable vessels & .to insure... Continue Reading
Date: 30 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
March 1777 Wednesday 26 At an Anchor in Gaboage [Chebogue] Harbour. Fresh Gales & Cloudy Cold Wr with snow & Sleet at times with a Swell from the Wt ward. Thursday 27 Endeavouring to float the prize 2 Fresh Gales & Cloudy frosty Wr Latter Mode Breezes & fair Friday 28. Empd Getting the prizes Guns & Provisions Out to float her Mode Breezes & Hazy... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The wind blowing fresh at S. E. and heavy seas, bore away for Mount Desart, at meridian anchored; the Captain went on shore and got a pilot.
Date: 31 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
On the 9th, 10th and 11th of this Month, by two Packets and the Thames which arrived on those different Days in Succession, I received your several Letters, with the Orders from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, as recited in the Schedule annexed. The Captains, inferior Officers and other Persons in the Fleet concerned, will be made very happy when I have Opportunity to communicate the... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Captain Desheild of Mr Buchanans Ship from Baltimore who was taken by the Enemy and carried into [New] York made his Escape from thence on Saturday Evening.2 He informs, that three thousand Troops, British & Hessian, embarked about Ten days ago from the City & Staten Island on board Transports which were laying at the Latter when he came away, he adds that the Enemy have built... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Resolved, That 1,258 dollars be paid to Messrs. Willing and Morris, the same being in full of a bill drawn by Esek Hopkins, at New Providence, 14 March, 1776, payable to Mr. Alexander Frazer, or order, and endorsed to the said Willing and Morris, to be charged to the said Esek Hopkins. Congress having received advice that the ship Mercury, of Nantz, was arrived at Portsmouth, in New Hampshire,... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
We have this day received Letters from Europe, of an interesting Nature. We are under Injunctions of Silence concerning one very important Point: and indeed I don't know how far I am at Liberty concerning some others; but thus much I may venture to communicate: That We have an offer of three Millions of Livres in Specie, without Interest, and to be paid when We shall be settled in Peace and... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
. . . A poor fellow, detected here as a Spy, employed as he confesses by Lord Howe and Mr. [Joseph] Galloway to procure Pilots for Delaware River, and for other Purposes, was this day at Noon, executed on the Gallows in the Presence of an immense Crowd of Spectators. His name was James Molesworth. He has been Mayors Clerk to three or four Mayors.
Date: 31 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
State Navy Board [Philadelphia] March 31. 1777 Capt. [George] Garland of the Chatham Gondalo having apply'd for Liberty to go down with his Vessell to Christine to recruit. Resolved, That Commodore Seymore be desir'd to give him Permission accordingly for one Week. Capt. [James] Blair having attended agreeable to order it was recommended to him to employ one of his Officers and a Drummer, Fifer... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
March 1777 Monday 31 Cape Raffaie SW.bW. 12. or 13. Leags  at 6 AM saw a Sail to the NE. Lost by a boat oversettg at Sea (by which Accident Wm Smith was Drowned.) Gunners Stores as follows Swivele ½ pounder One Shott & Cartridges for Do Four each, Musquts Black Five, Cartouch Boxes for Do Four, Shott for Do 5 lb Pistols two Pair Cartouch Boxes for Do two Shott for Do 2 lbs. Cutlasses wt... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
[Extract] — Brig Lexington — — March [31] 1777 — Numr Time of Entry Mens Names Quality Dead Dischd Run Where Born What Ship From Born for Provisions Prisoners Gone on Board Prises 1 77 Feby 5 Henry Johnson Esqr Commdr   Boston N: Engld       2   Elijah Bowen 1st Lieutnt   Middlen Cont N:E.       3 77 Feby 10 David Welch 2d  do   Ireland    ... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Memo of Provisions due to Officers belonging to the Ship Raleigh who have not receiv'd any Provisions from the Time of their Entry to the 1st of April 1777 ー Name Time of Entry Number of Days Bread in Pounds Beef in Pounds Rice or Flour in Pounds Rum in Galls. Vinegerr Jills Mr Shores Sept. 1, 1776 213 213 319 54 13 5/16 30 Mr Shackford Aug. 5 240 240 360 60 15 1/16... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
To the Right Honourable the great & General Court & Council of the State of Massasuchets Bay The Petition of Pierre Lafitte and Frederick Delaporte both Frenc_hmen &now in this Town Humbly sheweth That about four a five Months ago having imported into this State sundry Merchandises, the Proceeds whereof having enabled them to purchase a Sloop of about fifty Tons, they intend to load... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
On Motion Ordered that Mr William Rogers of Marlboro' be and he hereby is permitted to inlist on Board the Ship Hancock whereof John Manley Esqr is Commander.
Date: 1 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8


Subscribe to American Theatre from March 1, 1777, to April 30, 1777