American Theatre from March 1, 1777, to April 30, 1777

April 77 Friday 11 At Anchor off Hope Island at 3 P M saw a Sloop aground between Warwick & Greenwich [Conimicut] sent the Boats Man'd and Armd to sett her on fire after taken one Man out of her (the rest having made their Escape) fired several Swivells & Musquets at People assembled in Arms on the Shore.
Date: 11 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Voted, That Seth Harding, Esqr, be and he is hereby appointed Captain and Commander of the ship Oliver Cromwell during the pleasure of the General Assembly or this Board. Voted, That Timothy Parker be and he is hereby appointed First Lieutenant of the ship Oliver Cromwell during pleasure. Voted, That John Chapman be and he is hereby appointed Second Lieutenant of the ship Oliver Cromwell during... Continue Reading
Date: 11 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
I Recd yours of Yesterday and am Content that you Make up your Accounts, to Monday Next inclusive Carefully Observing the Times of Dismission, Desertion or Decease of Such as have left the Ship in any of those ways My Council of Safety have been greatly Mortified for a Long Time to find it out of their Power to push the Ship out on a Cruise they are Sensible that You have from various Causes been... Continue Reading
Date: 11 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Wednesday Se'nnight, Capt. Isaac Champlin, in the Sloop Polly of this Port, arrived at Boston, in 29 Days from Cape Nichola Mole, by him we learn the following Arrivals, Viz. At Cape Nichola, Schooner Betsey, Moses Griffing, and Schooner————, John Ord, in a Letter of Marque, from Philadelphia; Schooner Cullendine, Henry Reves, from So. Carolina; Sloop————Josph Ferribe, from N. London. In Lat. 38... Continue Reading
Date: 11 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The fine new Frigate, called the Delaware, Capt. Alexander, has sailed down the River. I stood upon the Wharf to see the fine figure and Show she made. They are fitting away the Washington, Captn. Reed [Read], with all possible dispatch.
Date: 11 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
On Making Cape Henlopen I discoverd Adml Hothams Flag who had be.en cruizing there for the Month past, and as I found he did not think himself authorized to quit the Station to me until he should receive further orders from the Commander in Chief Lord Howe, He at my request came with his Flag to my ship, and sent his own 50 Gun ship into New York to repair some damage she had sustained. The Next... Continue Reading
Date: 11 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
April 77 Friday 11 Cape henlopen N30Wt Distce 21 Leagues At 1 AM fired 6 Guns & made Signal to bring too with the Star board Tacks on board. At 3 Lost sight of the Pearl & Brig. At 5 fired 8 Guns as a Signal to make Sail. the schooner in Campy. At 8 Saw a Sail to the Westward gave Chace. The fog clearing up a little, saw the land & Cape Henlopen light House bearing NW 5 or 6 Miles... Continue Reading
Date: 11 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
I having lately applied to the General Assembly of this State Seting forth to them by Memorial the illegal Sale of my Brig the Friendship now detained in the Service of the S[t]ate; and that Body not having given me so Satisfactory an answer as I could wish. ー I am advised to apply to you, ー Sir, requesting that you would be pleased to interpose your good offices in my behalf, and as this affair... Continue Reading
Date: 11 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
I snatch a Moment at the Council Board to scribble you a few Lines by an Express who carries a Letter from G. Washington to the Govr of S. Carolina ー We have just been informed by the General that 3000 Men had embarked at Amboy & New-York & were ready [to] sail on the 29th Ultimo, their Destination unknown ー but supposed to be to our Bay, Delaware, or up Hudson's River ー the 2d appears to... Continue Reading
Date: 11 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The Sloop General Washington, Captain Moseley, is arrived from Curac;ao, laden with salt and dry goods. The men of war below, since our last, have set ashore 27 more prisoners.
Date: 11 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
You'l Receive by Capt. [John] Mercier of the Sloop Beaufort Two Eighteen pounders (Carriage Guns) to be Mounted on board the Galley you are Building for this State, You'l please have them fitted in such manner as will best answer the purpose for which they are Intended. We think they may be fitted on Skids in such manner as to point at least two points on Either Bow. We are Informed the Guns on... Continue Reading
Date: 11 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
April 1777 Saturdy 12th Do [Cape Ann] Wl½N 16 Leags at 1 AM Sound'd 100 fathms Muddy Ground at 2 AM Wore at 4 Saw a Sail to the NE Made Sail & Gave Chace at 5 Tack'd & fir'd 11 Nine pounders to bring the Chace too, at ½ past 6 the Chace brought too, a brigg from Bourdeux for Boston,2 at 7 bore Down & Join'd the Diamond ー Modte & hazey at 2 PM sent a Mate & Mid:... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
That in Consequence of your petrs being informed by a Number of the Members of this Honble Court, that a Resolve had passed permitting and Allowing Privateers to proceed on any Cruises against the Enemies of these States, they have at a very great Expence compleatly fitted the said Brig for the Sea, having all her provisions, on board, and all her hands & Warlike Stores on board, and if she... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Know all Men by these Presents that we Caleb Greene of Warwick in the County of Kent in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations Mariner as Principal and Terence Reiley and Nathan Waterman, both of Providence in the County of Providence and State aforesaid Merchants as Surety are held and firmly bound unto Joseph Clarke Esqr. General Treasurer of said State in the Sum of One Thousand... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The Privateer Brig Fanny, Capt. Whittlesey, of Connecticut, has taken and carried into Martinico a Snow from the Coast of Africa, having on board 297 Slaves; also a Brig laden with Fish, and a Sloop laden with Staves, which were all condemned and sold at that Port. The American Revenue Privateer, of New-London, has taken and sent into North-Carolina a Vessel bound from London to New-York, with a... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
By the Viscount Howe Vice Admiral of the White and Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships and Vessels employed and to be employed &c. in North America. The Commander in Chief of the Land Forces in these Provinces, having desired that a Convoy may be provided for the several Transports as specified in the enclosed List, those destined for Nova Scotia being attended by the Agent Lieutenant... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The committee on appeals having reported, that they have heard the appeal, entered on the part of Jonathan Burnel, and others, owners or claimants of the brigantine Sherburne, &c. from the verdict found, and sentence of condemnation passed in the court of admiralty for the port of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, against the said brigantine, fully argued, proceeded to give judgment... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The Board received yours of the 10th and according to your desire have sent down Capt Murphey in the Armed Boat Eagle, who has instructions to follow your Orders in all respects; We pray you will send us all the intelligence you can possibly get on Monday next we shall send down another Boat.2
Date: 12 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
You are immediately to proceed with your Boat2 and People to Lewis Town Creek, and there apply to Mr Henry Fisher and strictly follow such directions as he shall give you. We request you to keep your People in good order, and not suffer them to stray from the Boat or to commit any Riots.
Date: 12 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Ordered, Jeremiah Simmons, of the Arnold Battery to deliver to Mr Joseph Rice his Apprentice Boy now on board, named David McCoy.
Date: 12 April 1777
Volume: Volume 8


Subscribe to American Theatre from March 1, 1777, to April 30, 1777