American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

The House again took up the Resolves of the Committee appointed to consider the Resolutions of [the Continental Congress, which having been read a second time, and separately agreed to. on the Question, were transcribed, and follow in these Words, viz. Resolved, 3. That there shall be erected and constantly held, in the city of Philadelphia, a Court of Justice, by such able and discreet Person as... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
This Comes Express to all whom it may Concern, giving Notice that last Evening Came into Whorekiln Road a Man of War, not less force than 2 forty Guns; this morning they took a Sloop at the mouth of Lewes Creek and my Pilot Boat, which was going Express to the Committee of Safety of Philadelphia, therefore, all persons... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I did not arrive at Horekiil road untill the 25th Early the next ~orning a Pilot boat came out of Lewis Town in order to give intelligence at Philadelphia of our arrival. I imediately dispatched all the Boats arm'd after her in hopes of getting some Pilots for the River. Soon after it fell little wind & the boats had no difficulty in coming up with her, but unfortunately, a slight fogg came... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Messrs Hercules Courtenay, Daniel Lawrence, Isaac Vanbibber, William Spear, & George Wells, or any three or more of them, are appointed by this Committee to value upon Oath the Schooner Resolution, whereof William Waud is Master, and return the same to this Committee
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
No. 92 Gentn We are not as yet fully determined as to the Schooner of Mr [William] Lux's fitted out for a Tender, we would wish her to be in such a Situation, as to act in Case of Danger upon short Notice, but we would not have Men inlisted, or Provisions purchased for her 'till further Orders from this Board, or the Convention ー we are informed from divers Persons of Credit and amongst others... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Ordered, that Captain [Thomas] Lilly proceed immediately to have the Brigg Liberty fitted in a proper manner to be employed as a cruiser in York River.
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Tuesday 26 At 11 A M weigh'd & shifted our birth, and anchored with the small Bower in 6½ fam Sewells point E b S dist 1 ½ [miles]. The first & midi parts little wind & hazy, the latter fresh gales & squally with rain. At 3 P M a Rebel Pilot Boat came out of Hampton. At 4 she fired 3 Swivells & went in again.
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Tuesday 26 Fresh breezes and heavy, Came on board from the Syren a Rebel Captain & Private .. prisoners 2 P M a Brig drove athawt Hause, and carried away the Jibboom.
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir I received the honour of your letter, desiring to be informed "of the past, and present state of the Province under my Government, with an opinion what may be expected from the efforts of the well affected inhabitants, and what measures appear most advisable to be undertaken to co-operate with, and support those efforts in favor of Goverment." 2 As to my opinion of the efforts that may be... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
My Dear Son Upon the table before me lye large packets of Letters which were returned to me a few days ago from on board the Ship Port Henderson Capt [Henry] Aitkin I had from day to day written by that Vessel to Mr. [William] Manning, Mr. [Ralph] Izard, your Uncle, Miss Patty, Mr. [John] Delagays & I believe not fewer than half a dozen Letters to your Self, this vessel had met frequent... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
On motion, to establish a proper rank between the officers of the land and sea forces, of this colony. Whereas it is expedient for the public service, that a proper rank should be established between the officers in the navy, and between the officers in the navy and 'the officers in the land forces of this colony: Therefore it is Resolved, That rank be established in the following manner: The... Continue Reading
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
4 [A. M.] Took one Reef in Fore sail the Schooner Still Continued Lekeing amost all hands Sick we are in a bad Setuation Latd 0[bsd] 34 .. 35 2 [P.M.] hard gail 10 the gail modreated the Sea Sum what fallen Set mainsail and Jibb
Date: 26 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir I wrote you by last, to which refer you. I beleive the brigantine of Mr. Gearey [Elbridge Gerry] is taken, a Vessell from So. Carolina which left itt About 20. days Ago, the Master of which says he saw a sailor who said be belonged to a brigantine with powder designed into the Eastern part of Our goverment, and that they came athot of a M[an of] War and threw in the Night part of the powder... Continue Reading
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I now beg leave to inform you that I just received Intelligence, that the whole of the Ministerial Fleet besides three or four Ships, got under way this Evening at Nantasket road and were standing out for Sea ー In conse-. quence of which I shall detach a Brigade of Six Regiments immediately from hence for New York, under the command of Brigadier Genl Sullivan (Brigadr Genl Heath having gone with... Continue Reading
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir Cambridge March 27. 1776 His Excellency having this day taken the Paroles of Captains Nellis, Watts & Robertson 2 who were taken by the Continental Armed Vessells, on their passage from England to Boston with Stores for the Ministerial Army, & Granted them permission to return to England with their Several Crews, as soon as the Fleet now in Nan Tasket road shall have sailed &... Continue Reading
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
You will hear before this reaches you that the British Troops and Fleet have left Boston: They have retir'd with Disgrace from before the General & Forces of the united Colonies. I congratulate you on this Honor to our Country. Should the War continue, prepar'd as we now are, we should have been well contented they had remain'd here ー The Bombardment & Cannonding from our Lines, reaching... Continue Reading
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Whereas General Howe has thought proper to order His Majesty's Troops under his Command to be Embarked, and to Evacuate the Town and Harbour of Boston, intending to proceed forthwith with them to Halifax, where I shall accompany them with part of His Majesty's Squadron under my Command. You are hereby required and directed to employ His Majesty's Ship under your Command, in such manner as you... Continue Reading
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The day following the date of my last Letter which I sent by the Lord Hyde Packet (Duplicate of which accompany's this) I was joined by the Milford, and Captain [John] Burr delivered to me the Orders and Letters undermentioned, to which I shall pay all due attention. Their. Lordships Order of the 6th of October 1775, to take the Syren under my Command; three Orders of the same Nature respecting... Continue Reading
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Wednesd 27 at 8 AM Made the Signal for Sailing at 3 PM Made the Signal & Weigh'd, made sail & hoist'd in all the Boats at 4 the light house N W 1 Mile at 6 in Company with HM Ships Centurion Lively Savage & Tryal Schooner with Sixty Six Sail of Transports & other Vessels at 8 Boston Light House WBN¼D dee 3 or 4 Leagues, fird 2 Guns & made the... Continue Reading
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Wednesday 27th A M the Adi made the Sigl to Unmoor which we repeated, at 8 the Admiral made a Sigl for Sailing, Unmoored & Hove in to ½ a Cable on the Bt Br, Sailmaker repairing the J ibb. First part Modt & Cloudy, Mid: fresh Breezes, Latter Light Airs & Clear P M at 3 the Admiral made the Sig! to Weigh, Weighed & came to sail in Compy with the Adl & all the Transports, run... Continue Reading
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776