American Theatre from March 1, 1777, to April 30, 1777

April 1777 Tuesday 2d At Anchor in Huntington Bay AM At 6 Weighd in Compy wt the Senegal at 8 the Senegal Anchord off the Bluff of Loyds neck at Noon Shiphand point NWbW 3 or 4 Miles ー Little wind and Foggy Weather wt some Rain at 1 PM came too wt the Small Br in 3 fm of Water Shiphand point WNW 1 Mile at ½ past sent the Tender in shore and the Master with the Boats Mannd and Armd in Shore at... Continue Reading
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Your letter of the 18th Ultimo has been delivered us by Capt [George] Wentworth together with the Several despatches that came by the French Ship Mercury Capt Dudoyer and have afforded particular Satisfaction to the Congress as they must to all well wishers of America ー We are surprized not to find amongst these despatches, any letter of instructions or directions' respecting this Ship, we do not... Continue Reading
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
By a Letter of 17. Jany. Dr. Franklin, Mr. Deane and Dr. Lee, met in Paris, and on 28. december had an Audience of the Count de Vergennes, Secretary of State and Minister of foreign Affairs; laid before him their Commission, with the Articles of the proposed Treaty of Commerce; were assured of the Protection of his Court, and that due Consideration should be given to what they offered. Soon after... Continue Reading
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
State Navy Board [Philadelphia] April 2d 1777 A Petition from James KirkPatrick praying to be made 1st Lieutenant of the Effingham Gondalo, and on consideration, Resolved to recommend him for that Station.
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The Randolph frigate, Captain Biddle, having sprung a mast at sea, is put into South-Carolina to refit.
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
April [1777] Wednesy 2d Cape Henlopen 35.0 Wt 125 Leagues  at 6 AM Saw a Small Sail to the Eastwd at 10 saw a Sail to the No ward gave Chace, at Noon in Chace with the Roebuck in Company Do [Fresh Breezes and fair Weather] at 1 PM the Roebuck and we fired several Volleys of Small Arms and 9 pounders at the Chace and brought her too, which proved to be the Defence Privateer from Charles town... Continue Reading
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
April 1777 Wednesday 2d Do [Dog Island] So 22E 299 Lgs Bermd No 76E 90 Lgs  ½ Pt 11 [A.M.) Saw a sail bearing NbE & gave chace at 12 discover'd the chace to be Brig lying too, Shorten'd Sail First part Modt & Rain, Mid Fresh gales & Rain Latter Do & Hazey P.M at 1 Came up with the chace & ask'd what Brig that was 3 times before they Answer' d at last they said She was a... Continue Reading
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
on our return to my station in the Delaware, I took a Charles Town Privatier 3 by the stratagem of disguising the ship so as to be taken for a three decked West India Man. The Privatier after taking some pains to reconoitre us, actually run up alongside, and was in the attempt to board, when the Marines rose up & pointed their Musquets into him, which made the captain call out... Continue Reading
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
You are desir'd to furnish Capt [Eieazer] Callender with Anchors Cutlases and Pike as he may be in want of for the use of the Dragon Galley now building at Fredericksburg under the direction of Col [Fielding] Lewis
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Ordered that Captain John Calvert proceed with the Revenge Galley from his present Station to Portsmouth, there to have her cleaned and fitted, and that he then return to his Station at Hampton. Ordered that Mr [Thomas] Hunton repair with what men he has enlisted for the Navy to Fredericksburg, and when there, follow such orders as he may from time to time receive from Captain Callender It is... Continue Reading
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
. . . This is intended to give you an Account of the Situation of our distress'd Island. ー The Galatea & Nautilus are both here, they have fitted out a Schooner Tender which is Station'd in Elly's harbour, besides this they have impress'd Capt Thomas Tucker's Boat which they keep out continually cruizing and by that means decoying the Vessels that are bound here, in this Manner they have... Continue Reading
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
3 [A. M.] 5 Remarks Wednesday April 2d 1777. saw a Sail to the Eastward: gave chace Fired several shot & brot too the Rose Schooner from Nantucket with Lumber bound to St Martins. sent 4 hands on board her 2 Lat: in 17.25 Barbuda SEbE 4 Miles.
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
April 1777 Tuesy 1. The Island of Zachea South 4 or 5. Miles. at 2 AM Brought too . . . at 9 made Sail. Fresh breezes and fair Weather. at 3 pm. saw a Sail to the S.E. gave chase at 6 fired two Guns to bring her too. she hoisted Danish Colours, sent the Lieutenant on board, proved to be a Sloop from Virginia bound to St Croix, loaded with Flower, Bread, &ca sent an Officer and Men on... Continue Reading
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
I have the satisfaction to acquaint you that the cruizers from this island have been very successful against the Americans, and almost knocked up their trade by the many captures they have taken; but notwithstanding all this, our shipping have suffered greatly, and consequently insurances get up, which reduce the profits much. The crops are not to brag of, and what with the want of provisions and... Continue Reading
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The Valentine armed snow, in the service of government, arrived here the 26th ult. and brought in with her three American vessels from Cape Nichola Mole, bound to South Carolina. Mr. Allen, who commanqed the snow, says, on his cruize, he spoke with his Majesty's frigate Pearl; she had in company with her four prizes, one a privateer of 18 guns, and three brigs, with which she was going to New... Continue Reading
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
That you may know how the pirates are going on in this part of the world, I have inclosed you two or three of our papers. It is not the Americans but the French from Martinico and St. Lucia that are swarming in these seas: they have cut two sloops out of Tobago, and we expect they will do the like in this island, for a day does not pass but they take some vessel, amongst the Grenadines, and they... Continue Reading
Date: 2 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Nothing remarkable; employed in ballasting and digging clams for provision.
Date: 3 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Will be sold at Plymouth at Public Auction On Wednesday the 16th April, next At Eleven o'Clock, A.M. The Schooner Industry, about 85 Tons, ー and the Sloop Polly, of about 60 Tons with their Stores, Tackle, and Furniture. Inventory of which may be seen at the Time of Sale, or before, if application be made to Watson and Spooner, Continental Agents.1
Date: 3 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Notice is hereby given, That libels are filed before me, against the following Vessels, their Cargoes and Appurtenances, viz. ー In Behalf of Capt. Thomas Nicholson and his Company, and the Owners of the private armed Sloop, called the America, against the Ship True-Love, of about 200 Tons burthen, Charles Moulton, late Master: ー In Behalf of Capt. Samuel Champlain, and his Company and the Owners... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
At a Court Martial held onboard the Ship Providence near Filds [Fields] Point in Providence River in the State of Rhode Island on the 3rd day of April 1777 ー By Order of the hon Esek Hopkins Esqr Cr in Chief of the American Fleet for an Enquiry into the Conduct of Mr Richd Marvin 3rd Lieut of the Warren concerng a Succrilous Paper or Papers Sign'd by him & sent away in a private manner agt... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8


Subscribe to American Theatre from March 1, 1777, to April 30, 1777