Volume 5

[To] William Bartlett Dr  May 26 To Wharfage 17 Cord wood Capt Leach      6-9 ½   To Wharfage Sloop takeing by Capt Burk 21 weeks & one Day a 5/4 5-12-9   To Wharfage Sloop Betsey takeing by Capt Manly 23 weeks & 2 Days a 5/4 6-  4-2   L Q lb     To 2 barrels flour Neat 4-1-8 a 22/ 4-15-3¾   pr his act in old book (page 2)
Date: 26 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
...By the inclosed Return your Excellency will see that I have only 91 ー Rank and file fit for Duty, twenty eight of these are constantly employed in the Batteaus that bring the Timber for building others: eight in the large Boat; and ten in various other Services, so that I have only 45 ー left for Duty, and all raw & undisciplined. ー a Force so trifling that it leaves us exposed to the... Continue Reading
Date: 26 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
On the 26 of May 1776 Siting with a prospect glass and Looking out of a Chamber [wi]ndow Saw a Small Sail moving Eastward which appeared to me to be without the beach, immediately after I perceived She Came about and run westerly at which time I Saw another Sail that appeared to be at a greater Distance and Directly Come about and passed each other two or three times and then the Sail first... Continue Reading
Date: 26 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
the Examination of ー 3 prisonners taken nea[r] against Sylas Carmon att oyster bay South ー & their Sloop ー 7 Men they Sot ashore the night before, Which they give but little account of (1) Nathan gyer inhabitant att Blewpoynt, upon his Examination Says, he Sot With his Sloop & Carryed With him about ー 12 Bushels of Clams about a week ago & went to the jerseys & past the Man of War... Continue Reading
Date: 26 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Sir. On Wednesday last Lord Dunmore and the Fleet at Norfolk, quitted that station and fell down into Hampton Road, where they remained 'til yesterday evening, when they got under way, apparently intending out to sea, but this morning were discovered by our look outs to have turned up the Bay and had passed the mouth of York River. I this moment received the intelligence and thought it might be... Continue Reading
Date: 26 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Monday 26 [Sunday] Laid up in the Coude Sec [Cul de Sac, Quebec] A M Arrived here, & sailed up the river 27 sail of Transports with Troops from Ireland Tuesday 27 [Monday] Arrived here his Majesty's Ship Carrisfort & Pearl with a Convoy of 12 Transpts
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Your favo'r of the 15th Instant is now before me to which I answer, that I've receiv'd a Letter from Capt [Jeremiah] Stamford informing me the Duck has come safe to hand & that he had paid the Waggon, as pr our Agreement. I am much Obliged by your kindness, in forwarding the Canvas with such dispatch, am sensible of the difficulty at this time of procuring teams as I've been Oblig'd lately to... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Your favo'r of post I've recd: am glad the Canvas is come, to hand, shall send Capt Partridge up dirctly for the Anchor, and the Canvas, as also some yarns which are to come from Mr Henderson Inches you did very right in paying the Carter ー Your most [&c.]
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I've sent by several Opportunities a List of Men for Officers, I hope to hear by return of Post, of the Appointment, and Explicit Orders for me to appoint the remainder, and the Blank Warrants or Commissions sent down I hope Peter Shores, will be Lieut by all means and also John Roche which I mentioned, who is now on board one of the Continental Schooners a Lieut and what I know and can learn he... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
There has been nothing material in Goverment turn'd up, since you left us, the glorious News of the Capture of the Powder Vessell and Galliant Behaviour of our Men in the Privateer, no doubt you'll have e'er this comes to hand Our Frigate was launched last tuesday being the 21st Instant we were Exceeding fortunate in Launching, you may say with Safety that she is a good Ship, as has been built on... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
On tuesday last we Launched the Frigate belonging to the United Colonies, which I had the Honour to Superintend the building of at this place, we were fortunate enough not to meet with the least Accident, the Ship was compleatly to her Anchors in three Minutes from the time she run off ー No pains has been spar'd, nor reasonable Expence to do the work well & give dispatch, she's Esteemed by... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Monday 27 Cape Ann Wt ー 8 Leags Fresh Breezes and Hazey  latter Light Airs, at 1 PM saw some Privateers standing in for Cape Ann made Sail and gave Chace ½ past lost sight of them shorten'd sail and Brought too
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, Plimouth, ss. A Libel is filed before me against the sloop called the Sally, burthen about 75 tons, commanded by Cornelius White, and said to be improved in supplying the Fleet and Army employed against the United Colonies, and brought into the county of Plimouth. And the court erected to try and condemn all vessels that shall be found infesting the sea coast of... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Capt [John] Bradford of Boston having represented to the General that he has directions from a member of Congress, Robert Morris, Esqr one of the Marine Committee, to provide a good Vessel for Continental Service, you may therefore let him have the Brigantine you purchased for the Continent,2 to be fitted for the intended Voyage as soon as may be I am &c
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I am to inform your Excellency that Mr Bartlett the Agent at Beverly has purchased the Brigantine [Little] Hannah for the Continent, at five hundred and twenty pounds. Captain [John] Bradford of Boston having represented to me that he had an order from Robert Morris Esqr of Congress, and one of the Marine Committee, to provide a good sailing Vessel for Continental Service and that the Brigantine... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I took a ride last week and ventured just as far as the Stump of Liberty Tree. Roxbury looks more injured than Boston, that is the Houses look more torn to peices. I was astonished at the extensiveness of our lines and their strength. We have taken a most noble prize the inventory of which you have in the paper.2 The poor Captain has since lost his life in a desperate ingagement with... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I received yours of the 17th Instant covering a letter from Robert Morris Esqr Chairman of the secret Committee of Congress, for the forwarding Fourteen Muskets in our hands belonging to the Continent in the most safe and Expeditious manner, ten of said Muskets with some swivels we had before put on board two valuable Vessels and Cargoes we lately Fitted for France on the Continental Service by... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Meeting in being according to adjournment ー Voted. That Capt John Hopkins write a letter to Capt Adams of Boston offering him to be first Lieut of one of the Ships buil[t] here and desire his answer as soon as may, or if Capt Ho[pkins] is well enough to go to Boston to Transact this Business the Committee will defray his Expences, If Capt Hop[kins] declines writing that Coll Bowen write him as... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Tuesday 21 Light House [on Montauk Point] WbN 1 Miles at 4 A M sett Top Gallt sails at 6 Block Island NW 6 Leags Got the Spare Sails up to Air found a Bolt of Canvas No 1 very well Six Yards of it entirely rotten and decay'd Block Island N5W 11 Leagues Mode & Clear at 4 P M saw a Sail to the SW gave Chace Wednesdy 22 at 4 A M lost sight of the Chace handed Top Gallt sails... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Sir  On consideration of the Advantageous Situation, and natural provisions & circumstances of the Harbour of New London, to render it a place of Safety for the Shipping of the Colony, as well as of the Continental fleet, We were induced to set ourselves to fortify it, at Mamacook, Winthrop's Neck and on the Rock, and height on Groton Side, places fit for the purpose, & were seeking the... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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