American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

A petition from Thorowgood Smith, and others, was presented to Congress, and read, setting forth, that they have procured a vessel, and raised money to fit her out as a privateer, in order to guard and cruize on the coast of Virginia, and praying that a commission be granted to William Shippen, to whom they propose to give the command of said vessel; and that the Congress will grant them a small... Continue Reading
Date: 22 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Wyth reported the Preamble about Privateering, he and [Richard Henry] Lee moved an Amendt wherein the King was made the Author of our Miseries instead of the Ministry, it was opposed on Supposition that this was effectually severing the King from Us forever and ably debated for 4 Hours when Maryland interposed its Veto and put it off till Tomorrow, Chief Speakers for the Amendt Lee, [Samuel]... Continue Reading
Date: 22 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I wrote to you lately by Mr. [Thomas] Story, and since by another conveyance. This line will be delivered to you by Mr. Deane, who goes over on business of the [Continental] Congress, and with whom you may freely converse on the affairs committed to you in behalf of that body. I recommend him warmly to your civilities. Messrs Vaillant and Pochard 2 continue close at their new business, and are... Continue Reading
Date: 22 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Mr Hugh Young applied to the Committee for the Schooner Ninety Two, which he hac;l engaged to load on Accot of the Province, but as they are of Opinion, that it is necessary to keep her to have her sunk in case of Need, they think it inexpedient to deliver her up The Council of Safety having directed this Committee to prove the Cannon belonging to Capt William Stone, they appoint Capt Nathaniel... Continue Reading
Date: 22 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
... we are geting more prepared for our Enemies (if the[y] Come) every day and we doubt not if they give us a Little time that we shall give them a warm Reseption ー this day we Got permission to bring up Your brig to prepare her for her Cargo, on our Promis to send her down when Ordered she & two others are not to be sunk till there is Real Danger and we hope by the time she is Ready to take... Continue Reading
Date: 22 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Wes tern Shore pay to Silas Howell, Wm Sellars and John Wilson (whose Vessel was taken from them in Chesapeak Bay by the Otter Sloop of War) thirty Shillings each to defray their Expences to Philadelphia.
Date: 22 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
No 75 Gentn As it was thought by the last Convention that 50 Regular Troops:would be sufficient to watch the Movements of the Ships of "War and their '"[enders on your Coast, and to repel any sudden Attack or Invasion which might be attempted by small Parties, and as we do not conceive your Situation more dangerous now, than it was then, so we cannot think ourselves at I}berty to... Continue Reading
Date: 22 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Ordered that the Comm'ee of Prince Wm. be wrote to, that the Comm'ee will take their powder and lead, and direct that they will deliver so much thereof to the order of Colo. George Mason and Mr.John Dalton, as they shall judge necessary for the naval department in Potomack, and the residue to Colo. [Hugh] Mercer for the use of the 3rd Regiment. John Allison is appointed Captain, William Payne,... Continue Reading
Date: 22 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Williamsburg, March 22. It is an undoubted fact, that between 8 and 9000wt. of gunpowder is just brought into this colony, from one of the French islands, with a number of fieldpieces, four and six-pounders, some muskets, &c. Several French gentlemen likewise came in the vessel, one of whom, shortly after their arrival set out for Philadelphia. While a couple of tenders were on their way up... Continue Reading
Date: 22 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Friday 22 At 11 A M saw a Sloop towing towards Hampton Harbour; fired a Shot & sent the Edward Tender after her. At noon the Edward set her on fire.
Date: 22 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Resolved, That Col. [George Gabriel] Powell, Col. [Thomas] Fuller, Mr. [Aaron] Loocock, Capt. [Thomas] Shubrick, Dr. [David] Oliphant, Mr. [Daniel] Cannon, and Mr. [James] Brown, be, and they are hereby appointed Commissioners, for laying forthwith such obstructions to the navigation of the channels over Charles-Town bar and in the harbour, as they shall judge necessary to prevent the passage of... Continue Reading
Date: 22 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Thursdy 21 at 2 AM handed the Topsail Reefd the Main sail at 9 saw 4 Sail to the West and hauld up to Speak them they prov'd to be 4 Rebel Privateers/ bore away and made sail the Priva teers in Chase of us at 12 the Privateers Still in Chase Light Airs with a heavy swell the Privateers in Chase of us at 5 P M lost a logg & three lines at 6 a Privateer Brig fired Several Shot at us at 11 P M... Continue Reading
Date: 22 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Province of Georgia North America We the Masters of the Undermentioned Ships and Vessels do declare and attest that about November last We had permission to load our ships and Vessels with Rice and other Commodities for Great Britain, at the Port of Savanah in Georgia, and having taken our Cargoes on board accordingly, we were stoped on the fifteenth day of December following by orders of the... Continue Reading
Date: 22 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The present distressed and defenceless State of His Majesty's Bahama Islands occasioned by the arrival of an Armament fitted out by the American Colonies now in open and declared Rebellion, makes me take this earliest opportunity by Express to acquaint you of what has lately happened here, and to request your Assistance. You must know then, Sir, that early on Sunday Morning of the third Instant a... Continue Reading
Date: 22 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
My Lord In obedience to, and at the request of, His Excellency Gover nor Browne, I with all due Deference presume to transmit to your Lordship a brief Account of the late unfortunate Event that has happen'd here: But previous thereto, I conceive it necessary to acquaint your Lordship, That in the Month of [July] last His Majesty's Ship Falcon and two Transports were sent here by Order of General... Continue Reading
Date: 22 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Invoice of Sundry Goods Ship't by Abraham Vanbibber on board the Sloop Dolphin [blank] Smith Master bound for Virginia on the proper Account & risque of said Colony and Consign'd to the Care of Mr. John Dixon Merchant on board:— Bought of Hendrick Pondt NBN 1 is a Chest Contg 100 ps Common Stripes @ 4 pf £ 400   2, 3 & 4 is Bales Contg 20 ps French Ruans @ 27½ pr    550   5... Continue Reading
Date: 22 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Saturday 23 A M anchored here a Schooner from yarmouth P M found the Schooner to be Rebel Property, took out their men & put some of ours on board. 2
Date: 23 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
You having the Command and Charge of the Waggons with the Continental Powder; are to proceed to Head Quarters at Cambridge, or Boston, and there deliver your Powder, to the quarter Master General, or any other Officer who shall be Appointed by General Washington to receive it, takeing Receipt thereof - You'll use your utmost Care in Guarding of the same, by Night as well as day, being provided... Continue Reading
Date: 23 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
All the Vessels must have two weeks wood & water on board.Those which are in Connecticut River are to fall down to Seabrook and remain there until the Troops arrive. The Vessels which carry the first Detachment must be ordered back to New London as soon as possible & to be got ready for the second Embarkation. Cap Francis has Money to defray the Expence of Embarkation. If any thing... Continue Reading
Date: 23 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Your request for Six Seamen taken from the enemy, to be exchanged for Six inhabitants taken & detained by Captain Wallace, is now complied with, tho realy Contrary to a Resolve of Congress past the 30th Novemr which mentions that Citizen should be exchanged for Citizen Officer for . Officer, of equal rank, & Soldier for Soldier, the Seamen go under the Care of Mr Burr, I have the honor... Continue Reading
Date: 23 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776