Volume 5

Col. Isaac Sears, who had been employed by this Board to purchase many articles of iron, cordage, rigging, for the use of the Colony brig Defence, a row-galley at N.Haven, and a ship building at Saybrook &c., had delivered his account for settlement. The same is examined and allowed, amounting to the sum of £ 776 3 6, L.money, and voted that an order be drawn on the Pay-Table for that sum.... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
...The Cagnuaga Indians have sent an Express to our army demanding assistance and threatning if they had not immediate Relief to join the Enemy. This being a true state of facts I beg you would send Coll. [Elias] Dayton, with his Regiment on as fast as possible. I beg you to write General Washington for more Troops and that you would please to order the armed vessels here to sail to the other end... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
We arrived here safe yesterday Evening in your Post Chaise driven by Lewis. I was unwilling to give so much Trouble, and would have borrowed your Sulkey & driven my self; but good Mrs Schuyler insisted on a full Compliance with your Pleasure, as signify'd in your Letter, and I was oblig'd to submit; which I was afterwards very glad of, part of the Road being very Stoney & much gullied,... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Capt. [Peter] Harwood is not to take any other men more than his own company, at present, from Col [Ebenezer] Learneds Regiment, to serve on board the whaling boats &ca ー except by the consent of Lieut. Colonel [William] Shephard; whose Consent, the General imagined Capt. Harwood had obtained, when he gave him the order this morning.
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
It was suggested to the Congress that some gentlemen are of the opinion that it would be advantageous for the defence of this Colony to impede the navigation between Redhook, on Nassau island, and Bedlow's island, if the same can be done. Therefore, Ordered, That Colo. [William] Malcom and Capt. Daniel Shaw, and such persons as they shall think proper to take to their assistance for the purpose,... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Two of the Continental Fleet sailed from Newport last Week, in Order to cruize in Boston Bay.1 The Cerberus Frigate watered at Block-Island on Sunday the 12th Instant, and chased some Fishing Boats into Newport this Day Week. The Brig that was Consort with the Cerberus is said to be sailed for Halifax, with three prizes;2 some of them said to be from France.
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Agreeable to a resolve of your Board, we have purchased two Vessels, one of which is now fitting up for an ammunition Vessell, the other undergoing some little repair, to make her fitt for a Victualler, both will be ready in three days. Your directions are to man and fitt them, but it might be necessary to ascertain what Number of men you judge proper, and the Wages to be allowed to the... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
In Committee of Safety. Philad'a, 27th May, 1776. The following Memorial to the Assembly was this day approved of, signed by the Chairman, & sent to the House: To the Honorable the Representatives of the Free Men of the Province of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly Met: The Memorial of the Committee of Safety of the said Province, Shewing: That about the beginning of this Month, this... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
By this Public Instrument of Protest be it made known and Manifest unto All who shall See these presents or hear the same read that on the Twenty Seventh day of May in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Seven hundred & Seventy Six Before Me James Humphreys Esquire Notary & Tabellion public of the province of Pennsylvania by lawful Authority duly Admitted and Sworn dwelling in the City of... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
In my last Letter to you, I acquainted you of Roebuck and Liverpool being in our Road, but on sixteenth they made sail and went to sea, and on Wednesday morning the 22, the Liverpool returned into our Road; on Friday 24, there came in sight a Snow, which the Liverpool took, altho' we gave her all the Signals that we could, she appears to be in ballast, and I think she does not belong to your Port... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Monday 27 Cape Henlopen W½ So 3 Legs ½ past 7 A M gave chace to 3 sail to the S W. fresh Gales and hazey  made the chace to be [a] Ship a Brig and a sloop arm'd Vessels belonging to the Rebels2  ½ past 10 they hove too, cleard Ship and stood toward them. at 11 the Rebels made sail and stood in for the shore Shoal Water off Cape May. Do gave chace ー First and midle parts... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Gentlemen. Captn John Sterrets Company of Militia being appointed an Independant Company, and Capt George Wells compy consisting chiefly of Ship carpenters employed in working on the continental frigate2 having petitioned to be formed into an artillery Compy which we presume will be granted....
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Saturday 25th At a Single Anchor in Hampton Road, Virginia Light airs and hazey, at 4 in the afternoon made the Signal for the fleet, weigh'd and made Sail, as did the Fowey and Otter with the fleet amounting to upwards of Ninety Sail: employed turning thro' Lynhaven bay: Sunday 26th at 11 AM 90 Sail in Company. Moderate and hazy weather, at 1 in the afternoon anchored off... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Quere, If one company of Soldiers is sufficient to guard old Topsail Inlet, the Town of Beaufort and the Salt Works.? May not General Clinton after Securing his Landing at Cape fear, Send a Number of men in Transports to Core Sound in 24 hours Destroy the town of Beaufort and the Salt works, then march up And Secure Newberns &c witht opposition Secure the Numerous herds of Cattle on the Sea... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Wednesday 22 in Willmington River Cape Fear No Caroline discharg'd the Highlanders to the Glasgow Pacquett & 16 negroes Refugees by order of Sr Peter parker commodore Saild down the River the Glasgow Pacquett and Watering Sloop Thursday 23 sent the boat at 9 to Row guard Friday 24 at 6 P M fired 4 four pounders at the Rebbels who seem'd to be Very [many] on shore Kept... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Town affords little news more than is contained in Well's Gazette wh I make no doubt you have received before this. The Diabolical Man of War, wh has been in our Offing for some time & wh did us the enormous Injury of burning the Prize has at length disappeared. It is generally imagined that she was sent from, the Armament at North Carolina & that she has now returned to make her... Continue Reading
Date: 27 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Wednesday last was sent in here by the Orpheus Frigate, Capt. Hammond [sic Charles Hudson], a French schooner, which by her course when taken was bound to Block Island near Connecticut. Friday afternoon sailed the Lively man of war, Capt. [Thomas] Bishop. The same evening sailed the Ship Adamant, Capt. Wilson, for London. Saturday arrived the Senegal Sloop of War, Capt. [William] Duddingston.... Continue Reading
Date: 28 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I now acknowledge the rect of your favour observe what you say respecting the resolves of the Congress ー I have Just heard, that the Gentn who had goods aboard the Brign,2 have petition'd the congress ー for an abatement of the Continental part of the salvage ー if they have done it, & it is before the congress, (as the resolves say after four days possesion the salvage is half)... Continue Reading
Date: 28 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Committee of Correspondence Inspection & Safety for the Town of Newburyport, would Beg Leave to Inform the Honble General Court, By you, that the Bearer of this Letter, one Mr Dalton was sent up to this Town by the Committee &c of Falmouth, with a Desire that he might be Sent down to the Honble Court, they Inform us that he was a Midshipman On board of the Milford, Was Tsken in a... Continue Reading
Date: 28 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Tuesday 28 Do [Cape Ann] Harbour No 4 or 5 Miles Sounded 28 fam Coarse Sand & Stones Fresh Breezes  at 3 PM saw a Sail to the Etward  made Sail and gave Chace  ½ past 4 the Chace stood towards us, Brought too and clear'd Ship for Actn  Chase proved to be His Majs Arm'd Ship Canso2 from Eng[land] for Boston.
Date: 28 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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