Volume 9

I beg you will be pleased to acquaint their Lordships that in consequence of my Orders from Lord Shuldham I went with His Majesty's Cutter under my Command in pursuit of a Privateer Schooner called the Montgomery, who had taken several Prizes in the English Channel, and on the 14 Inst I was informed at Alderney that she was at Cherburg with a Prize She had taken, In Consequence of that... Continue Reading
Date: 22 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
I have Examined, Sir, the Extracts, which you have done me the honor to send me, of letters written by various Englishmen relating to the American privateers who cruise in the waters of the Windward Islands. I have seen that they continue to maintain that several of these privateers belong to the inhabitants of Martinique and Guadeloupe, and that the sale of the English prizes takes place... Continue Reading
Date: 22 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
These are to certify, that the brig Crawford, Alexander Alexander, formerly master, who was taken by one of the squadron (yesterday) under my command: that I give the said brig to each of the under written men, who have been taken by me and my squadron, to carry them to Whitehaven, and there to dispose of her upon their joint accounts, and to be disposed of, as they think most proper after their... Continue Reading
Date: 23 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Benjamin Hughes, Captain of the Elizabeth West Indiaman for Ja­maica, has taken the Three Sisters, a prize bound from Charles Town, South Carolina, to Nantz, with 650 barrels of rice, and 20 barrels of indigo, and sent her into Plymouth.
Date: 23 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
It is currently reported on board here, and we believe not without some foundation, that some American vessels or privateers, harboured in the ports of France, have bound themselves in a league, by an oath, to cut out his Majesty's guardship Conquestador from her moorings in the Nore, where she lies for the reception of new raised men to man the fleet; it is astonishing to us, it being such a... Continue Reading
Date: 23 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
June the 23d Woodard [James Woodward] and [Benjamin] Lambert was brought back to Forton again and left the Capt and Fritz,2 the Night before very much fatigued. Woodard and Lambert was put into the Black hole on Six ounces of beef, half a pound of bread one pint of small beer for 24 hours there they was to have continued for 40 days in a few days after I was taken out of my bed at... Continue Reading
Date: 23 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
I now beg leave to add to my former letters to your Lordship, that I have not the smallest doubt that the Cutter will sail when ready, which may be in about a week hence, & accompanied by the Lugger, unless orders come from Versailles in the interim to prevent it. I take the liberty of observing to your Lordship, that in case it should be judged proper to send any vessels on this Coast to... Continue Reading
Date: 23 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Last week an anonymous letter was brought me, acquainting me that a Large Bark, (a description of which I have the honour to inclose Your Lordship,) was purchas'd for the Americans,2 and tho' to be dispatched from hence with Genovese Colours, was to hoist American Colours at Sea, a Person being appointed to take the Command of her. I immediately applied to the Secretary of State here,... Continue Reading
Date: 23 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Whereas by our Commission bearing date the 11th instant, we have appointed you Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships & Vessels em­ ployed and to be employed at & about Jamaica, & in the Gulph of Mexico from the River Mississippi to Cape Florida, And whereas we intend that, so soon as you can be spared from the Operations of the present Campaign, you shall proceed to that Island,... Continue Reading
Date: 24 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Whereas we have appointed Rear Adml Sir Peter Parker (by whom you will receive this) to relieve you in the command of the Kings Ships & Vessels employed and to be employed at and about Jamaica &c. You are hereby required & directed to return to England in His Majts Ship Antelope, as soon as possible after the said Rear Admiral's arrival, and to repair to Spithead, where you are to... Continue Reading
Date: 24 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Vice Admiral Gayton, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's ships on the Jamaica station, writes, in his letter of the 2d of last month, that the whole number of rebel vessels which have been taken by the ships under his command, amounted to 124 sail.
Date: 24 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
No 18. A French Vessel arrived here two days ago from Martinique, several of the letters she brings mention the favourable reception given in that Island to the American Privateers which are completely fitted out there and many of them intirely manned with French Seamen. one letter from the Chevalier de Kersaint Captain of a French Sloop of War which sailed from hence in March says that on his... Continue Reading
Date: 24 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Last Saturday we received advice from Christiansand, that at two miles west from that place is arrived a large American privateer, of 28 guns besides swivels, and 160 men. It seems she is come from Dunkirk, and is to be followed by another privateer. The English ships coming from the East country will be in the greatest danger. It is surprising that the Captains of English vessels who are... Continue Reading
Date: 25 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Having communicated to my Lords Commrs of the Admiralty Your Letter of the 21st Instant, informing them of your having received One from the Keeper and Agent of the Prison at Forton, acquainting you that Eleven of the Prisoners2 had on the 20th in the Morning made their escape by breaking through the Wall, notwithstanding a Centinel had been placed in the Prison day & night; I am... Continue Reading
Date: 25 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
I have communicated to my Lords Commrs of the Admty your Letter of the 22d Inst informing them that the Sherborne Cutter is arrived at Plymouth — with the Capn & Lieut of the Montgomery Rebel Privatier, and that you ordered them on board the Blenheim for their better security, and they were the next day to be committed to Mill Prison; And I am commanded to acquaint you that their Lordships... Continue Reading
Date: 25 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
June 1777 Wednes 25th Ushant N46°E 40 Leas at 6 Boarded a Swedish Brig from Bourdeaux to Stock­holm Calm & Clear at 8 Scrub'd between Wind and Water at Noon in Chace of a Brig to the NW.  Little Wind and Clear Wr Continued the Chace at 4 PM Light Breazes and Clear Wr at 7 in 1st Reef Top SI at 8 Fired a Shot to bring too the Chace Shorten'd Sail and brought too sent an Officer to take... Continue Reading
Date: 25 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
The brig Crawford, formerly of Glasgow, arrived here this morning with one hundred and ten seamen, besides five women and some children, which had been taken by the Americans from different vessels, all in this channel. The following authentic account will best explain this disagreeable affair, which our duty to the public obliges us, however, unwilling, to relate: The Expedition, Braithwaite,... Continue Reading
Date: 26 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
I send this by Express, for the immediate information of my Lords Commrs of the Admiralty that the Reprisal, Weeks Master of 18 Guns, the Lexington, Johnson of 16 Guns, and the Dolphin, Nicholson of 10 Guns; came round the West of Ireland, and upon the 19th instant took off the Mull of Cantire the Vessels as per List at foot hereof 2 These Pirates proceeded down the South Channell, on... Continue Reading
Date: 26 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9
I have been inform'd by the Masters of several Vessels just arriv'd in the Brig Crawford, that they have been taken by three American Privateers, Viz. The Reprisal a Ship of Eighteen Six pounders Lambert Weecks Master — The Lexington a Brig of Sixteen four pounders Edward [Henry] Johnson Commandr — A Cutter of ten four pounders Nickolson Mastr. They came from Nantz and proceeded in consort to the... Continue Reading
Date: 26 June 1777
Volume: Volume 9


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