Volume 5

These may inform your Honors: that whereas Stephen Parker went from Machias with Letters of Recommendation from the Chaireman of the Committee to procure if possible for Machias aforesaid being then in great want & he preseeded to Philadelphia as he informes and proves by Letters brought and with out any suckses and on his Return back being at Nantucket he met with one Mr Timothy Fitch with... Continue Reading
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
On Tuesday the 21st inst. the Continental Frigate of thirty-two guns, built at this place, under the direction of John Langdon, Esq; was Launched amidst the acclamation of many thousand spectators. She is esteemed by all those who are judges that have seen her, to be one of the compleatest ships ever built in America. The unwearied diligence and care of the three Master-Builders, Mess. Hacket,... Continue Reading
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Built under the particular care and inspection of Thomas Thompson Esqr. Master-Builders, Messrs. James Hackett, Stephen Paul, and James Hill, by the direction of John Langdon Esqr. A.D. 1776   length br'dth dep. width Keel from fore part of stem to after part of stern post 124.6       Extreme breadth from outside to outside of water   35.     Hold     11.3   Lower deck inside to inside... Continue Reading
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
  Captain these are appointed by Congress ー 3 Lieutts   Master   Capt Marines 2 Lieutts Do   Surgion 3. Masters mates   4 Quar Gunners 4. Midshipmen     Sail Maker 2. Surgions mates     Cooper   Boatswain     Armorer 2 Mates ー     Coxswain   Carpenter     Steward 1 Mate     Cook   Gunner     Capts Clerk 1 Mate      
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Saturdy 25 Cape Ann Wt 10 Leagues at 4 AM saw a Sail to the S E gave Chace fir'd 3 Shot at the Chace ½ past 8 Spoke the Chace sent the Boat onboard wth an Officer, prov'd to be an American Sloop in Ballast got the Prisoners & her Tackling onboard at Noon in 2d Reefs Topsails. Fresh Gales and Hazey with Rain Unbent the Prizes Sails and Scuttled her at 4 Hoisted the Boats in made... Continue Reading
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
please to deliver to Mr Joseph Wyer or Order four Bolts of Russia Duck, for the Use of the Colony Sloop Called the Tyranecide. I have the honor to be [&c.]
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Sir  I Beg Leave to acknotvledge the Reciept of yours of the 16th Inst your Honours Instructions I have Strictly Comply'd with, the Ship Jenny sold for so great a Price that with the Advice of my friends did not think prudent to give so much for not thinking her fitt for a Ship of Warr and not sold for but Very Little under her Real Value being 1950 £  the Brigt Hannah from Antegua I have... Continue Reading
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Account sales of Sloop Sally and Cargo Retaken by Capt Windborn Adams Commander of the Schooner Warren sold at Publick Auction ー 153 full Quarter Cask Lisbon wine a £ 8.4/1d £ 1255.. 4..9 The Sloop and Appurtenances       220.. ー..ー     £ 1475.. 4..9 Charges deducted       Messrs Glover & Bartletts acco £25.13..9¾   Collo John Glovers acco     5.12..9   Capt Joseph Lees acco... Continue Reading
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Saturdy 25 Cape Codd So 75°W 28 Leagues. ー At 4 AM Saw a Sail to the Eastwd, out 1st Reef, at 11 A M Tack'd Fresh Breezes and Cloudy, fir'd 2 shot and took the Schooner Mary, Nathl Parley Mastr from Bediford bound to the Wt Indies with Fish, Lumber, & staves,2 In 2d Reefs.
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Resolved, That the arms, ammunition, and military stores, taken by the armed schooner Franklin, or any other of the armed vessels in the pay of the United Colonies, be at the disposal of the General or commander in chief of the American forces. The committee to whom was referred the letter from Charles Miller to the commissary general, brought in their report, which was agreed to: Whereupon,... Continue Reading
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The appointment you were lately pleased to honor me with of Commodore of the Naval Armaments on this River, was accepted on my part from the same motives, which now induce me to resign ー The service of an Injured Country. Confined to my bed by a severe Illness, I am wholly disabled from executing the duties of such an important trust. The preservation of this city depends on the defence of the... Continue Reading
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Four Dollars Reward Deserted, from Capt. William Shippin's company of marines, belonging to the brig Hancock, lying at Bright's wharf, Philadelphia, a certain Joseph Bamford, about thirty years of age, five feet seven or eight inches high. He had on, when he went away, an old blue coatte, a check shirt, old leather breeches, an old felt hat, is remarkably near sighted, and has formerly been a... Continue Reading
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
On a perusal of the address to me yesterday,2 don't find it requires any answer; not do I understand that any was expected. Anything I could say might be thought too little here, and would be thought too much elsewhere. I just trouble you with this to mention a circumstance or two that have occurred to me, to which some attention may prevent disagreeable occurrences. I am going to send... Continue Reading
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Convention took into their consideration the report from the committee appointed to devise a proper establishment for a court of admiralty, for the trial of such captures and seizures as are or may be made pursuant to the late resolves of the Continental Congress on that subject, and brought into any port or district within this province, and thereupon came to the following resolutions, to... Continue Reading
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I am instructed by the Convention now sitting to communicate to your Committee the enclosed Resolve. Our Governor having no other Opportunity of procuring a Passage to great Britain than by some Packett or Ship from the Fleet in your Colony, has Requested this Convention to give a Passport for a Boat to go down to the Fleet on an Enquiry for a convenient passage. This Convention has thought... Continue Reading
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Gentn  We are informed by Mr Hugh Young that 500 wt of Powder belonging to this Province ar[ri]ved at Newbern in No Carolina from St Eustatia shipp'd by Captn Abraham Van bebber on Board of Captn Luce ー you will probably want the Powder, ー therefore we have given him no Orders for it's Removal, but will exchange, if you think proper for the same Quantity to be delivered us by your Delegates at... Continue Reading
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Ordered That Western Shore Treasurer pay to Wm Neile of Baltimore Town fifteen hundred and forty five Pounds, ten Shillings and four Pence for the Schooner Nancy and the Amount of her Cargo, insured by this Province, and captured at St Eustatia. ー2
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Tuesday 21 At an Anchor in Norfolk Road Virginia A M the Troops & People quitted the lines, & embarked onboard the Vessels. Mode & fair. Unmoored & hove short on the best Bower. Wednesday 22 At ½ past 11 A M weighed & run down off the Millpoint, & anchored with the best Bower in 5 fam Towed 3 Schooners & a Sloop upon the Flatts, cut away their Masts... Continue Reading
Date: 25 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Saturdy 25th At Anchor Church at Pt Ecureuil NSbN 1 Mile ½ past 4 AM, made the Signal and weigh'd with the Convoy ー at 6 the Martin Sloop got under way and at 7 I anchor'd at Portneuf in 5½ fms  at 11 moor'd a Cable each way ー at Noon the Convoy in Sight about 4 Leagues up the River, with the Magdalen, Maria and Province Schooner in all 11 Sail & 3 more coming up the River ー P M... Continue Reading
Date: 26 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Sir  Having Omitted it, till my dispatches were sealed up, I beg you may be pleased to communicate to my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, my having appointed Mr William Jackson Masters Mate, to be Master of this His Majesty's Ship, which I hope their Lordships will approve... Chs Douglas The letter of which the following is a Copy, I have this Moment received from Lieut. Governor... Continue Reading
Date: 26 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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