American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

Resolved, That the Commissioners appointed yesterday for laying such obstructions to the navigation of the channels over Charles-Town bar and in the harbour,.as they shall judge necessary, be, and they are hereby, authorized and required,. to prepare proper fire-vessels, for the most effectual annoyance of any enemy that shall attempt to enter the said horbour. Ordered, That Capt. [Clement]... Continue Reading
Date: 23 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir When I had the honor to adi;:lress you the 19th Instt upon the evacuation of the Town of Boston by the Ministerial army, I fully expected as their retreat and embarkation were hurried and precipitate that before now . they wou'd have departed the harbour and been far in their passage to the place of destination:But to my surprize and disappointment the Fleet is still in Nantasket road. ー The... Continue Reading
Date: 24 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Dear Sir On the determination to quit Boston, We Were employed from the Eighth Instant to the 17th in Embarking the provisions and Stores, which we with great trouble and labour Effected, Except leaving the four Sea Morters and about twenty ps of Iron Cannon which were Spiked, ー We Ei:ncbarked on the 17 Instt at the Long Wharf, Handcocks Wharf, and Hatches Wharf in good order, and without any... Continue Reading
Date: 24 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The retreat of the Troops from this garrison (Boston) cannot fail to be differently represented in .England;. for which reason I have found time from our great hurry to give you some. account In the first place, the General's not receiving any letters or despatches from Government since the middle of October, could not fail of making everybody uneasy; it looked as if we were left destitute... Continue Reading
Date: 24 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
A M Saild hence H M Ship Fowey & Diligence Brig wt 40 Sail of Vessels under their Convoy
Date: 24 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Brigadier General Thanks the Officers and Soldiers of the Brigade for their great Assiduity on the March from the Camp to Norwich, 2 and for the Good order which has been observed ー The Strictest Order and Discipline will still be kept up, Such Conduct will not fail to ensure Honour to the Troops wherever they march, ー The Tarry of the Troops in Norwich will be very Short, as the water... Continue Reading
Date: 24 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Vessels Names. No. Tons. By whom Commanded. Brig Pitt 138 Squire Geor Schooner Neptune 115 Thomas Fling Brig Pitt 110 Hezekiah Perkins Schooner Chelsey 40  — — — Sloop Polly 80 Jabez Lord Schooner Bedford 64 —— Roggers Sloop 70 Cowdree Sloop 110 — — — Schooner 20 Saml Adderton Sloop Dove 94 Alpheus Davison   941 Tons  
Date: 24 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
In my last, I promised to give you as full an account as I could of our present disturbances here. You will observe by my different letters, of the Resolves, that hath from time to time been entered into here, by the Congress, Councils and Committees, all of which seem in one part or other to distress trade and ruin thousands. Your schooner Maria, would haye sailed by the time appointed, had not... Continue Reading
Date: 24 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
This letter, after reciting all the particulars relating to the depredations of the Provincials, upon the stores, ships, and other private property, and molesting the King's people .belonging to the ships of war, says, 2 Several of the Marines were sent on shore by the Commanders of his Majesty's ships of war now lying here to procure necessaries, when they were... Continue Reading
Date: 24 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
4 [A.M.] Light airs a Large sea from the W S W 8 Sat the gibb & Fore sail Lattd Obs 32 .. 06 No 2 [P.M.J Clear Weather hard gails took one R:F:S at6 PM hove too under F: S . the Schooner Sprang a Leke made 20 Inches water a hour Cut away the Seling in order to Stop it But found it to Bee in the Scarff of the Stern We could not Stop it No otherways than Stop in a pees of Beef
Date: 24 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sunday 24 at 2 P M took poss[ess]ion of a Sloop bound to Georgia 2 at 5 came in here a Brig from Philadelphia sent two petty Officers on board and took possession of her 3
Date: 24 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Captain [John] Frazier deliverd me your favor of the 21st instant-I have Laid it & the Captains petition before his Excellency, who has no objection to the gentlemen belonging to the Susanna 2 Seeking an oppertunity to return home which he will give them Liberty to do, upon their giving their parole not to act inimical to America during the present Contest The Captain Sets forth, that he has... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Committee of both Houses, Appointed to take into consideration a letter from his Excellency General Washington, dated the 21st of March instant ー as also the report of a Committee, who, by Order of Court, had waited on his Excellency to confer on the subject matter of the removal of the ContinentalTroops now in this Colony, having attended the business assigned them Report as followeth. As... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
On Sabbath of the 17th instant, the British army in Boston, under General Howe, consisting of upwards of 7000 men, after suffering an ignominous blockade for near eleven months past, disgracefully quitted all their strong holds in Boston and Charlestown, fled from before the army of the United Colonies and took refuge on board their ships. The most material particulars of this signal' event areas... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, Plimouth, ss. At a Court erected to try and condemn all vessels that shall be found infesting the sea coast of America, and brought into the counties of Plimouth, Barnstable, Bristol, Nantucket or Dukes County, to be held at Plimouth in the said county of Plimouth, on Monday the 15th day of April, 1776;at the hour of ten in the forenoon, will be tried the justice... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Your obliging Letter of Yesterday was handed to Me this Morning by General Wards Son. The Fleet still continues in Nantasket Road; and I can't discern any Diminution of their Numbers: five or six Transports, and a Man of War arrived last Fryday afternoon; as the Man of War saluted the Admiral I suppose they came from England. The Signal at the Light House was thrown out again on Saturday; but,... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I hope you are before this time safe arrived in England, undisturbed by the cares of this troublesome Command, which has been attended with many disagreeable circumstances since your Departure. The 4th Instant the Rebels were seen on Dorchester heights, having the preceding Night thrown up such an extensive Breast Work, that it was supposed not less than IO. or 12,000. Men could have been... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
To James Robertson Esquire Brigadier of his Majesty's Forces in North America &c &c &c The Memorial of Crean Brush Esqr humbly sheweth That your Memorialist on the fifth day of February last had received into his custody sundry Goods Wares & Merchandize to a considerable Amount by virtue of his Commission of which on notification being received of the evacuation of the Town of... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Know all Men by these Presents That we John Brown of Providence in the County of Providence and Colony of Rhode Island &c. Merchant as Principal and Simon Smith of Providence aforesaid Mariner as Surety are held and firmly bound unto Joseph Clarke Esqr. General Treasurer of the said Colony in the Sum of Twelve Hundred Pounds Lawful Money to be paid to the said Joseph Clarke in his said... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The ministerial fleet on this station, about a fortnight past, took a double decked brig in Narraganset-Bay, belonging to this place; they took off her upper deck, and fitted her with 8 or 10 guns, and last Wednesday and Thursday the whole f[le]et, consisting of the ships Rose, Glasgow and Swan, two brigs of 8 or 10 guns each, 3 armed tendersand a la[r]ge transport snow, sailed on a cruise, and... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776