American Theatre from March 1, 1777, to April 30, 1777

On reading the letter from the Honourable Francis Lewis, dated the 12th of March, relative to the prizes of the sloop of war Montgomery,2 Resolved, That this Convention agree to allow one-half of the nett proceeds of the prizes of the vessel of war Montgomery, belonging to this State, to the captors; and that Mr. Lewis be requested to cause the distribution of the prize money to be... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
In Marine Committee [Philadelphia] April 1, 1777 Resolved that Colo William Whipple be empowered to Order A Vessel from New Hampshire with A Cargo of Such Articles as he may think proper, to be brought to this Place or Cheseapeake Bay ー for Account of the Publick Extract from the Minutes
Date: 1 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The enclosed letters came by a French Ship to New-Hamshire & were sent under Cover to Me by Mr Langdon with Many others; I believe they are from England ー and wish they May convey agreable tidings. last week a Brigt arrived here with 6800 Muskets & 2100 Gun Locks another in Maryld with 633 bbls Pouder & this ship into Portsmouth brought with her about 12,000 Muskets, 1000 bbls Pouder... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Docr Binney handed me this Day your favour of the 17 ulto that part Respecting Shipping your Goods is answered in mine of the 29 by this Conveyance, but mr Howell & Greene not Seting out So Soon as Expected give me an Oppertunity of this ー I have been Chief of this day Imployd in Serch of persons to Give me Information of the Sloop you Mention. their was a Sloop taken up at Sea by the wasp... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
State Navy Board [Philadelphia] April 1st 1777 An Order to Robert Fitz Gerald to deliver Capt [William] Brown 2 180 Bottoms for Grape Shot and what Blocks he wants. An Order to William Richards to deliver bolt Rope and Twine to Abraham Mason Sufficient to make Captain [John] Rice's Sails.3 Deliver'd to Capt Tatnall of the Armed Boat Porcupine 24 Yards Sacking. An Order to... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
We hear that some of our internal Enemies have been endeavouring to engage some of your best pilots to assist in bringing the Fleet round from New York to Delaware: I look on this as I suppose it is generally considered, as a strong Confirmation of the Opinion, that the British Army intend to make a push for Philadelphia and that the Fleet is to cooperate; it appears to me that if these Motions... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Application is hereby made for a Commission for the private Schooner of War called the Montgomery Burthen twenty five Tons — carrying two two pounders six Swivels & twenty Musquets her provisions consisting of eleven Barrels of Beef and Pork one Barrel of Fish and two thousand pounds of Bread commanded and navigated by John Burnell Captain John Hal1 Lieutenant Thomas Cooper Master and twenty... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Know all Men by these presents that We Charles Wallace and William Wilkins of the City of Annapolis are held and firmly bound to the State of Maryland in the Sum of five hundred Pounds Currt Money to be paid to the said State to which Payment well & truly to be made We bind Ourselves & each of us and of each of our Heirs Exts & Admrs in and for the whole firmly by these presents... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
1777 April 1 Montgomery. Maryland schooner. Guns: 2. Swivels: 6. Crew: 25. Bond: $5,000. Captain: John Burnell. Bonders: John Burnell, Charles Wallace and William Wilkins Owners: Charles Wallace and others. Witness: R. Ridgely
Date: 1 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Commission of Letter of Marque and Reprisal granted to John Burnell Captain of the Schooner Privateer called The Montgomery, mounting two Carriage Guns and six swivels, and navigated by twenty five men, belonging to Charles Wallace, and others of this State, he having given bond with security. ー
Date: 1 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Last spring the Convention of this Commonwealth directed two large Galleys to be built for protecting your trade & ours. Will You be pleased to tell me in what state they are, & how soon they will be fit for service . . . . .
Date: 1 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
April 1777 Tuesday 1st At Sea At 6 A M the So mst Point of Guadalupe SSE½E Mo breezs & fair Wr Fired 1 Shott brot too a Schooner from Martinico bound to St Peters, Sent a Petty Officer & 5 Men on board her & took her Men out.2
Date: 1 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
April 1777 Tuesday 1st Moor'd in Castle Harbour Bermuda Read the Articles of War & Abstract to the Ships Co Longbt Employed Watering People Exercised small Arms Do [Pleasant] Wr at 2 P M Came in the Schooner Friendship from Salam Laden with Lumber taken by Lt [William Augustus] Merrick in the Tender 2
Date: 1 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
H K Courses winds Remks on Wednesday 2th of April 1777 2 7     fresh breaze heasey weather 3 6   NBW   5 8     say the chaise barring SE 3 miles — 7 8     spoke the chaise the ship Caulkley 8 Lay By NNE James Furse Master from the Bay Hondorus         for Bristole 31 days out 11 7 ENE North man Her & sent her for Boston — 12 7     Tyrannicide in company         Latt By... Continue Reading
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
This day I fell in with the Ship Chaulkley James Furse Master from the Bay of Hondorus for Bristol. I have sent you all the Papers I have found. Capt Raridon is in Company both our Crews are in health. I am with Respect Sir [&c.]
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
By this Opportunity I have the Honour to Acquaint you that we fell in with and took the Ship Chakley, James Fures Comr from the Bay of Honduras bound to Bristol her Cargo Consisting of Mehogany, Log Wood &c ー I have nothing Particular to Acquaint you with but hope the next prize will prove to be more Valueable I remain Gentlemen [&c.]
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
At 6 A. M. weighed [from Manset harbor] and ply'd to windward as far as Owl's Head,2 where we got wood and water, and landed sixty of our men.
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
I had the Honour of writing you under 27th Ultimo since which have Recd the disagreeable news of the Brig Betsy that was bound to Baltimore being taken by the Unicorn frigate off cape Henry,2 After taken out all the people except the mate and putting two midshipmen and eight other men, they Order'd her to Rhode Island But by the address he piloted her a Shore on a fare Clean Beach to... Continue Reading
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
That John Stoughton Merchant of the Island of Madeira, and Ester his Wife late Passengers on board the Ship Sarah and Elizabeth Captain James Foot Commander, was on their passage from Jamaica to London, taken by the Warren Privateer Captain Cooes [William Coas] and carried into Cape Ann,2 Since which Time have remained residents in said Town near Six Months, detained by the... Continue Reading
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
At the Court erected for the Trial of Maritime Causes within and throughout the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations holden at South Kingstown within and for the County of Kings County on the Second Day of April in the Year of our Lord 1777 ー Present The Honbl John Foster Esqr Judge John Cole Esqr Advocate Theodore Foster Esqr Clerk Stanton & Noyes Libellants vs Schooner Two... Continue Reading
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8


Subscribe to American Theatre from March 1, 1777, to April 30, 1777