American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

Meeting in being according to adjournment Voted That Mr E. Palmer gets the Masts and Yards that he has procured for the Ships rafted from Taunton down to Mount Hope, on the best Termes he can and that he give the committee Intelligence as soon as he gets them to Swansey- Voted That the Ballance of Mr Elkanah Palmer's Acct be paid him by the Treasurer. Meeting adjourn'd to Friday Evening
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Ordered Mr. James Tilley to purchase what rope yarns he could of Mr. Even Malbone and what yarns will be needful to furnish the Colony ship with cordage for rigging, and manufacture the same at the cheapest rate that he can.
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The first fair wind you are to Procede with the Troops you have on Board, up the Sound as farr as Hunts (the Pilot) & their to Remain Untill the Fleet arrives, or you Receive further Orders (desire Mr Hunt to have Five or Six Boats to assist in Landing the Troops-In Case you meet with any Difficulty, or Spy any Enemy, you are to Follow the Directions you will... Continue Reading
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The North End of Lake Champlain is open and I hope a few warm Days will open the Remainder of that, and also Lake George ー We have here now about six hundred Men, who will move as soon as there is a prospect of conveying them across the Lakes. The Cannon from New York are arrived and are on their way to Fort George, I fear they will not reach it in less than ten Days from this, if so soon as I... Continue Reading
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Ordered, That Captain Charles Alexander and Lieut. John Hennessey be at liberty to enlist Wm. Craig, 2 a prisoner now confined in the jail of this city, and take him to Philadelphia; and that the said Wm. Craig be discharged from confinement on the request of these gentlemen.
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
... The Man of war's Men set fire to the ship bleu mountain Valley last night, ... was happily extinguished ー If they appear on such another Frolic, I believe the Towns men here will make them repent it. I am Sir [&c.] Wil. Livingston
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
By order of the Board, Robert Towers was directed to furnish Cap't. [Henry] Dougherty's Boat 2 with 13 32 pound Cannon, Cartridges with Ball. Resolved, That Henry Fisher be allowed for his services from the 16th September last, and as long as this Board may have occasion to employ him, the sum of ten pounds per month.
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Saw a Vessel standing in from Sea .. I sent Mr [George] Ball (the 3d Lt) with the Pilot boat & Tender in quest of her, who boarded her, and drove another ashore. The former he put under the charge of the Tender, and he in the Pilot boat, endeavord to make the best of his way to the Ship, but by some unfortunate accident (which is not yet known) he was driven ashore in the Night, and with 3... Continue Reading
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir We cannot oppose the Preferment of a Gentleman, who has manifested a laudable Zeal for his Country, and therefore accept of your Resignation This we do with the less Reluctance as your Station may still afford, you an Opportunity of giving Assistance to our Province ー We thank you for the services you have rendered us, and wish you Success in the Command of the Potowmack Fleet.: [Annapolis]... Continue Reading
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
No 94 Dr Sir We send you inclosed a Letter to the Committee of Observation for Baltimore County, if you approve, seal it and send it to them ー since Writing we have seen Mr [William] Lux, and have had some Conversation with him about the Committee's detaining the two Vessels belonging to Hugh Young, one intended to bring us Arms and Ammunition, the other Salt-Young tells us, that the first has... Continue Reading
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Resolved, That the Marine Committee be empowered tci purchase, on the most reasonable terms, for the use of the continent, the ship Molly, and to fit her out, with all possible expedition, to join Captain [John] Barry, on his cruize along the coast, between New York and Virginia. 2 Information being given to Congress that some prisoners in the gaol of this city have meditated an escape, and are... Continue Reading
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Upon the recommendation of Capt. R'd Taylor the following officers are appointed on board the vessel of which he is app'd Capt., vizt: Edw'd Woynicott 1st mate, James Gray 2nd mate, James Blaws mid-shipman, and Henry Lyburn Pilot. Philip Chamberlayne is appointed 1st mate of Capt. [George] Muter's Cruiser.
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Five oClock PM The General Assembly met according to Adjournment And proceeded to ballot for the fol lowing Officers separately vizt The Judge of the Admiralty And upon casting up the Ballots Mr Chairman reported That Hugh Rutledge Esquire was duly chosen Judge of the Admiralty Resolved That His Excellency the President and Commander in Chief" [be] sworn into Office To-morrow And That Colonel [... Continue Reading
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
About a Fortnight ago a Packet arrived from England at Cockspur, after a Passage, it is said, of 9 Weeks. She has brought out the new American Restraining Act ... We hear that there is a Mail for this Province on board the Packet, and that there is some Reason to expect it will be sent ashore. It is said that Capt. Barclay, of the Scarborough, has taken all the Rice (about 1600 Barrels) out of... Continue Reading
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Saw a Sail to Windward 8 Gave Chase in Company with the Fly find a Current to the South'd. 10 Tack'd to the Eastward 12 Our People Still Continue very Sickly. with the Fever Latt Observ'd 35 .. 00 Longitude In 70 .. 38 2 [P. M.] Tack'd Moderate Breezes & Cloudy Weather at 2 P M Brought the Chase too after firing two Guns, she Prov'd to be a French Schooner from New London bound to Cape... Continue Reading
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
(No 2.) My Lord, I had the Honor on the 14th Instant to receive your Lordship's dispatch No 1. of the 23d December together with your Circular Letter of the same date inclosing the Prohibitory Act. I am equally astonished and concerned at the Intelligence your Lordship mentions to have been received from Carolina, of the Rebels in North America being Supplied with large quantities of Gun powder... Continue Reading
Date: 27 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Upon friday last I lay'd Befor[e] the Honourable House that I was very [anxtious] for to Serve by Sea and for to doo for the good and Well fair of the Cuntray to the Outermost of my pour And that there was at Salem laying above Bevely Being a Good Sound Schooner which Beloning [blurred] if which I have a Commission for which can be very Useful for a pacquet from port to port and also when She is... Continue Reading
Date: 28 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Wednesday 27th AM Fired a Six 1 b Shott to bring too a Sloop. P M Clear'd Hawse, Compleated our Water from Staten Island, at 10 Sent the Asia's & our Boats Man'd and Arm'd to the Kilns, Thursdy 28th at 6 AM the Boats Brought down & Anchor'd here the Ship Lady Gage, 2 havg lost a Grapnel.
Date: 28 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Wednesdy 27 AM Clear'd Hawse P M at 10 sent away all our Boats, Mann'd & Arm'd to join the Phoenix's: Cut the Ship Lady Cage from her Moorings and towed her out, they also set on Fire the blue Mountain Valley a Ship Transport taken by the Rebels Thursday 28 A M Boats return'd P M sent two small Sloops, laden with Iron to the Lady Gage to deliver their Cargo on board her;
Date: 28 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776