American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

Immediately after the date of the beforementioned Letter, Capt Hodge who was the Bearer of it, set out for to deiiver it, but inet with some of the Council who informed him that the honble Board were adjourn'd upon which he returned home ー the Committee after soine Delay procured an Agent to supply Capt [Jeremiah] Obrien & he is now nearly fitted for Sea 2 ー they... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
William Littledale Commander of the Snow James from Whitehaven brat into this port sometime since by the Privateer Yankee Hero, begs of the honble Council the Liberty to transport himself & Son & four Apprentices, & the rest of his Crew to Great Britain, in a small Vessell he proposes. to purchase for that purpose ー he is emboldened to ask of your H9nours, as you have given the... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir I have it in Command from His Excellency the General, to tell you that the Men of War's 'Men at Sandwich, who are prisoners, had better be removed to Some Secure Goal where they may be tak,en Care of Plimouth he is informed, is As Convenient a place as any, wherever you place them it will be right, that a proper watch be kept Lest they" may escape I am Sir [&c.] Cambridge 18th March 1776
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I received your Favor of the 6th Instant, am Glad to hear more Powder is arrived at Philadelphia ... I am very sorry to Inform you that I cannot find that we have any Oar [ore] in this Province that will do to make Cannon ー I applied some time ago to the Owners of the Furnace at Providence to make the Cannon for the Ships Building in this Province, but they sent me word that they could not supply... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
a Bill for repealing an Act made & passed by the Great & General Court at their Session in February last, intitled an Act for encouraging the fixing out of Armed Vessels to defend the Sea Coast of America, and for erecting a Court to try and condemn all Vessels [that] shall be found infesting the same-Having passed the House of Representatives to be ー Engrossed-In C<:mncil Read a... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
In obedience to ー His Excellencys Commands I have inclosed an Inventory of the stores belonging to the Continent taken from on board the Schooner Harrison, which stores are safely housed & sha:11 be taken particular care of; ー I inclose also Mess [James] Hall & Grindale [Jonathan Grindal] Paroles~ which hope will be agreeable; I had no form, & am perfectly unacquainted with matters of... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Last Tuesday [March, 12] as a freight boat was coming from Updike's Newtown to this place, the ministerial fleet lying up the Bay,. took out a quantity of butter iind poultry, and the week before they ー took out of the same boat about 20 barrels of cider: Last Wednesday some men from the miuisterial fleet landed on the Bonnet at North-Kingstown, where they killed 3 cows, big with calf, two of... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Elias Nixsen, the port master, showed a list of articles to be carried on board of the ships of war and, Governor Tryon's ship. He was informed that he might take them with him on board. He was also informed that he was permitted to bring on shore a list of all the letters on board in the mail for citizens of New-York, [and] any of the said letters which he-might be requested by the citizens to... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
By a Letter from St. Eustatia of the 22d of February, we learn, That Part of the Fleet of Transports that was blown off this Coast last Fall passed by that Island the Day before, under Convoy of the Viper Sloop of War; and that the Remainder, about 20 Sail, were to follow the next Day, under Convoy of his Majesty's Ship the Experiment of 50 Guns; that Provisions were very scarce and dear in the... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Monday 18 A M Long Boat & Cutter Watering came on board Wm Phillips; Seaman & gave an Account of the Ship Sally being cast away on the East end of Long Island
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
To be sold at public Vendue in Elizabeth-Town, On Monday the 18th instant, (by persons appointed for that purpose,) the ship Blue Mountain Valley, with all her tackle, apparel and cargo, consisting of a quantity of excellent New Castle coal, a quantity of London porter, beans, peas, bread, flour, beef, pork, cannon, powder, and a number of articles too tedious to mention, the vendue will begin at... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
the Congress was again in Comee on the privateering Business, several Resoluts were come to after an able Debate ー by the first, Leave is to be given to commission Privateers and Letters of Marque to cruize on British Property the Vote stood thus, For the Resolution New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, N York, Virginia and North Carolina, against it Pennsa and Maryland, the... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Resolved, That Capt. Thomas Forrest be allowed a Drummer and Fifer to his Company of Marines, to be employed on board the floating Battery. Resolved, That Commodore [Andrew] Caldwell order Capt. [Charles] Alexander, & Lieut [John] Hennessy on the Recruiting Service to New York, agreeable to the Instructions of this Board.
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Gentlemen ー The naval armament that is preparing for the defence of this Province requiring a considerable number of seamen, more than can be raised in this city, this committee has thought it advisable to send Capt. Chas. Alexander and Lieut. John Hennessey, two of the officers of our armed boats, to recruit a number of seamen for the naval service of this Province. The committee has been... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
... The Difficulties and objections to reconciliation & dependance are every day encreasing ー the restraining bill, or rather the bill for confiscating american property, breaths such a Spirit of depredation & revenge, that I am. satisfied peace with G.B. is at a great distance, & Dependence out of the question These Colonies will never again be dependent on G B-:--neither side is as... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
We are all hearty and in good Spirits. The People from the Country are coming in and enlisting daily. On the 16th February Francis Proctor with Seven~y Montrosses Sailed for Carolina in a Brig. 2 On the 17th Fleet Sailed from the Old Kill Road; the Pilot left them about three Leagues distance from the False Cape, Steering to the Southward. On the 27th a French Tartan... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
By a gentleman from Annapolis we learn, that the Otter sloop of war, and five tenders went up to Annapolis in quest of provisions; which he requested by letter to the Governor, but was plumply refused by the people; that his arrival there had much frightened the women and children in Annapolis, so that the town was entirely deserted by them. ー The Otter then proceeded towards Baltimore, and in... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
A Reply to the Address from this Committee to Capt Jas Nicholson was delivered in, and ordered to be printed in the Papers together with the Addressー Permissions were granted to John Abbott & John Martin Baker [t]o depart with their two Vessels N 15 & 16 taken up for the Publick Use at Whetstone Point, they having produced Certificates, that said Vessels were not wantedー Capt James... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Having received information of several Vessels being up James River and a quantity of Provisions and Stock on a Farm, that were intended for the Rebel Army, I sent a party of Men on board one of the Prizes, which joined another fitted by the Liverpool, having also on board a party of the 14th Regimt and dispatched them upon that Service. The Wind and Weather at first getting out was very... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Thos Parkin Esqr Dy Commissary General having been informed since my arrival that a quantity of Rice has been sent into this River in Vessels taken by His Majestys Ships & Cruizers upon the Coast, and as this Article will be much wanted for the use of the Troops under my Command ー I am to desire, you will purchase the whole or such part thereof as can be had on the best terms you can obtain,... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776