American Theatre from March 1, 1777, to April 30, 1777

I am happy to find, that the Rebel Force is every where rapidly declining, and so much declining as to promise the Army but a light Campaign. Whatever People may say or think in England, every Body here, who understands the State of the Country, is satisfied that the Rebellion is dying apace, and that ー all its future Struggles will be very languid and ineffectual. They have been particularly... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
State Navy Board [Philadelphia] April 3d 1777 The following letter was sent to Commodore Seymore ー Sir ー You are requested to order all the officers belonging to the Naval service of this State, whose Vessells or boats are now down the River, to repair on board their respective Vessells immediately (except those who are employed in the recruiting service) and that none of them leave their... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Ordered that a Warrant issue to Philip Johnson, James Bray Johnson and William Johnson for five hundred and ninety five pounds, being the consideration Money for a tract of land containing one hundred and Nineteen Acres, lying in Charles City County, purchased by this Board, on behalf of the Commonwealth, for the use of a Ship Yard on Chickahominy river, as will more fully appear by a Deed... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
April 1777 Wednesday 2d Cape Henry NW 8 Leagues at 5 AM saw a Sail in the NW Quarter, at ½ past made Sail and gave Chace, at Noon the Chace, 8 or 9 Miles ahead. Light breezes & cloudy Wear, observing the Chace leaving us and seeing another in the South, made Sail after her, at 5 PM brought the Chace too in 10 fathom Water off Coratuck, which was a Brig from Martinica bound to Virginia,... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The militia marched four days ago to the southward; the Continental troops, under the command of Col. Elvert [Samuel Elbert] are to follow; and three Continental gallies, one of which carrying two eighteen pounders, two twelve ditto, two nine ditto, and six four ditto, together with the three state vessels, two of sixteen guns, and one of ten ditto, are to go round by water, under the command of... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Please to acquaint my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty that I have this Instant received from the Grenville Packet, (which only arrived at St Johns Road Yesterday Evening) Your Letters dated the 26th December and 1st January last, and will take the utmost care to execute their Lordships Directions. The Druid Sloop, and Kent Armed Sh1p, having the Trade from Cork, in Company: this Morning... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
At 6 A. M. hove up, the wind at N. N. W. At 10 the wind wore round to the W. S. W. and blew very hard. At 1 P. M. came to anchor in Turrants's harbour.2
Date: 4 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Ordered that the Commissary General be and he hereby is directed to deliver Capt John Ayres the following Articles of Provisions for one hundred and thirty men for one month for the Cartel to Halifax, called the two Polly's Vizt 10 Barrels Beef 1 Ct Sugar. 10 Butts of Water. 5 Do Pork Box Candles.   1 Bushl Pease. 3,000 wt of Bread Bbl Common rum.   1 Bbl Flour. 1  Firkin Butter Case Wt... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The Committee have written to the Council of war in Providence requesting their assistance in getting the Frigate under your command manned with all possible expedition. On your part as the service of your Country demands it, so this Committee expect your most diligent exertions in geting immediately manned, and out to sea, there to Cruize in such Lattitudes as will be most likely to fall in with... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Resolved, That all captures made, or to be made,. by vessels bearing commissions, issued by the president of South Carolina, previous to this 4th day of April, be considered as valid, as if made under continental commissions, and that a copy of this resolve be transmitted to each of the United States, as a law in any prize cause, which may be depending or instituted in any of the courts therein,... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The petition[s] of Capt. Blewer, Mr. Milton, Mr. Gardner and Doctor Phile were read. On motion Agreed, that a Naval Officer be Balloted for; whereupon, Doctor Frederick Phile was chosen and appointed Naval Officer, for the Port of Philadelphia.
Date: 4 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
State Navy Board Philada Friday April 4th 1777. The following letter was sent to Commodore Seymore ー Sir: ー This board think it necesary to inform you that they do not coµsider the fire fleet as under your direction except in time of Action' of course, that the Orders to the Officers of that department should go through this board at all other times.
Date: 4 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
April [1777] Friday 4 Do [Cape Henlopen] N63:45 Wt 11 2/3 Leagues am saw the Daphne & Thames with each a Sloop in Tow, made the Signal for the Lieuts of those Ships, found the Sloops to be American Vessels from Martinico to Philadelphia with Rum, Molosses & Salt, hoisted out the Cutter which was employed in carrying the Commodores Baggage onboard the Daphne, in Company the Thames... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The British frigate Emerald of 32 guns, a few days ago came into the bay, from a cruise, having taken sundry trading vessels belonging to these states, most of which the enemy burnt. Seventy two American prisoners were landed on the Eastern Shore last week, in order to be exchanged. Some vessels from the port of Boston, as well as from other ports, have lately made a safe harbour in this State,... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Arrived in Rappahannock, in 14 days from Boston the schooner Mariana, Mark Towell commander.
Date: 4 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
April 1777 Friday 4th Cape Henry N12°W 7 Leagues at 4 AM sounded 15 fathoms, at 5 saw two Sail to the Westward, made Sail and gave Chace, at 10 brought the Chace too, a Schooner, Friendship, from Corrosau [Curaçao] bound to Virginia in Ballast, took out the prisoners and scuttled her, made sail for the other. at 2 PM Tack'd Ship & left of[f] chace being too near the Shore, our prize in... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
I had the honor of writing to you a few days ago by Mr Benbury, this you will receive from Michael Payne Esqr a Gentleman who was appointed Collector of this Port by the last Congress at Halifax, as that appointment was made to continue 'till the meeting of the present Session of Assembly, I suppose some new arrangements will take place, he is well qualified to fill the office, and has acted with... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
As you have been pleased to honor me with the Office of Judge of the Admiralty for this port ー An intricate affair appearing before me now, in consequence of a Prise libelled in said Court, and my not being acquainted with the Resolves of the Continental Congress, of the mode of proceeding in the Court of Admiralty for the United States, ー It will oblige me, if your Excell'y, would order the mode... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
April 1777 Friday 4. St Jermaine NbE½E, 3 or 4 Leagues. At 5 AM two sail in sight. at 7 saw a Sail to the N. E. gave chase, by her actions, she was an American, hoisted the Pinnace out to chase, it proving calm, and sent her with the Master Mann'd and Arm'd. Calm and Cloudy Weather; at 2 pm the Pinnace Returned with the Chase, which proved to be a Sloop from St Thomas's bound to Philadelphia... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
April [1777] Friday 4 At Anchor in Bluefields bay [Jamaica] At 7 AM fired a Gun &repeated Commodore's Signal ½ past Weighed & came to Sail in Company with His Majesty's Ships Maidstone & Hornet & 42 Sail of Merchant Ships
Date: 4 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8


Subscribe to American Theatre from March 1, 1777, to April 30, 1777