Volume 9

Since our last, a large Vessel from this Port has sailed, having on Board a great Number of Tories, with their Wives and Families, chiefly Scotch Gentlemen who have refused to take the Oaths of Government to this State. They are mostly Gentlemen of considerable Property, which they have acquired in America, and have it chiefly on Board, and chuse to risk every Consequence rather than acknowledge... Continue Reading
Date: 25 January 1777
Volume: Volume 9
July 1777 Thursday 24 The So End of the West Corcos East ¼ Mile at 2 AM Tack'd Ship. Moderate & Cloudy, At 3 PM saw 2 Sail to the SW. Made Sail & gave chace. At 4 Fired a Shott & brot too one of them, which proved a Sloop from Cape Francois, to Caska [Casco] Bay. Sent an Officer & 4 Men to take her to Jamaica, and made Sail after the other. At 7 Fired two Guns to bring her too... Continue Reading
Date: 25 January 1777
Volume: Volume 9
July 1777 Saturday 26th Cape Negro WNW 7 Miles ½ past 5 AM hove up light Airs & foggy run into the entrance of Port Roseway & Anchd in 7½ fathm at Noon Still thick A Small Schooner came close Alongside Haild her & ordered them Alongside they run for the Shore and seeing a number of men on Bd fired at them upon which they run the Vessel on Shore Hoisted out our Boat & sent her... Continue Reading
Date: 26 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Encouragement for seamen. Whereas the seamen of these States have for some time past been dis­ couraged from entering into the navy, by thinking they have hitherto been unfairly dealt with in respect of prize money, and the regular payment of wages: Therefore, to remove all cause of future complaint, I will be answerable to every person who may enter to serve under my command, for the punctual... Continue Reading
Date: 26 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
[H.M.S. Juno at sea off Cape Ann and Cape Cod] On the 26th [July] a cask of molasses was taken out of a prize for each of the three ships companies, and eight casks of limes were divided among them; the Orpheus had one half of the limes, as her people were the most sickly with fever and scurvy. I got 18 bottles of small French wine for the use of the sick. On the 28th, I put three gallons of lime... Continue Reading
Date: 26 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
You are hereby Directed to Equip & Get Ready for sailing the Carten Schoner under the Command of Capt Josiah Godfrey, for Rhode Island, the Board having Determined He shall Sair from this port Early next Week, & you are further Directed not to Exchange any Prisoners taken in the Land service, nor any of the officers or Seamen taken in the fox Frigate, without the Spetiall order of... Continue Reading
Date: 26 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
July 1777 Saturday 26th Cape Cod SWbW 2 or 3 Leagues at 4 AM made the Signal for seeing a Sail to the Eastward, out Reefs Top Sails set Top Gallt sails and Chaced her, Tkd saw a sail to the Soward, at 7 Cape Cod SbW 5 Leagues, at 10 sounded 40 faths fired Six twelve pounders at the Chace and brot her too, a Brig from Guadalupe with Molasses bound and belonging to Newberry2
Date: 26 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Capt Robt Conway (for Sloop Molley) Bought of Josiah Watson 2 Carriage Guns £150. .— ..— Gent Please to pay to Mr Jqsiah Watson the Sum of One Hundred & Fifty Pounds Virginia Currency for 2 Carriage Guns purchased of him for Sloop Molley— £150—0—0
Date: 26 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
You are hereby Ordered and directed forthwith to proceed to Newburyport Boston and on your way there endeavour to assist Mr Charrier whom you will find enlisting Men to Serve in the Navy Under my Command — You are to present the Memorandum of Articles wanted for the Ranger to Messrs Livingston and Turnbull who will Oblige me by rendring you every possible Assistance. — but my principle design in... Continue Reading
Date: 27 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
July 1777 Sunday 27. Cape Henlopen No 57 Wt Dist 18 Leagues at 5 AM saw a Strange Sail in Shore of Us, Sounded 11 Fathoms at 12 the above Sail in Sight. — Do Weather Cape Henlopen N 65 Et Dist 11 Leagues at 4 PM in Chace of the above Vessel at 6 Came up with Her Hail'd her, Answered from Providence out Ten days Hoisted out the Cutter and sent a Petty Officer and 4 Men on Board Her brought the... Continue Reading
Date: 27 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
