Volume 5

May 1776: ー I am now a bout to begin a new cruise in the Continental Brig Andrew Doria, Nicholas Biddle, Esq., Commander. we took 3 prizes, 2 of them large transport Ships, bound from Glasgow to Boston; we captured them on the banks of Newfoundland. After we took on board as many of the [prinlcipal officers as we had room for, and all their warlike stores, we took out all the Soldiers, which... Continue Reading
Date: 29 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Meeting in being according to adjournment ー Voted. That Mr Saml Shaw of Bridgwater be appointed a midshipman on Board the Largest Ship Voted. That Mr William Jennison of Mendon be appointed first Lieutenant of Marines for one of the New ships of War fitting hear, on his Inlisting Twenty five good Men in one Month from this date, that shall pass muster by the Committee. ー Voted. That Henry Ward... Continue Reading
Date: 29 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Plese to Let me Know Wheather you Station me ashore in the forte or on Board the Ship if on Board the Ship; I would take the office of Quarter mastr if you Please But i am Content Ether Way for i am Determind to Stay By you So Long as i Recive the Same Good treatment as i always Have from you But Capt Saltison [Dudley Saltonstall] i will Not Saile with But you i Can Saile So Long is i Live  this... Continue Reading
Date: 29 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Inclosed is an Accot of the Money I have advanced the people who sailed yesterday in the Providence £ 15.1.4 for Providence hope will arrive safe in the Accot sent you by Sargt Hambleton [William Hamilton] of what was advanced their people a p[r] trouses to Richd Owen was omitted  Robt Rich of the Alfred had a Blanket belonging to John Hannah deceased, Sam Farguson of the Providence & Sam... Continue Reading
Date: 29 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
This morning was launched in our ha[r]bour, a Row Galley. She is called the Whiting, and the command of her is given to Capt. John M'Clieve.
Date: 29 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I Send you three Prisoners, whose testimony, and the circumstances against them, Gives me the Strongest Reason to Believe the[y] came for a supply of provisions or some other Necessarys for the Enemy ー Last Sunday we saw them Come with a Sloop from the west, and go toward the East end of the Island ー I sent a sergeant and twelve men after them, to take. them if the[y] Came in any of the inlets ー... Continue Reading
Date: 29 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
A letter from William Smith, Esquire, of Suffolk county, of the 25th instant, informing Congress by the request of a meeting of the committee of Brookhaven, Manor of St. George, and Patenteeship of Meritches, and informing Congress that there is a communication kept up between Winthrop's patent and the ships of war at Sandy Hook, and that men, water, oysters and clams, are carried from the inlet... Continue Reading
Date: 29 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
A petition from Captain W. Budden was presented to Congress and read; Whereupon, Resolved, That midshipman [John] Draper2 be offered in exchange for Captain W[illiam] Budden. The committee appointed to confer with his Excellency General Washington, Major General [Horatio] Gates and Brigadier General [Thomas] Mifflin, brought in a farther report, which was read: Whereupon, Resolved,... Continue Reading
Date: 29 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Mr. Ball the Lieutt. is now fixed at Germantown. Since the return of the Liverpool into our Capes, there has been another attempt of the Committee of Safety here, to have Ball Exchanged for Captn. Budden, but Totally rejected by Congress ー
Date: 29 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
In Committee of Safety [Philadelphia] 29th May, 1776. Capt. [James] Montgomery appear'd this day, agreeable to orders, and acquaints this Board that the reason of his removing from his Boat was in Consequence of leave obtain'd from the Commodore, and now applies to have such charge confirm'd; Therefore, Resolved, That he, the said Capt. James Montgomery, take the Command of the Chatham in the... Continue Reading
Date: 29 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
A letter from Providence, dated the 21st inst. mentions, among other articles on board the transport lately taken by Captain Mugford, a large quantity of breast-plates, said to be bullet-proof; about 300 l. sterl. worth of dry goods, and a quantity of provisions.
Date: 29 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I should not have deferred writing you so long, had the situation of my health admitted of my so doing; but I have had so severe an indisposition, that it has impaired much the faculties of my mind, so much so, though I have been able to walk abroad for eight or nine days past, yet my memory has been so very bad, that I have not, till within this day or two, been capable of recollecting any... Continue Reading
Date: 29 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Wednesday 29 Cape Henry S45W 76 Miles 4 A M fresh Breezes  saw 2 Sail  out 1st Reefs ½ Past spoke his Majesty's Ship Mercury hoisted out a Boat & went on Board  6 got the Boat in  Parted Co  made Sail  set Steerg Sails  11 Saw 15 Sail  gave Chase Light Airs & Cloudy  saw the Rebel Fleet Consisting of 2 Ships Six Brigs 7 Sloops & Schooners  Cape May bearing NBW  Barricaded... Continue Reading
Date: 29 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Your order of the 25th Inst came to hand Yesterday Noon 3 oClock, I was then off Wecomoco, About an hour after we imagine the Governors boat past us, the Commadore still continued at anchor, but as the Weather was thick imagine the Boat past her (Commadore): The other two Ships that was under way stood into the mouth of Rappahanock & supposed Anchor'd as we stood off and on all the Ebb and... Continue Reading
Date: 29 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
A warrant to Mr. George Abyron for...£ 4 for a stand of arms for Capt. [George] Muter's rowe Galley. A warrant to Mr. Thos. Archer for £490. 16. 2, the ball'ce of his acc't this day settled for sundries for the adventure on board the Schooner Sally, and the purchase money for the said vessel. A warrant to Edward Travis for use Geo. Brett for £ 100 up on acc't for building the Galley under his... Continue Reading
Date: 29 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Last Saturday a sloop arrived here from St. Eustatia with ten thousand weight of powder, the Master of which says that a large vessel had arrived there from Holland deeply loaded with arms and ammunition. He also says that the French ports in the West-Indies are open to us, and that the French men of war have orders to protect our vessels in and out of their harbours, that the French are... Continue Reading
Date: 29 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Wednesday 29 Cape Francois SbW. saw a Sail in the NE Q[uarte]r gave chase to do fired 2 Shot at the Chace  ½ pt short[ene]d sail brot too  hoisted out the Boat & sent on board to speak her  ½ pt the Boat ret[urne]d with the Mas[te]r & 2 Men belonging to the above Vessell being a Sloop belong[in]g to Rhode Island from Dartmouth in North America & b[oun]d to Cape Nicola... Continue Reading
Date: 29 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
General Ward received yours of the 27th Inst this morning, in answer to which I am to inform you the general would have the Vessels and Cargoes2 sold as soon as may be; and as he cannot ascertain the time and place of sail [sic] so well as you can he would have you conduct the whole matter relating to them. I am &c.
Date: 30 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The frigate ordered to be built at Portsmouth, for the Continental service, was launched last week. She is said to be a very fine ship, and will this week be ready to receive her guns and men. Yesterday se'nnight were interred at Marblehead, the remains of Capt. James Mugford, jun. who has left this honour to embalm his memory, that he made as brave and vigorous a stand in defence of American... Continue Reading
Date: 30 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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