American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

... Your Brig will heave down on tuesday & we hope to Begin to take in Next week ... one Capt Stockholm passed through this town for Your Place a few Days ago, he was taken in a sloop from Eustatia, Bell had a Quantity of goods in him he Reported here that Your Keith was taken & sent to Boston, we hope in god it may be false, Young bell owes me 23/9. if he is not gone pray ask him for it... Continue Reading
Date: 30 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
  To John Heyman Dr   1775       December 23 To 24 feet of 4 Inch oakplank @ 7d/2 p £ 0.15. .0     To 26 feet of 2/7 feet of 2/7 ditto @ 4d/2 p 9. .9     To 87 feet of 2 Inch ditto @ 3d p 1. .1. .9     To 2 Gallons of Rum 10. .0   27 To 18 feet of Timber 9. .0     To 8 feet 4 Inch plank 5. .0   28 To 17 feet of Timber 8. .6     To 14 feet ditto  7. .0   1776 29 To 25 feet... Continue Reading
Date: 30 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
We have certain intelligence, by express, that on the 2d instant the American fleet, commanded by Admiral Hopkins, put into the island of [New] Providence, and took possession of 280 pieces of cannon from 6 to 18 pounders, and a large quantity of ball and other warlike stores, which they found in the town and fortification of Nassau; but the Governor being advised of their approach, had secured... Continue Reading
Date: 30 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
(No 1) (Duplicate) My Lord It gives me great comfort, in the very unhappy situation which I am left, to think that my Conduct meets with his Majesty's Approbation. I can assure your Lordship, were it not for that, and the earnest desire I have to serve him, no earthly consideration could induce me to continue in this wretched State, where there is not a hope of gaining either honor, Credit,... Continue Reading
Date: 30 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Ordered That the Honourable Mr [William Henry] Drayton Colonel Charles C. Pinckney Captain [Alexander] M[o]ultrie Colonel [John Lewis] Gervais and Captain [Paul] Trapier [Jr.] do forthwith prepare and bring in the following Bills A Bill to impower the Court of Admiralty to have Jurisdiction in Case of Captures and to establish the Trial by Jury in such Cases.
Date: 30 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
March 30th 1776 At 7 PM Sir ing, In I great beg haste leave to as the Grantham send the inclosed Pacquet Express sails to you Early for to Morrow their Lordships Mornin formation; which I received Just now from Mr John Brown Chief Justice of His Majesty's Island of [New] Providence; 2 I shall do all in my Power with what Force I have, to assist the Island when required. I shall write to the... Continue Reading
Date: 30 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
This will go to you by the way of north carolina, you will be acquainted by it of capt Soule is yet in St Pierre expecting two or three thousand more of gun powder to go away. We are expecting vessels every days is long time Since we have none. ten or twelve vessels expected from europa are detained at See by bad whether. The 13 of this month the government hath made St Pierre a free port for all... Continue Reading
Date: 30 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
This successful defeat of the Rebels/ while it animated and encouraged the beseiged, pointed out the necessity of observing the utmost vigilance; and the duty was very hard and constant through out the winter and the Spring; for as the Snows fall frequently and heavily during that Season, a number of men were often employed, besides the guard, to clear the Great Guns from it, and so deep was it... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
AM the Comdr sent on Bd an Order to Moor. First and Middle parts Hard Gales and Squally wt Snow Latter little wind and fair Weather PM Empd as pr Occasion Anchord Here Several Vessels with Inhabitants from Boston Saturday 30 AM Unmoord and Hove short on the Sm Br First and Middle parts light Airs and fair Latter Mod Breezes and Cloudy Weather PM Warpd in to Butten wharf and Landed the Emegrants... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Memo of An Agreement made, between John Langdon Esq, of the one part, & Geo. Wentworth, of the other part ー Said Langdon, hath Agreed to hire of said Wentworth his Rope Walk, with all the Implements of said Walk for the Term of time he may want said Walk, for the Making of Cordage &c for the Ship he is now building,2 for the Consideration of two dollars p day. to Commence on the day said... