Volume 5

Your much Esteem'd favour of the 8th Inst I recd but four days Since it having pass'd me on the Road to Newbury when I was on my return from thence here, It gave me great pleasure to see the Signature of a Gentleman with whome I had the pleasure of a former Acquaintance, and one who is filling so important a Station in the Grand Council of the Grand Empire now in Embrio ー The day I Recd yr Ltr. I... Continue Reading
Date: 30 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Should be glad you will let me know by the Post whether your General Assembly have appointed any Court to try Prizes agreeable to Orders of Congress ー as it is time we Should do something with the Prizes in New London. Your answer will oblige Sir Your Friend at Command
Date: 30 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Thursday 30 Block Island N 17.32E 10 Leags at 7 saw a sail to the NE  gave Chace  fired a 3 pdr  Brot too the Chace a Brigg from St. Croix with Arms & Ammunition bound to Rhode Island.2 So end of Block Isld North 7 Leags Modt and Clear at 1 P M took the Brigg in tow
Date: 30 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Thursday 30 Sandy hook N64Wt 90 Leags Saw a Sail to the SW Fresh Breezes & Cloudy Wr at 2 gave Chace to the So ward  at 5 come up wth & Sent a boat on Board the Chace, a Sloop from Nantucket for the Whale fishery,2 brought her People on Board & sent a Petty Officer & 4 men to take Charge of her Reef'd topsails & made sail ー3
Date: 30 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Captains Bradt & Vrooman, with their Companies of Carpenters will leave this to Morrow, they are ordered to Skenesborough ー The Moment they land, you will cause the several articles they have in Charge together with their Baggage to be brought over the carrying place as also their Batteaus, unless you can supply them on the other Side. The Batteaus which Colo:[Philip Van] Cortland[t] carries... Continue Reading
Date: 30 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
An extract of a letter from a gentleman in Bermuda, dated the 26th April, and continued to the 1 May, 1776, to a gentleman in Philadelphia, was presented to Congress, and read.2 Resolved, That it be referred to the committee appointed to examine the most proper ports to be fortified. Resolved, That six of the heaviest cannon at Newport, and fourteen of the heaviest cannon at New London... Continue Reading
Date: 30 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
As you are now bound on a Voyage to Europe2 with a veiw of procuring sundry articles that are wanted here, and have expectations that your friend Mr Jean Wanderwoordt will supply such as we may desire provided he is assured of being duly paid the Cost with Interest for the Time he remains in advance. We the Subscribers being a Quorum of the Secret Committee appointed by the Honble the... Continue Reading
Date: 30 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
You have given me great Pleasure by your Account of the Spirit and Activity of our People, their Skill and success in fortifying the Town and Harbour: But there are several Things Still wanting, in my Judgment. I never shall be happy, untill every unfriendly Flagg. is driven out of sight, and the Light House Island Georges and Lovells Islands, and the East End of hog Island are secured. ー Fire... Continue Reading
Date: 30 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
By a decree of Court marshell held yesterday on Thos. Moore, found him guilty of mutiny and calling the officers of the fleet a set of Rebels, & threatening his entering on Board the first King's Ship he can get on Board of, the court have decreed him thirty Nine lashes, & to Be Impson'd during your pleasure. Gentlm'n, I Remain, [&c.]
Date: 30 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Sir  You will please to proceed to Baltimore and wait our further orders, ー we send this by Mr Middleton, whose boat you may keep with the ship 'till you come off Annapolis, presuming you will not want her further ー if however it should not be necessary for her to attend you, you will order down the bay, to gain what intelligence she can, of the ships you left below.
Date: 30 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I have received your letter of the 26th instant by Mr. Smith, and am very Sorry, tho not Surprized to learn that you think it necessary to leave Annapolis. The Province of Maryland has hitherto been looked upon as having acted with a degree of moderation in the present unnatural Rebellion subsisting in the Colonies, and I confess I had great hopes from your continuing in your Government, that you... Continue Reading
Date: 30 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The reason you have not heard from me Sooner, is owing to our having taken the resolution of moving the Fleet from Norfolk to this place, which was effected on the 27th I believe, without the loss of a Single vessel, except three or four that were obliged to be destroyed for want of materials to bring them round. For a description of the Island, the Harbour, and what we are about, I refer you... Continue Reading
Date: 30 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
This day Capt. Alfred Moore came from Fort Johnston, and says all the English forces are gone on board, and upwards of 30 sail gone over the bar. They left behind them some blankets, with an intention, it is thought, of spreading some infectious disorder among us.
Date: 30 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Time presses. As the Wind is fair I submit to You, Sir, Whether it would not be right to go to Sea immediately, Each Transport having Sealed Orders to proceed to, or Rendezvous at Bull's Bay. Commmodore's Answer. Verbal. That he was afraid the Masters would not go over the Bar without Pilots. My opinion, That they should be indemnified, and offered to do it. We sailed. All safe. I... Continue Reading
Date: 30 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Whereas the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty have directed me to appoint Convoys to the homeward bound Trade from these Islands; You are hereby required and directed to Compleat the Victualing &c of his Majesty's Ship Portland under your Command to three Months, and proceed to Basseterre at the Island of St Christophers, and make known to all such Merchant Vessels as are bound to Great... Continue Reading
Date: 30 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Meeting in being according to adjournment ー Voted. That the Balance of Mr Francis Brindly's Acct be paid out of the Treasury, provided the quantity Charg'd has been Received on Examining the Clerks Books. ー Voted. That Capt James Sellers of Dartmouth be appointed third Lieut of one of the Ships of War fitting here on his Inlisting 12 good Seaman to go in the Ships within 20 Days. ー Voted. That... Continue Reading
Date: 31 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Moved by his Honor,2 that proper measures be taken to man and fit our three row-galleys, now nearly ready, for immediate service; and the matter was largely discoursed &c., and Voted, That Messrs. Jno. McCleave, Theo. Stanton and Jehiel Tinker, who are appointed captains of them, be notified and desired to attend this Board at Hartford on Wednesday next, to receive further orders... Continue Reading
Date: 31 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
State of Connecticut By Nathl Shaw ー 1776     Cr May By 2030½ lb Lead @ 6d £     50..15..3   By 3255 lb Powder @ 5/4     862..13..4   By 100 Bls of Pork @ £4     400.. ー . ー          14 do Beef 50/       35. ー . ー          40 do Corn 3/         6. ー . ー   By 10 Muskets from the Defence       30. ー . ー      360 Flints do         0..15. ー   By 2 Yoke of Oxen       19. ー . ー  ... Continue Reading
Date: 31 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Last Friday the armed Brig belonging to this Colony, commanded by Capt. [Seth] Harding,1 arrived here from the western part of the Colony. While the above Vessel was coming up the Harbour, one Robert Dunlap, a transient Person, by Trade a Leather Breeches Maker, attempted to swim from Groton Shore, on board said Vessel, for a Wager; but he sunk before he reached her, and was drowned.... Continue Reading
Date: 31 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
This Morning thirty Carpenters left this to repair to Skenesborough, by the way of Ticonderoga in Order to construct Gundaloes, altho' Nothing is prepared for building them ー I hope nevertheless to finish one in a short Time, at least, I will do every Thing in my power to compleat it the soonest possible, and for that purpose; I shall leave this to Morrow to put all in Train... I wish a person... Continue Reading
Date: 31 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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