American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

Monday 25 Anchored abreast of the Light House The Cherokee an Armed Ship at 2 (P M) The Hinchinbrook Schooner fired two Shot which alarmed the Ships found that the Rebels had sett the Houses on Tybee Island on Fire and taken the people prisoners man'd and Armed the boats with all the boats in the Squadron and a Company of Marines in the flats and went down to the Island to get the well affected... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Monday 25 Fresh Gales and fair Wear at ½ past 1 p m saw a brisk fire of Musquetry on Tybe Island between a party of Six Marines belonging to the Symmetry and a great number of the Rebels. Do we fired three Broadsides on the Rebels and dispersed them, the Lost on our side was 1 man killed, two Wounded and one taken prisoner, the Rebels Lost uncertain.
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Mondy 25 at 2 AM Weigh'd & Run further up came too off Coxspur with the Best Bower in 3 fm Moor'd with Kedge Anchor & hauser. Tibea Lookout East, Coxspur Isld WNW found Rid[in]g here his Majestys Ships Scarbrough, Tamer Raven & Cherokee & St Lawrence armd Schooner Carpenter Varously Empd-Mode Breezes and Clear Wr at 2 P Ma party of rebels Came and set a fire the two... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
2 [A.M.] Fresh Breezes & Cloudy with a heavy sea from the NWest 8 Saw a sail to Windward, a signal was made for us to Chase, Tack'd to the South & made sail 12 [M.] Tack'd to the North the Chase Bearing North Latt Observd 33 .. 12 Longitude In 70 .. 30 2 [P.M.] Moderate Breezes & Cloudy Weather At 2 PM. The Sloop Providence Brought the Chase too, A Schooner from Carilona, Bound to... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
No of Vessels Taken.  When Taken    year Vessels Names. Mastr Names.    where Belonging Lading. By which of His Majestys Vessels taken Commanders       Name. Agents Names. 1 21 Decemr 1775 Sloop Dove Natha: Bull Rhode Island Molasses & Sugar Maidston Alan Gardner Malc[ol]m Laing 2. 27   "   " Schooner Happy Return Eliph Smith Salem    ditto    ditto    ditto... Continue Reading
Date: 25 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I have just time to let you know that me and my Family are Arrived at Head Quarters on Saturday 23d Inst in good Health. I am Informed that 500 Canadians and a few Regulars from the Garrison have Assembled together 12 Leagues below Quebec with two 12 Pounders and are getting more formidable every Day have Intercepted some Provision of ours. We have sent a Party of Men after them to take their... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Under the 18 Inst I wrote you fully respecting the Brig Unity, [Michael] Corbit late Master ー not knowing whom to address further on that Subject, I again take the Freedom to trouble you with the enclosure of a Copy of the Letter from Mr Schaltenbrand, already forwarded you ー and a Letter from Mr [Andrew] Slyfield the Mate of the Brig-being the first I have received from him ー Also a Letter... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Wen I rote you last I was in hops of Saving the bigest part of Capt [James] Watts Cargow2 but the storm Cumming on direcley after the Ship was on fier that the Cask Stove against the rocks as sune as thay struck the Shoar thare was not one Cask Saved after I rote your Exellencey, below You have An account of what is saved Sum of the Cask which I thought was Portor is Veneger &... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
To the Honble the Council and the Honble House of Representatives of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay. Niels Christian. Humbly shews That he was Mate of the Ship Harriot which was taken about ten days since, and carried into Dartmouth 2 : That when said Ship lay at Long Island New York he took an opportunity to leave her on the 27th February last. That he ship'd himself on boarq the above said... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Mr [Joseph] Ward's tarrying in Town, gives me a further Opportunity to inform your Excellency that the Fleet, consisting of about 100 Sail, chiefly large Ships, remain as they were last Night. 10 O'Clock The same Signal is now flyii:ig at the Admiral's Main top mast Head as was hoisted yesterday morning: Scarce ー hoisted before it was lower'd again, & in abt ½ an hour a blew flag is flying at... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
No I Know all Men by these presents, That I Thomas Bishop Es quire, Commander of his Majestys ship Lively now on the American Station, do hereby Constitute and Appoint Robert Hallowell late of Boston in the County of Suffolk within his Majestys Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England Esquire to be my agent and Attorney in all causes that are or may be instituted respecting any siezures or... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
[On board the brig Elizabeth, March 26, 1776] 2 May it please your Excellency In pursuance of the Orders I received from Brigadier General [JamesJ Robertson I did take to my assistance the Persons whose Names I returned to him vizt Charles Blasquet Richard Hill John Hill and David Cunningham who with their Families have spared no fatigue or Labor in assisting me to... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Meeting in being according to Aq,journment. Whereas. There seems to be an Uneasiness among the Ships carpenters on Acct. of their wages, Tis Voted that Nicholas Cooke Esqr John Smith, William Russell & Jabez Bowen be a Committee to attend in the yard tomorrow morning to settle the matter with them they not allowing any one Carpenter more than 9d more than they were to have in the former... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I jest now received a letter from a Near Relation of mine Informing me that she had a Son whose name is Nathan Comstock junr who was Taken out of a boat at fishers Island in August last supposd by Capt How [Tyringham Howe], and as we are About to Exchange prisoners with Capt Wallace I am therefore Very Desierous that Your Honour as I suppose the Flag will go on board said ships under your... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Ordered, that Capt. Charles Alexander and Lieut. John Hennessey be at liberty to enlist the mariners lately brought from the east end of Nassau island, and now confined in the jail of this city, and take them to Philadelphia, and that the said mariners be discharged from confinement on the request of those gentlemen. The Committee of Safety having called and examined the gentlemen enlisting... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
We had a short tho' disagreeable passage ー the Second day after our leaving you, We had, a Snow Storm which lasted us the Whole day-and on our arrival here we found this City in a most disagreeable State, in every street, there is a Barrier errected to prevent the landing of troops, people moving out of the town very fast, hourly is expected four Regiments from Pennsylvina ー all the Militia from... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Resolved, That an order be sent to Commodore [William] Douglass, immediately to repair to the lakes, and take command of the vessels on that station.
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Gent: The inclosed contains a State of the powder and Arms we have sent from hence. Willing and Morris still assure us they daily expect an Arrival of powder to enable them to furnish us with the Quantity they contracted for they were but partly interested in the Salt petre which arrived & had not the Management of it nor was it in their power to procure any of it to be manufactured f~>r... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Resolved, That Fire Ship. William Gamble be appointed C aptain to the Aetna That William Greenway be appointed Captain to one of the tier of Fire Rafts. Resolved, That the Provincial Ship of War be called the Montgomery. That the Floating Battery be called the Arnold. Resolved, That Mr. 0. Biddle & Mr. Clymer employ Arthur Donaldson to build two piers to sink, for fixing the Boom for... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir: The Committee have received certain Advice by Express from Lewis Town, that yesterday Evening a Sloop of War and Tender appeared off that place, and it was expected would proceed up the Bay; You are, therefore, directed to send four of the Armed Boats, well fitted and man'd, immediately down the River, as far, if necessary, as Reedy Island. You are to direct the Commanding Officer, and... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776