July 1777 Sunday 27th Chs Town Light-house N 57° 0"W: 7 Leagues at 6 AM Tacked the Lighthouse WbN 3 Leagues, at 9 brot too, Recd from the Brune and Galatea 3 Hogsds and 3 half Hogsds water, and Supplied the Brune with 35 Galls Rum, 308 pieces Pork, 7 B 4 Qt Oatmeal and 691 lbs Flour; And the Galatea with 1 Barrel Sour Crout and 50 pounds of Portable Soup; at this time Scarce a Biskit in the... Continue Reading
Date: 27 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
The Lieutenant Governor inform'd the Council, that he had receiv'd repeated Intelligence of a design being formed by the Rebels, Under the Authority of the General Congress, to invade this Province from the Eastern parts of New-England, by taking Post at St Johns River, and for that purpose, that they were with their Utmost Efforts raising Troops, and had got together Cannon and other Stores, and... Continue Reading
Date: 28 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
. . . I have been unhappy in reflecting that I have been no less than five times baffled in the various Services, which have been pointed out for my Honor arid benefit since my arrival at Boston in the Alfred, yet I mention not this as an excuse for my Silence, — I acknowledge that Silence to have been blameable. I have now the fairest Prospect of getting the Ranger compleatly manned — hitherto... Continue Reading
Date: 28 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
We have certain advises that part of the Enemy's Fleet, Viz Seventy Sail were beating off Little Egg Harbour with a Southerly wind on Saturday morning. From this Event, there seems to be but little room to doubt but that the destination is into Delaware Bay and against the City of Philadelphia. . . .
Date: 28 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Resolved, That the Marine Committee be empowered and directed to provide and get ready, with all possible expedition, ten fire ships; to be under the command of the commodore commanding in the river Delaware. The Marine Committee, to whom was referred the petition of the lieutenants of the ships of war now inthe port of Philadelphia,2 reported, "That they have called in, before them,... Continue Reading
Date: 28 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
In Addition to my Letter of the 28th July, I beg You will please to acquaint their Lordships, that I received the enclosed Intelligence Yesterday from Annapolis [Royal], brought there by His Majesty's arm'd Brig Hope, which Capt Feattus had sent Express from St John's with it: — the Requisition made me by the Governor & Council (a Copy of which is likewise enclosed) I propose to comply with... Continue Reading
Date: 29 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
The Hope and Galbraith, armed schooners, which have been stationed up the Bay of Funday, have been very successful in their cruizes there, hav­ ing .taken a number of small craft from New-England, with part of the car­ goes of the prizes their privateers had carried in there, and which they were sending to the other provinces, the Massachusetts being over stocked with prize goods; we here have... Continue Reading
Date: 29 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
As I learn from you, that the Seamen who have enter'd for the Ranger for One Cruize expect to receive an Advance of Forty dollars and that the Landsmen expect to receive an Advance of Twenty dollars as mentioned, in the hand Bills, ancl as I would by no means deceive any Man, who has Enter'd or may Enter to serve under my Command, it is proper that you should inform them, that at the time when... Continue Reading
Date: 29 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
At the Maritime Court for the middle District of the State of the Massa­ chusetts Bay holden, at Boston in the County of Suffolk, by the Honourable Nathan Cushing Esquire Judge of said Court, on Tuesday the twenty ninth Day of July in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven  Be it remembered That on the twenty third Day of June in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven... Continue Reading
Date: 29 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
. . . General Washington is coming this way with his forces some of which are actually in this City already. Howe's fleet are off the Capes 250 sail. I should. not wonder if he tried to draw the General even to Virginia and then pushed for New England, that great object of Ministerial malice. I expect he will do this or make a quick return up North river. I shall not believe he will now come here... Continue Reading
Date: 29 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9


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