American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

We are impatiently waiting for Intelligence of further Particulars from Boston. We have only heard that General How [William Howe] and his Army have left it, and that General Washington with a Part of his, has taken Possession of it. How shall I express my Joy to you at this great Event! As we are in Possession of Dorchester Heights, Charlestown Heights and Noddles Island, I think there can be... Continue Reading
Date: 29 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Honourable Gentlemen I have already taken the liberty, of pointing out my opinion of the many advantages which would arise to north america, by employing row gallies. Viz. The many superior advantages they have in calms, and little winds; the great advantage they have, in being able to take shelter from a superior force (in case of necessity) at all times, upon the coast of north america. As they... Continue Reading
Date: 29 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Took out of the Prizes every thing that could be of use to the Ship, and then destroyed the Vessels.
Date: 29 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Roebuck at Cape Henlopen the 29th March 1776 Enclosed Captain [Henry] Bellew a Copy of Admiral Graves Private Signals, And appointed Mr. Phillips 3d Lieutenant in the Room of Lt. [George] Ball taken by the Rebels The Same day Mr Geo. Edwards had an order to Act in the Room of Philips prom[ot]ed.
Date: 29 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Mr Richard Dorsey informs us that there is a Vacancy for a Lieut. of Marines on Board the Tender now fitting out at Baltimore Town, and that he intends Applying to the Council of Safety for tha( place ー We know he has been active in the Cause of Liberty from the Begining of our Unhappy Disturbances, And has been for some time a Midship man on Board the Defence, Cap Nicholson can inform of his... Continue Reading
Date: 29 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Mr. Benjamin Pollard is appointed Lieutenant of Marines of the River Galley, commanded by Capt. [George] Muter, but not to enter into pay 'til he receives Instructions from the Comm'ee. Same appointment to Mr. Thomas Merriwether, as first Lieut. of Marines, in the Cruizer for York River, commanded by Capt. [Thomas] Lilly. Ordered, that notice be published in the Virginia Gazette, that on Monday... Continue Reading
Date: 29 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Inclosed you have Mr John Crocketts order on Saml Johnston Esqr for 1987 lb powder or the value thereof in money. The Congress for this Govermt may take the whole at Ten shillings pensilvania Cury p pound, or deliver as much powder to the Committee of Philadelphia or Baltimore for our acct ー This we think will not be considered high if the risk is fairly Calculated as it cost 10/ pr lb in the... Continue Reading
Date: 29 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
On Thursday last arrived here, in 12 days from St. Eustatia, in the armed schooner Caswell, Mr. John W. Stanly, of this place. He sailed from Ocracock Bar the 26th of January, in the brig Sally, Captain Ridge, and the 12th of February made the island of Martinique; where the vessel was seized by the Pomona frigat, Captain Young, while she lay becalmed about two miles from the town of St. Pierre,... Continue Reading
Date: 29 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Wednesdy 27 Anchd here the Palli.ser Transpt and an Arm'd Schooner. Thursdy 28 Fresh Breezs with Rain Saluted Genl Clinton with 15 Guns on his coming onboard. Empd Occasly Mode & Cloudy with rain at 12 sent the Boat Man'd & Arm'd on a Secret Expedition Friday 29 5 AM Boat Retd Anchd here the Kitty Transport.
Date: 29 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
My Dear Sir, ー When I wrote you last I was at Plymouth sick and confined. I did not return to this place till three days ago. On my way Mrs. [Mercy] Warren and I lodged at Braintree, and had the pleasure of finding Mrs. Adams and family well. Here I find the world turned topsy turvy to such a degree that I can scarcely realize the present appearances of things; the enemies army fled and our own... Continue Reading
Date: 30 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Monday 25. at 2 AM let go the best bower under foot at 9 hove it up at 10 fired Gun and made the signal for sailing at ½ past weighed & made sail for sea at Noon Boston Lt House WbS 3 Miles hove to wating for the fleet under my Convoy. Fresh breezes & Cloudy at 2 pm Made sail the fleet in Company at 5 close reefed the Foretopsail & first of the Main Tuesday 26. at 6 Cape Ann bore Nb... Continue Reading
Date: 30 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Account of Permissions granted by his Honor the Governor March 5 Brig. Industry Edward Woodman Master to proceed to the foreign West Indies for Salt on the Colony's Acco. Sloop [blank] William Lebaron Master the same Voyage Both Vessels fitted by the Come for the Co of Newport Schooner Sally Lavis Sisson Master for New-York. Sloop Diamond John Norris Master for New-York. 7th Sloop Snow-Bird David... Continue Reading
Date: 30 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The ministerial Fleet on this Station, which sailed from the Harbour of Newport on a Cruize Wednesday and Thursday Se'nnight, returned the day following with two Prize Sloops, both from New-Haven, with Provisions, one oE them bound to the West Indies, the other to the Eastward. ー They have since, it is said, taken three other Prizes.
Date: 30 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Thursday 28 Sail'd the Charlotte Tender. P M came in the Hawke and Charlotte Trs with 2 Prizes Vizt the Sloop Ranah, Jno Tradwell, Mastr from Surinam with Mollasses, Sugar, Coffe and Coco, bound to Providence, Do Sloop Greyhound Jno Askin Mastr from Philadelphia with Flour belong to Dartmo Friday 29 A M Sail'd the Bolton and Fortune Tender First and Mid part do Wr latter fresh Breezes and Cloudy... Continue Reading
Date: 30 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Committee considering of the best method to preserve the stock on Staten Island, if a fleet should arrive and attempt depredations, are of opinion that it should be removed to Jersey, on any appearance of an enemy. Ordered, That Mr. Bancker get two good scows built, to have them in readiness to remove stock or Jersey troops to that Island. Die Sabbati, 4 ho. P.M. March 30th, 1776. Ordered,... Continue Reading
Date: 30 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
They arrived at Turtle Bay,2 disembarked, and marched into the city at noon. The transports fell down to the city wharves, and landed the baggage,&c. Gen. [William] Thompson and Lord Stirling, with some New-York and New-Jersey troops, were in the city; and works were constructing in and around the city, on Long-Island, and at Horn's Hook; the command of the whole devolved on our General. The... Continue Reading
Date: 30 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Resolved, That Mr. [Samuel] Howell, Mr. [John] Nixon, & Capt. [Robert] Whyte, be a Committee to look out for two Vessels most proper for sink- ing in the passage between the Chevaux-de-Frize, and make Report of their proceedings to this Board. Resolved, That Mr. [Samuel] Morris be requested to purchase a sufficient Number of Logs for building two Piers, for fixing the Boom to for obstructing... Continue Reading
Date: 30 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Dear Sir You will find herein an Invoice & bill of Loading for Sundry Merchandize I have shipped onboard the Sloop Betsey Capt John Tucker which is Consigned to you & is intended for Sale in the Island of Bermuda provided the Sloop can be admitted to land the same with Safety there, and I think there is not much reason to doubt of your being able to accomplish that point, as the Island... Continue Reading
Date: 30 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
In September 1775 Willing Morris & Co entered into an agreement with The Honble Congress by their Committee appointed for that purpose, to deliver them Certain Arms & Ammunition they had written for by the Ship Lion, Capt [John] Wilson,3 provided she arrived safe with the Goods, on which they received an advance of Eighty thousd Dollars. This Ship arriving in Europe at the time... Continue Reading
Date: 30 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sent a Flag of Truce ashore to Lewis Town, to endeavor to get Lt [George] Ball & his Men exchanged for other Prisoners, but could not get any satisfactory answer. 2
Date: 30 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776