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Beackers I [P.M.] Fresh Breezes and Squaly with Drizling Rain at ½ Isl NW Past Saw a Sail Standing to the Wt ward made Sail & Chaced 4 Miles hir, Came up wt the Chace, Proved to be the Betsy Schooner from Virginia wt Inden Corn Bound to Selam, took Charge of hir, at 3 made Sail Remark's on bd the Hope Sundy the 31st March 1776 8 [A.M.] Saw Boston Light house SW Dist 8 Leags boraway for Do as... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Tuesday 26th Fresh Breezes & Cloudy Wr at 4 PM anchord with the small Bower & Veerd to ½ Cable, found riding here His M Ships Chatham (Rear [Vice] Adml Shuldham) with the Centurion, Lively, Renown; Savage Sloop with some arm'd Vessels and a num~ ber of Transports ー employd Watering- Wednesday 27 The Ships Company was put to 2/3ds allowance of all Species. Strong Gales & squally Wr... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
¼ past I. O'Clk Sr Have this Instant received Advice by Express from Colo Jabez Champlin of Newport, that One Man of Warr is Arrived in the Harbor a:nd that Twenty Seven sail of Vessells, Undoubtedly the Ministerial Troops, are seen within Secconet Point, am Desired to give you the Earliest Intelligence, Doubt not but you'l send Reinforcements as soon as possible. I am Sir [&c.] Joseph... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
5 oClock P.M. Sir I am to inform your Excellency that I have this Moment an Express from Newport informing me that a Ship of War hath arrived in the Harbor of Newport, and that Twenty seven Ships undoubtedly having the ministerial Troops on Board are within Seconet Point. Upon this most alarming Occasion when we have hot more than 400 Soldiers upon Rhode Island, and not above 700 or 800 more in... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
3080 lb Powder — in 117 68 Peices Checks   Quarter Casks 50 Peices Stripted 129 Small Arms   Holland   with Baganots 12 Peice[s] Holland 20 Baganots (more) 120 Peice[s] Brit[ain]es 60 Pistols— 102 Blankets 48 Cutlasses 20 Peices Rhomall 4 Swivels Guns   Handkerchiefs 19 lb Lead— 20 dozn Stript Ditto 11 m Flints 5 C Twine 57 Boalts Duck 13 Pe[ic]es Camblits 68 Bolts... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Thursday 28. ½ ps 12 [A.M.] Saw a Sail Wore Ship Out Rfs and Made Sail at 2 AM brot Too a Schooner from Philadelphia for Plymouth Laden with flour 2 Sent a Petty Officer & 3 Men Onb her at 3 Wore Ship at 4 Do W[eathe]r A great Sea from the N W Took the Schooner in Tow Modt and Clear Wr. at 2 PM Tkd at 6 in 2d Rf TS Sounded 25 fm brown sand Friday 29. at 4 AM Wore ship at 8 Out all Rfs made... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Friday 29 PM the Tenders sail'd on a Cruize Saturday 30 AM they came in again with a prize Sloop Rec'd fresh beef Mode & Cloudy PM arrived here his Majestys Ship Nautilus & two Prizes Sunday 31 AM Rec'd from the Rose 4 Casks of Pork Fresh Gales & Cloudy PM Rec'd from the Rose 50 barrs of Flour 1 Punchn of beef 1 Punchn of Rum & 1 hhd of Brandy
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Every thing again went on quietly in the Custom House line, (and the Collector was often employed to go on board the Governor's Ship with messages &ca) until December when General Lee and the Connecticut Troops took possession of the Town; 3 The Collector then obtained leave from the New York Congress to send his Family to New Jersey, and leaving his own house in the Country Lodged in Town... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Monday 25th At Noon exercised the Ships company at the upper Deck Guns, the Maria Tender in Company. 2 Fresh breezes the first part, middle and latter light airs and fair weather, Sounded every hour, at 6 in the after Tuesday 26th Wednesday 27th Thursday 28th Friday 29th noon Cape Henlopen lighthouse WNW 4 miles, at 7 Run upon the Beach and at ½ after backed her off without the least apparent... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
we then sailed together, and our Rendezvous was at the Island of Abico, [on arriving there, we proceeded directly to New Providence (one of the Bahama Isles) The town & Fort surrendered to us with the Ships & Vessels in the harbour, without making any resistance we secured all the cannon, powder, Morter shells &c, that was there, and left the Island on our return... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776