American Theatre from March 1, 1777, to April 30, 1777

The State Navy Board sent in a recommendation of two Officers of the Navy, Viz: Brigantine Convention, first Lieut Douglas Spence. Battery Putnam, 2d Lieut George Myers. Agreed, That the Paymaster of the Pennsylvania Fleet be allowed Captains Pay. Orderd, That Lieut Douglas Spence, and Second Lieut George Myers, recommended by the Navy Board, be Commissioned accordingly.
Date: 9 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The following appointments being made in the fleet under your command, you'l please to communicate them to the different Officers, at same time give them orders to procure their Men as fast as possible, & come to this board to receive their Commissions. In the present emergency, it will be proper that you urge every Officer under you to compleat their equipments with all possible expedition.... Continue Reading
Date: 9 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The following promotions & appointments being agreed to you will please to communicate them to the different Captains, at the same time direct them to recommend proper persons to this board to fill up the Vacancies which those promotions will occasion. Promoted   Francis Gilbert, from the Ship Montgomery Benjamin Thompson,   "       "   Experiment Galley Henry Martin,   "       "  ... Continue Reading
Date: 9 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
One of the gallies belonging to the state of Georgia, has . . . taken a schooner in St. Mary's river, laden with rice in bulk, destined for St. Augustine. The Rutledge privateer of this Port, commanded by Capt. Jacob Muligan, has lately carried into a safe Port, a Brigantine of 10 Guns, from the Coast of Guiney, with 42 Slaves, a large Quantity of Elephants Teeth, &c. which he took almost... Continue Reading
Date: 9 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
A storeship bound to New York, has been taken and carried into Port Pietre, Guadaloupe; part of her lading has been retaken by the Seaford, in a vessel bound to Martinico. We suppose the Admiral has sent to demand her, which whether complied with or not, will bring our good friends the French to an explanation.
Date: 9 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
I wish we were better Able to coape with the enemy att sea, for they have the Advantage of us greatly for they seem to take almost every thing. They have got Bermudas as a place of rendezvous, by which they have all the Advantage possible. I had a Master come by the way of N. York last week, haveing been taken in a brig of mine with 300 hhd. Molasses, [powder?], small Arms and sundry Other... Continue Reading
Date: 10 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Last Week arrived at a safe Port, from Martinico, the Privateer Sloop of War, Rover, belonging to Salem, after a Passage of 31 Days; the Captain of which informs, ー That a Privateer fitted out of that Port, by the French, carrying 6 Guns and 25 Men, had captured, and sent into that Place, a large Guineaman, with 300 Slaves on board, a quantity of Elephant's Teeth, and Gold Dust. ー That the... Continue Reading
Date: 10 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Notice is hereby given, That Libels are filed before me, against the following vessels, their cargoes and appurtenances, viz. In behalf of John Fisk, commander of the armed brigantine Tyrannicide, owned by the State of Massachusetts-Bay, and of his company on board her, against the brigantine Three Friends, of about 100 tons burthen, Arthur Helme, late master. In behalf of Captain John Lee and... Continue Reading
Date: 10 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The time of my mens engagement being so Near it's Expiration have tho't it would give less Trouble to Your Honr and myself to have but one Settlement and that to the first of May, You will receive this by the hands of Captn [Eliphalet] Roberts and Leut [John) Chapman who Will bring their Accounts, and as You may think proper to adjust them, it shall be my rule with all others ー I should have... Continue Reading
Date: 10 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Know all Men by these Presents that I Peter Companion late a Mariner belonging to the private Sloop of War called the American Revenue fitted out in the State of Connecticutt and commanded by Captain Samuel Champlin for and in Consideration of the Sum of twenty five Dollars to me in hand paid, by William Rogers and Theodore Sayward the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge & am therewith... Continue Reading
