Volume 5

May 1776 Monday 27. Anchor'd the Inside St Augustine Barr At 2 AM weighed, and gote over the Barr the Sloop and pilot Boat in Company ー Gote the Boats in and discharged the pilot Set the Topsails and Square sail ー Sloop & pilot boat in Company  Standing along Shore. Light airs & Clear Weather ー Tacked to the Westward til 7 (PM)  came to anchor Sloop and Schooner in Company ー The North... Continue Reading
Date: 31 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Friday 31 [Off Cape François] saw a Sail in the S:W  gave Chace to do & made sail Mt Christ SdW 3 Leags lig[h]t Breeze & hazy Wr  the Chace bearing N½E  got out the sweeps  towed in order to get up with the Chace  at 12 shortd sail boarded the chace & found her to be a schooner from Cape Francois belong[in]g & bound to Philadelphia loaded with Powder & small Arms... Continue Reading
Date: 31 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
No 9 Ships Commanders Where Stationed &c.   Portland Vice Admiral Young   In St John's Road Antigua, returned from a Cruize. Ordered to sail with the Convoy for England.     Capt Thos Dumaresq   Argo Wm Garnier In English Harbour Antigua, Careening alongside the Wharf.   Seaford John Colpoys Sailed hence the 19th May for Dominica to Complete her Wood and Water, then to proceed... Continue Reading
Date: 31 May 1776
Volume: Volume 5
May 1776 Friday 30 [Thursday] Laid up in the Coude Sec [Cul de Sac, Quebec] Fresh Gales and cloudy weather  Arrived from up the river the Maria Armed Schooner with Lieut Genl Carelton on board  employed Occasionally  the Commodore made the signal for disembarking the Troops Saturday 31 [Friday] Arrived here several sail of Transports with Troops on board. June [17]76 Sunday 1 [... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1776
Volume: Volume 5
This morning we enter'd the mouth of Halifax, Harbour, as we pass'd up the Town has a very handsome appearance, at 12 O Clock we came to anchor near the Town & at Two, we went on shore. the land on which this Town is built rises gradually until it forms a beautiful eminence, call'd the Citadel-Hill, the Town is handsomely laid out, the buildingrs] are but small in general, at the upper end of... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I adress'd you last of 22d April (& previously of 15) on the Captor of a Brigt Elizabeth bro't into This Port by Com. Manly &c since which I have not been favr with your answer ー I can easily conceive of your Engagements on matters of much greater concernment Yet I shall be much oblig'd (if a leisure moment) by a reply to the letters Quoted above, with the Continental resolves, respecting... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Your Esteem'd favour of the 20th & 21st Ulto is now on the table, am much Oblig'd by your close attention in procur[in]g Money, and forwarding all matters, in your power, I am sensible of the trouble you have, to get things done, as I've had some Experience of it myself, I Observe what you mention about the 1st Lieutenant & [John] Roche, I've mention'd the matter fully in my Letters since... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1776
Volume: Volume 5
A Letter from the Committee of Newbury Port Informing the Honble Court that one Mr Dalton was sent up to that Town by the Committee of Falmouth with a desire that he might be sent to the Honble Court that he was a Midshipman on board of the Milford & was taken in a sloop that he was on board of Bound to Boston, by One Capt Drinkwater and Carried into Falmouth ー In Council Read & orderd... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1776
Volume: Volume 5
At a Court erected to try and condemn all Vessels, that shall be found infesting the Sea Coast of America, and brought into said Colony, to be holden at Providence, in the County of Providence, on the 17th Day of June, A.D. 1776, at the Hour of Ten in the Forenoon, will be tried the Justice of the Capture of the Sloop called the Two Friends, late commanded by Abraham Copeland, laden with Salt,... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The letters and bonds to the captains of the row-gallies being to be forwarded &c., and names not being given to two of them, is concluded to call Cap. [Theodore] Stanton's built at Norwich, the Shark; and Cap. [Jehiel] Tinker's, at E. Haddam, the Crane.
Date: 1 June 1776
Volume: Volume 5
We are duly favor'd with yours of the 27th Ulto and have Observed the Contents. The 16 Inch Cable which you say you have had Offer'd to you at 75 PCt would recommend for you to Accept it ー the Other shall be forwarded agreeable to your desire ー As to the Hemp it is engaged and was in expectation of its being delivered at this place in this, however are now promised to have it down some time in... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1776
Volume: Volume 5
A letter from Capt. James Smith, late commander of the armed sloop Schuyler, dated yesterday, was read and filed.2 He therein encloses his late commission as commander of the sloop Schuyler, in order to cancel the bond given for his punctual observance of his instructions; and returns his sincere thanks for all past favours. Ordered, That the said bond be cancelled and that the said... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1776
Volume: Volume 5
...I wrote you yesterday but was too late for the post, shall forward it on wt this ー since which five Ships arrived Att the Hook three of which I suppose to be Men of War, ー
Date: 1 June 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Your favours of May 14. and 22d. are now before me. The first I shewed to Mr. Morris, as soon as I received it. The last contains Intelligence, from Hallifax of the Streights to which our Enemies are reduced, which I was very glad to learn. I am very happy to learn from you and some other of my Friends that Boston is securely fortified; but still I cannot be fully satisfied untill I hear that... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Sloop Peggy Capt [Thomas] Patton is loaden for acct of the Continent & as the Hornet Capt [William] Hallock is Stationed at Cape May & the Wasp Cruizing in the Bay they will be able to protect her against Tenders or give Notice of greater danger. I hope therefore you will grant her a pass & Pilot [&c.]
Date: 1 June 1776
Volume: Volume 5
In Committee of Safety Philad'a, 1st June, 1776. Resolved, That Capt. John Hazelwood construct and immediately employ Persons for building an additional Guard Boat, for the use of this Province.
Date: 1 June 1776
Volume: Volume 5
In Committee of Safety [Philadelphia, June 1, 1776] Sir Agreeable to your Request we send you by Capt. [Charles] Lawrence one of Our Guard Boats,2 and as we understand from Mr Philip Moore that you proposed both to officer and man her from your place, we have directed Capt. Lawrence to return immediately with his Crew. The Committee being clearly of Opinion that it would be dangerous... Continue Reading
Date: 1 June 1776
Volume: Volume 5
After breakfast I went down town & searched all the most probable places I could hear of, for seamen: but without any success. However I met one who belonged l/r.Y U I O. ー 31 Y. but I resolved to search further before I took him &appointed him to meet the next morning In the afternoon I renewed my search but in vain:2
Date: 1 June 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Brig Hetty, Don Mole, is arrived here with three tons and a half of powder, one hundred and forty stand of arms, and some lead. Our ships of war, and several vessels under their convoy, went out from Cape May, last Wednesday evening [May 29]. Our ships were at some distance from the Cape, when they fell in with the above brig, and brought her safe in.
Date: 1 June 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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