Volume 9

The Equipping of armed Vessels in the Ports of France to act under Commissions from the Congress of America against the English, being con­trary to Treaties & therefore disagreable to Government here, your Friend's Request cannot possibly be comply'd with. I have the honour to be Sir, [&c.]
Date: 11 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
I am just Settg off for St Mallo where Mr Williams thinks I had bet­ter spend about 3 weeks, in order to be out of the way & give time for our New Ship to be built, I shall have Capt Tanner here to overlook, as much as is Needfull, or we dare appear in — he is an Experienced Man in Ship buildg, &A Compleat Draughts Man, I shall send You the draught of the Ship, drawn by him when finished... Continue Reading
Date: 11 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
I am Capn of Vessells Born in Canada and has constantly Sailed on board of Some of the New England's Ship's and being intirly divoted to the most Illustrious american Congress having as also my Brother who serves actually on the Right honourable General Washington's army, I dare flatter myself to be intitled to Sail under the flag of the thirteen united provinces, & that you'l be so Kind as... Continue Reading
Date: 11 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
[Extract] No 45: . . .I had learnt from Cadiz, that Orders had been received there by the Governor to notify to the Master of the Carolina Vessel in that port that he was not to attempt taking any Ammunition or warlike Stores on board, and that in consequence of this Notification, the said Ves­sell was lading with Salt.2 . . . Upon my opening to M. Florida blanca that I was apprized of... Continue Reading
Date: 11 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
This will inform you of my Present unhappy Situation, the Judge of the Admiralty have Received orders of the 6th Inst from the Minester at Paris, ordering them not to Suffer me to take any Cannon Powder or other Millatary Stores on board or to depart from the Port on any Con­sideration whatever without further Orders from Paris, in consequence of those orders, they Came on board on Saturday to... Continue Reading
Date: 12 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
I have communicated to my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty your Letter of the 10th Instant informing them of the Foudroyant being arrived in Causand Bay and the Torbay in Plymouth Sound also of the arrival of the Fancy a Rebel Privatier which had been taken by the Foudroyant in Mounts Bay the 6th instant and enclosing the particu­lars relating to her and I am commanded by their Lordships to... Continue Reading
Date: 13 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Having laid before my Lords Comissrs of the Admiralty your Letter of the 28t May last, enclosing one which you had received from Mr Chas Moulton, late Master of the Ship True Love, and the Papers which accompanied it, representing that having been taken by the Rebels,2 he procured the release of himself and her Crew, upon condi­tion of his using his endeavors to procure the release of... Continue Reading
Date: 14 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
I am sorry to inform you of the Death of Capt. Cleland. We sailed from hence on Tuesday the 5th inst. in Company with the Rawlinson, Capt. [W.] Preston, and on Wednesday the 6th, in the Evening, we fell in with a Privateer Brig of 16 Guns,2 which came boldly along-side of us, and bid us strike; Capt. Cleland answered he did not intend it; upon which they gave us two Guns, and we... Continue Reading
Date: 15 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
The captain of a little paltry American privateer, mounting only 6 guns, on being ordered out of the harbour of Lisbon, had the insolence to say, that the United States of America would revenge his cause, and bring the Court of Portugal soon to account.
Date: 15 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
[1777. August] 15th. Friday. Capt John Lee, of the Fancy, Privateer from Newburyport, taken by the Fordroyant 9th inst., and nine of his crew brt on shore and committed to prison. Capt Lee is put into the prison with Capt Burnell and Capt Ross. Lee has been out 8 weeks from Newburyport. Number of prisoners 210. 9 months from Newburyport.
Date: 15 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
. . . Upon Enquiry and Consideration we are satisfy'd of the Irregularity of the Proceedings at Dunkirk, and are sincerely ex­treamly concern'd that they have happen'd, as they have given just Cause of Offence to the King, for whom we have the highest Respect. The Re­marks made on those Proceedings, which you have communicated to us, ap­pear full of Reason, and there is nothing that can be... Continue Reading
Date: 15 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
This will be delivered by my very good Friend Mr Beaugear, who has been very kind in rendering me every Service in his power since his Arrival, as I have recommended his House here in a former letter have but little to add on that Subject, they Continue to do every thing in their Power to Assist me and makes my detention as Agreeable as Possible As their influence here is very Considerable, they... Continue Reading
Date: 15 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
The King has been informed regarding the contents of your letter of May 12, No. 49, concerning the effective and fortunate steps with which you succeeded in seizing eleven English vessels which were engaged in smuggling in your jurisdiction. Your Excellency added that most of them were entirely unfit for sailing and that among these prizes were two that belo11ged to North Americans who have... Continue Reading
Date: 15 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Lords Admty [letter] of 14th inst for causing the Rising States Reb­el privateer taken by the Terrible, to be put up to sale, and after 1/8th of the produce hath been paid to the Captors for Salvage, the remainder is to be paid into the hands of the Treasr of the Navy. Send Ports­mouth Officers the Inventory of Stores exhibited by the Agent to the Captors, for their guidance in sending us one of... Continue Reading
Date: 16 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
I perceive by your last Letters, that you made a consignment to Hor­talez & Co wch in fact is to M. de Beaumarchais. I think it therefore my duty to restate to you all the facts relative to that gentleman, upon wch you will judge how far it is fit to continue those consignments — About May 12 month M. de Beaumarchais was introduced to me in Lon­don as an Agent from the french Court who wishd... Continue Reading
Date: 16 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
[1777. August] 16 Saturday. Fair good Weather At 1 AM came up with the Chace & took her. She was a Brig in Ballast from London bound to Mallaga, called Comr At 5 Do Saw another & gave Chace — at 11 took her — She a Brig from London called Little Betsey bound to Venice Trueman Comr — Loaden with Fish Several Bales of Goods Some China Ware, & other Valuables; Some of which we took on... Continue Reading
Date: 16 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
On the 7th of this Month I fell in with a Brig under Dutch Colours cleared from Amsterdam for St Eustatia as She appeared to me to be designed for an American Privateer & her Cargo for the use of the Rebels I thought it my Duty to Stop, & bring Her in for their Lordships Directions. The Brig is American built about 100 tons Burthen the Sails Rig­ging & two Boats appear to be English.... Continue Reading
Date: 18 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
Yesterday arrived here The Brig Liberty Capt Herbert with 108 hhds of Tobo on acct of the State of Virga consign'd to J. Gruel & Co She left Virga July 10th runing the fire of 5 Men of War that guards the mouth of the Bay of Chesapeak. The Capt is a true Tar, has not bro't any papers or letters but what relates to his vessel & Cargoe. . . This day two Privateers arrived here with two... Continue Reading
Date: 18 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
8 mo: 19: [17]77 Arrived at Barrow mouth bay, one of the Kings Ships or Frigates the Harpye about 20 Guns in order to protect the Coal trade to & from Ireland
Date: 19 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9
The Phillips, Capt. Crockett, laden with staves, from Castleamer to London, was on the 24th of July, in lat. 47. 56. long. 9. 30. attacked by the Civil Usage Provincial privateer, Capt. Gibbons, mounting 14 guns, and full of men, who took him; the Captain of which told him he had been out three months from Newbury, and had only taken three other prizes the whole time.1
Date: 19 August 1777
Volume: Volume 9


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