Volume 9

That whereas, we were Enforced through Necessity on board the Privatier call'd the Revenge which was fitted out at Dunkirk and left that Port last Thursday the 17th July, and we now in the most solemn manner call Almighty God to witness that we abhor and detest in our Consciences that the Procedure of the above Privatier or rather Pirate and the Captures she shall make is an Unlawful Depredation... Continue Reading
Date: 23 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Joseph Lunt late Lieutenant and Christopher Clark late Carpenter of the American private Ship of War called the Rising States lately taken as Prize by His Majesty's Ship the Terrible commanded by Sir Richard Bickerton Knight do jointly and severally make Oath and say That they have heard that the said Ship Rising States was formerly called the Annabella of the Port of London in the Kingdom of... Continue Reading
Date: 23 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
I have received none of your favours by the two last Posts — Things remain in the same Situation here as When I wrote you last, We are Suffered to go on & Refit, but very Slowly the Tradesmen of this Port Work but very slow &we Cannot hurey them Much for fear of being Stop'd I think we Can be ready to Sail by the first of Next Month if not Stop'd here — I received a Letter from Captain... Continue Reading
Date: 23 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
We have had a Rebel Privateer in this Port for Four Days now for repairs; she mounts 26 nine-pounders and has already taken Eight Prizes;2 there are some Frenchmen on Board. She saluted M. du Chaffault's Flag with Fifteen Guns, this was returned with Three; all this surprised People very much.
Date: 23 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
I have bought the Due de Chartres for 70,000 L payable at 4, 5 & 6 months but I was obliged to Submit to a Conditional Sale that if before the day of my purchase she should be ready sold in Paris the bargain is Void but if Accts of Such a previous purchase do not Arrive by next Tuesday the bargain with me to be good & as the time betwen this & Tuesday does not admit of information to... Continue Reading
Date: 24 April 1777
Volume: Volume 9
I Wrote You on the 22d Inst wherein I gave You my Oppinion of the Duke De Charters, & that She was not to be Purchased, I am now to inform You She was Purchased Yesterday by Mr Williams for 70 Thousand livres & a Good bargin for She is well worth the Money, this Ship I am told I am to go out in, and as French Property, I will if You Please give You my Oppinion on that head, of wch You... Continue Reading
Date: 24 April 1777
Volume: Volume 9
No 2 Personally appeared before me Peter John Heywood A Master extraordinary in the High Court of Chancery and also Notary and Tabellion public dwelling in Whitehaven in the County of Cumberland William Newell late Boatswain on board the Sloop Jason of and belonging to the Port of Whitehaven the property of Samuel Martin of the same place Esquire Captain Joseph Hutchinson late Commander James... Continue Reading
Date: 25 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Sunday last arrived here the ship Pole, Capt Maddock in 24 days from New-York. On the 12th inst. at 5 P.M. in Lat. 56. Long. 26. she fell in with the Tartar 1 rebel privateer mounting 20 nine pounders, on the main deck 8 four pounders on the quarter deck and 4 four pounders on the forecastle, full of men, supposed 200 at least, had an Image head, and Quarter galleries; all the guns on... Continue Reading
Date: 25 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
. . . His Majesty has thought proper to direct Lord Stormont to make strong representations to the french Ministers on the support, assistance and shelter given to the American Privateers cruizing in the European Seas, and on the Permission given to the Captures made by those Vessels of being admitted into the Ports of France. The most positive assurances have been made on the part of France that... Continue Reading
Date: 25 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
. . . The several dispatches containing an account of the conversations You have held with the French Ministers with respect to the orders signified to You in my No 43, have been fully considered; and the assurances given by the French Court are satisfactory to His Majesty; provided They fulfill the several engagements they enter into. They have taken the utmost line that can be allowed them; and... Continue Reading
Date: 25 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
. . . I told him [Lord Weymouth] that. . . without awaiting express orders from my Court, I could give him the Confirmation which he desired concerning the fixed determination of the King, my master, to observe all the provisions included in the Treaties; not only because He regarded them as a strict obligation, but also because He wished to give personally to His Britannic Majesty special proofs... Continue Reading
Date: 25 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Your Letter of the 18th We received, as We gave Our Orders generally to Com: Wickes, we omitted writing in particular to You. We are sensible of Your Spirit, & gallant Behavior as an Officer, & of Your Attachment to your Country as an Americain, & shall with pleasure do justice to Your Character, in Our Letters to the Congress, who we doubt not, will pay due Attention to your Merits.... Continue Reading
Date: 25 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
This day the sloop Betty, Capt. Sinclair, arrived here from Bergen, and brings advice, that on the 24th inst. he fell in with a Fairisle fishingboat; the crew told him they had been on board an American privateer a day or two before, a little to the westward of that island. It seems there are two of them in company, and they were both seen from the Island of North Ronaldshay the evening of the... Continue Reading
Date: 26 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Please to acquaint my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty that the Boat under my command with Mr Edwards Midshipman being in the Roads in quest of Men this afternoon (Lieut Bracey being ill with a violent cold by getting wet carrying the last express from the Admiralty to Captain Parry on board the Alderney, and Lieutenant Woodward being in the Country after Men) boarded the Northampton from... Continue Reading
Date: 26 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Please to acquaint my Lords Commrs of the Admty that I have retaken possession of the Brig Northampton loaded with Deals & Battins Thos Hall Master from Wyburg to Lynn & herewith inclose two Commissions from; the Congress the one said to be true & the other false, also Instructions from Gustavus Cunningham to Benjn Bailey Alias Smith the Prize Master,2 & his Journal... Continue Reading
Date: 26 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
. . . we can not deny that the American Privateers which have come into European waters have behaved with much indiscretion, even with regard to us. they are now punished for it and I hope that this act of severity will make their fellows more Circumspect. we can not refuse Them Entry into our ports When they are forced to run into them by emergencies caused by the sea or war, The treaties have... Continue Reading
Date: 26 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
The Ship the King of Spain a Letter of Marque from Carron in Scotland Laden with 221 Iron Guns for His Catholick Majesty's Service arrived in Ferrol the 23d Instant with the Ship Emperor of Germany belonging to and bound from Bristol to the Island of Dominica, and the Bay of Honduras with the Articles specified in the List I have the Honor to inclose. This Vessel was taken the 15th Instant by the... Continue Reading
Date: 26 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Lord Weymouth has this Morning received a Letter from Mr Elsden, dated Lynn the 25th Inst giving Account that the Patty, John Green, Master, bound from that Port to Wyburgh, was taken on the 21st Inst in the Lattitude of 55.22. North, and Longitude of 3.20. East from the Meridian of London, at 50 Leagues from the Spurn head N.E. by East, by a Rebel Sloop, or Cutter, mounting 16. Carriage Guns,... Continue Reading
Date: 27 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
July 1777 Monday 28th at Portsmouth AM up top Gallt yards Ansd the signal and attended guard boarded severl Vessels coming in one of them by our own people from the Neptune Tender the Brig Grace from Carolina Bd to Amsterdam2 Recd by the Duke hoy Jno Cummins Master Beer 2768 Galls in 26 Butts 260 Iron Hoops —
Date: 28 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9
The following Ships are taken by the Sturdy Beggar Privateer, Capt. Holling,2 on the 1st of June [sic July], in Lat. 34, Long. 54, they having sailed with the West-India Convoy the 16th of June in Company with near 100 Sail of Ships, but parted Company the 18th in the Night, viz. the Christiana, Dan. Dourick, of the Island of St. Vincent's; the Cornwall, Hardcastle, from Antigua for... Continue Reading
Date: 28 July 1777
Volume: Volume 9


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