Date: 10 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Early in January I received your Letter of the 15th of last November, referring to a Copy of your Orders from Captain [Charles] Douglas of the 3d of the same Month; To an Account of the State of the Ships appointed to remain the succeeding Winter under your direction in the St Lawrence; And to an Estimate of the Number of Seamen required to be furnished as therein stated, for serving on the Lakes... Continue Reading
Date: 10 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
These Gentlemen 2 have also written to me concerning some Powder, due from the Continent to the State of Massachusetts ー about 15 Tons they say. ー I really thought this demand had been satisfied long ago out of the 75 Tons taken about this time last year; 3 If it has not, I have no objection to returning what has been had for the use of the Army, but with respect to that... Continue Reading
Date: 10 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Captains [Leeson] Simmons & [Joshua] Allen who were appointed to Visit the Signals & Alarm Posts made the following report ー vizt On our arrival at the first Alarm Post at the Cape, under care of Major Henry Fisher, to be in very good readiness to execute the intentions proposed, having his boat & Horse ready, and a trusty hand at the Light House. But was desired by Major Fisher to... Continue Reading
Date: 10 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
To be Sold at public vendue, at the London Coffee-house, on Saturday, the 12th instant, at six o'clock in the evening, the brigantine Friendship, as she came from sea, now lying at South-street wharf, with all her tackle, furniture, &c. agreeable to the inventory now to be seen at the Coffeehouse. Also five pieces of light cannon, and about five hundred shot, on board said brig. Any gentleman... Continue Reading
Date: 10 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Deserted from the armed schooner Delaware, belonging to this state, the following men, viz. Henry Packton, alias Blackton, a native of New.Jersey, and of Dutch extraction, five feet ten inches high, brown complexion, and short brown hair; he had on, when he deserted, a brown coatee, breeches of the same, swanskin jacket, and small round hat. Likewise Thomas Battery, born in this state, said he... Continue Reading
Date: 10 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
We are informd from very good authority that a Fleet of Men of War and Transports with Troops from the Northward may be expected in the Bay every day — You are therefore desird to order the two Captains Barrons 2 to keep an extraordinary look out and shou'd there arrive any such Ships of War or Transports in the Bay direct them to give immediate notice thereof to this Board. —
Date: 10 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
April [1777] Thursday 10 St Jermains EbS½S, 2. Leagues. Fresh breezes and hazey Weather. at 2 pm saw a Sail in the S.W. Qr gave chase, at 6 fired three four pounders shotted, and brought her too, hoisted out our boat, and sent the Master on board, proved to be a Brig from Gaudalupe, bound to Newberry, loaded with Molasses brt the Master and People on board, and sent a Petty Officer, and five... Continue Reading
Date: 10 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Great numbers of prizes continue to be carried into Antigua, Dominico, St. Kitts, Anguilla and Tortola, by vessels of two & 4 guns, 10 or 20 men, mostly small craft, and these cruise without any commission. Several transports have passed this for America from St. Kitts, &ca. in two divisions, the first about 17 sail, no soldiers, the second about 9 sail, about 400 troops, no conv?y only... Continue Reading
Date: 10 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
You haveing on board the Sloop Polly whereof you are Commander two Hundred Barrels of Gun Powder the property of the United States of America; It's my desire (in behalf of John Langdon Esqr) that you proceed immediately for Nantaskett Road near Boston, where it is probable you will find the two Contini Frigates built in the State of the Massachusetts; vizt Hancock John Manly Esq. Commander &... Continue Reading
Date: 11 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
you will Excuse the fredom I take When you may be Assuerd it is Nothing but Humanuty in Duces me to Request your assustanc to the Barer Mrs Marey Briggs of White Haven to Gitt a pasage by the first opertunrty Home as She is a gent! Womon that has behaved Well under hard Misfortens and a Longe Captivety Which She has gon through with pacence and fortitude and When She Comes to Newport perhaps Will... Continue Reading
Date: 11 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8


Subscribe to American Theatre from March 1, 1777, to April 30, 1777