American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

As the Snow Elizabeth Abraham Figtree sails immediately from this Port for London, I take the Liberty to beg that you will be pleased to lay before my Lords Commissioners of the Admty the inclosed Copy of my last Letter to the Admiral or Commandet in Chief in North America, acquainting them with a most disagreeable Event on my Station, as the Packet was sailing on my arrival off this Barr with... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir You are to keep Company with the Ship I am in if possible ー but should you Separate by accident you are then to make the best of your way to Block Island Channel, and there to Cruise in 30 fathom Water South from Block Island six days in order to join the Fleet. If they do not join you in that time you may Cruise in Such places as you think will most annoy the Enemy, or go in Port as you... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
You being appointed Master of the Sloop Endeavour, you are to keep Company with the Fleet till further Orders ー but if you should loose Company you are to use your best endeavours to get into Providence ー if you cant get in there you are to go in on the East Side of Rhode Island, Howlands Ferry under the Fort, or into New London ー And wherever you get in to port, you are to Land your Guns and... Continue Reading
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Gentlemen I understand by Captn Jennings 2 that you was in want of Guns, and I have Sent by him two 9 lb Guns and some Shot which please to accept and make such use of them as you think best ー And if Opportunity permits send the Shot he has onboard that are too big for your Guns to Providence or Howlands Ferry and you will Oblige you[r] and Your Countrys Friend E.H.
Date: 18 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
pm saw a Battoe cross the River from W olfes Cove to the other Side where they Erected a pier as we supposed to get a Gun out Launch'd 3 Batteaus one with a 3 pounder & Swivel & one with a 3 pounder & the Lizards Pinnace & Cutter & sent them Armed up the River but they return'd after being about 3 hours not, being able to gain the opposite Shore for the Ice
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Voted, That Noah Emery Junr be and hereby is appointed forthwith to repair to the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, and request of the Honble Benjamin Greenleaf Esqr at Newbury Port, the Honble Timothy Picker-. ing Esqr at Salem, or any other Gentleman furnished therewith, to Favour this Colony with copies of the Acts of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay lately made relative to the seizing... Continue Reading
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The selectmen of Salem this day delivered to John [Jeremiah] Obrien two hundred pounds of powder for the use of the privateers Diligent & Machias Liberty in the service of this colony, as will appear by the inclosed receipt. The said Obrien shewed us a letter from Francis Abbot written for you as Commissary General, to Richd Derby jr Esqr requesting him to furnish Obrien with that quantity of... Continue Reading
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir It is with the greatest :pleasure I inform you that on Sunday last, the 17th Instant about 9 O'Clock in the foren~JOn, The Ministerial Army evacuated the Town of Boston, and that the .Forces of the United Colonies are now in actual possession thereof. 1 beg l~avelo congratulate you Sir, & the honorable Congress on this happy event, and particularly as it was effected without endangering... Continue Reading
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
No Opportunity having offered, of writing to Providence; I have not had it in my Power to return You my Thanks, for the Portmanteau You sent me up, & the Bearer of the letter did not perform his Promise, of calling on me, before he returnd I have sent You the enclosed from General Washington, for your Perusal (which I will beg the Favour of you to return) it is in Consequence of my... Continue Reading
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir The General Assembly of the Colony of Rhode Island &c acknowledge with Gratitude the timely Notice you have been pleased to give them of the late Movement of the Ministerial Troops. The necessary Orders have in Consequence thereof been given to the Militia of this Colony to hold themselves in Readiness should any Attack or Lodgment be made here by said Troops. But we must inform your... Continue Reading
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
On Saturday the 16th Instant two Sloops arrived here, ー but that with the heavy Cannon & Shot is not yet come up altho' I desired that she might be brought up as far as the Ice w.ould permit, to take the Advantage of the first fair Wind after the River opened. The whole of the Batteaus I was ordered to build will be finished in eight Days as far as they can be for Want of pitch and Oakham,... Continue Reading
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Capt. [William] Mercier applied to the Committee of Safety for an order to take 25 water casks from the stores, for the use of a vessel purchased by the marine committee for an armed vessel. Thereupon Ordered, That Capt. William Mercier have leave to take immediately twenty-five such water casks as he shall choose of those now in store, or yard, near Warren's wharf at Hudson's river, the same... Continue Reading
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
P M our Tender James brot up and Anchor'd here the Mary Brigg from St Kitts Loaded with Rum. 2
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Resolved, That the Secret Committee be directed to supply the Brig Lexington, Captain Barry, with one ton of powder. Resolved, That Mr. [William] Whipple be appointed a member of the Marine Committee ... Resolved, That the value of the passage boat, York, be made good to Michael Kearney, Junr the owner thereof; it appearing that she was impressed into the continental service, and employed in... Continue Reading
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Convention of Maryland voted a considerable Sum of Money to defend the Harbour of Baltimore Town the most considerable place of our Trade. Fortifications & Batteries are now erecting and every Means in our power to procure Cannon have failed. If your Colony can spare us four eighteen Pounders or eight Twelves or eight Nines, which shall be returned as soon as others can be procured, they... Continue Reading
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Gent. Capt Tibbit [James Tibbett] in a Brig from Statia, purchased & loaded by Abram Vanbebber for our Province, arrived here last Week, 2 the Capt applied to us for Orders agreable to Directions, he had received 'for that Purpose from Vanbebber; We ordered the Cargo to be landed & stored, and the Hands to be discharged ー a few Days since Application was made... Continue Reading
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
By order of the Board, an order was drawn on John M. Nesbitt, Esq'r., in favour of Charles Alexander 2 for £ 150, being so much advanced him for recruiting Seamen to be employed in the Naval Armaments of this Province. Resolved, that the Wages of the Pilots employed in the service of this Province, be ten pounds per month, to commence the 21st and continue for one... Continue Reading
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Otter sloop of war, commanded by the famous Captain Squire, and her tenders, who lately paid us a visit, is now prowling about the Bay, a few miles below Annapolis, and making prey of every thing that floats within their reach ー among many others they took two poor industrious French Neutrals, so called, as they were crossing the bay in a small boat, and robbed them of their all, being the... Continue Reading
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
To George Mason and John Dalton Esqrs Gent In Answer to your Favor of the 15th we have directed Colo [Joshua] Beall to deliver to your Order ten Barrels of Gun-Powder; 2 We shall do every Thing in our Power to promote the general Welfare, and for that Purpose are now encreasing our Marines.
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Gentn We have your Favor of the 9th of this Month and as we are convinced of the Expediency of constructing the Beacons in the Manner you propose, on the Points of the River Potowmack; we shall readily join you in any Expence, that may attend the Erection of them, & have appointed the Honble George Plater Esqr and Brigadier John Dent to act with the Gentlemen nominated by you, for the... Continue Reading
Date: 19 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776