American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

of Capt James Nicholson On Accot Ship Defence Thirty Shills for the Use of two Horses & Myself Guarding William Jones a Deserter from sd Ship from Harford Jail to this place [his] £ 1.10.0 Wm X May [mark]
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Brig Wicked Dick To amount of Vessell and stores & Accot rendered £ 1703 .. 4 .. 2 stated To sundry Stores deld here viz. 25 Canon Worms cost p 9. .3. .0     1 Star Shot 0. .3. .0     112 packs Grape Shot 14. .0. .0     1 Iron ramrod . .4. .0     22 packs Langrige 5. .4. .0     12 do Grape Shot 2. .2. .0     32 Iron Bolts 4. .1..—     4 p Swivels 72. .0. .0     97 tc... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
From this day to the 9th of March, we were buffetted by violent Storms in Shoal Water. & on the Most dangerous Coast. The Frigate too in which I Sailed did not appear to be in very fit Condition for Combating so boisterous a Season. having been some time before (as I was Inform'd) thought in too bad Condition to be trusted on a voyage at that season even to Halifax for repair. The Tediousness... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Saturday 30 The first and Latter parts fresh breezes and fair the middle part Light Airs Inclining to Calms at 2 pm sailed hence His Majestys Ship Scarborough in Company with the Tamer, Hinchinbrook, Symmetry, Whitby and all the outward bound merchantmen at ½ past 2 weighed and came to Sail at 4 Ditto Anchored at Cockspur wth the small bower in 3 ffm at Low Water at 6 Do veered away and moored... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
[Saturday] 30 fresh breezes & hazy at I PM got under weigh in Co with the Scarborough, St Lawrence, Symmetry & Whitby Transports with a Ship, Brig & Schooner Prizes, 2 at 3 got over the Barr at 5 the Light house Wt 10 Miles. [Sunday] 31 At 9 AM hove too and Sounded 21 fm fresh Gales & Clear ½ past 9 made Sail \ at 2 PM parted Co with his Majs Schooner St Lawrence.
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Satury 30th AM punished Josh De Lahoe with a dozen lashes for drunkeness took up the stream Anchor, Hoisted the Longboat in & lashed her, made the tamer's Signal for the Captain; lost in sounding i:he River a Hand lead & line, put on board the Volante Prize Schooner,2 to Clear the Ship being very much Cumber'd, to carry to Boston under our Convoy & likewise to water her, [torn] Hhds,... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
My dear Sir, During the long Period that I have been absent from Virginia I have not had the pleasure [of] a Line from you, nor indeed from any one of my Friends in York, Wiliiamsburg or Gloster. I am willing to impute this to Accident and the Interruption to Communication between this place and the Continent. That Interruption is now likely to be greater than ever, as we have had an authentic... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
(a Copy) General} No 13 Whereas I have received Information that sundry Vessels from the West India Islands, Laden with Gunpowder, and Military Stores for North America, pass under French Colours, and Papers, and have onboard them a Nominal French Master, pretending likewise to be bound to the Islands of St Pierre and Miquelon, (on the Coast of Newfoundland) thinking to pass for French Vessels... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sunday 31st at 6 A M unmoored Ship, at 10 Broke the Small Bower Cable and Came to Sail, found Our Cables Rubbed in Several places, at Noon took a prize an English Brigg from Falmouth New England Bound to Barbad6es. Sent the Gunner, a Petty officer and 8 Seamen to take her to Antigua, to be tried there in a Court of Admiralty. 2
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Saturday 30 at 9 AM Saw a Sail to the Eastward gave chace fired 3 Shot and brought too the Chace found her to be a Sloop from North Carolina, sent an officer on board and 5 Men and took her Crew 2 Sunday 31 Moderate and fair at 10 A M fired a Gun shotted at a Schooner and brought her too found her to be from the Bay of Honduras bound to Eustatia belong[in]g to Virginia sent an officer and 4 Men... Continue Reading
Date: 31 March 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I congratulate you on the precipitate flight of our enemy from Boston. May the same panic and confusion in which they went off ever follow them. We are strongly fortifying Boston so that a return of the troops will be impracticable .... Our man of war goes on at a supassing rate 2 I am fully persuaded if her sails and guns were ready she will be at sea the 1st of June.
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
On the 25th of February last on my homeward bound passage from Point a P[e]tre on Grand Terre, about two leagues distant from Cape-Ann, I fell in with and was taken by the Lively sloop of war and carried into Boston, 2 the next day was put on board the Renown, ー [Francis] Banks commander, as we came on board Capt. Banks ordered us, with what bundles of cloaths, bedding &c. we had with us on... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Number of Guns Size   Vessels Names Commanders Swivels by whom Suppl'd 6 4   Hancock Commo [John] Manly 10 United Colos 2 2   Lee Captn Watters 4 Do 2 4   Warren Captn [William] Burke — Do 4 4   Linch Capt [John] Ayres 6 Do 4 4   Lee Capt. [Daniel] Waters 6 Collo Glover 2 4   Warren Capt Burk 10 Do 2 4         4 2 Franklin Capt [Samuel] Tucker 10 Do 2 2         2 2... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir: ' I have this moment received your favor of yesterday by Express, and shall take every necessary step to send you all the reinforcement I possibly can, and that without delay. General [Nathanael] Greene was to have march'd to day with five Regiments for Norwich, by way of Providence; I have ordered him to hasten his march. General [John] Sullivan with Six Regiments, set off last Friday... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Committee appointed to take into consideration a Letter from Tristram Dalton Esqr of Newbury Port,2 and the Papers Accompanying the same, relative to the Brign Unity and her Cargo now lying in the West Indias, by reason of the death of Capt Michael Corbit, Master of said Brigr1 in the Service of this Colony ー [reported] Resolved That Moses Gill, John Brown & Abraham Watson Esqrs be and... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Colony of the } . . The Ma1or part of the Councd- Massachusetts By To The Keeper of the Goal at Ipswich in the County of Essex Greeting You are hereby ordered & directed to receive into your Custody John Rich, who was Master of the Sloop Success & sent to the Genl. Court by the Comtee. of Safety of Majorbagaduce for supplying the Enemy in Boston with Provisions or necessarys for their... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
We hear that the enemy left about 100 pieces of cannon at Castle William; but each of them either with a trunnion beat off, or spiked up. Near or quite. all the enemy's fleet lay below the Castle 'till Tuesday last, when a considerable part of them (said to be about one half) put to sea. The remainder (except 5 ships of war) sailed on Wednesday afternoon. The general opinion is, that the enemy's... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
A Captain & two Seamen that were taken by the Men of War deserted Fryday from the Fleet, they Say the first Division consisting of the Foy & Nautullus with 68 Transports sail'd for Halifax last Monday. the Second Division, Admiral Shuldham in the Chatham the Centurion and the Lively with 62 Transports sail'd Thursday, from all they could learn they were bound to the So Ward not half Mann'... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I Yesterday wrote your Excellency that I had information by express from Newport that a large part of the Ministerial Fleet & Army were near that harbour, since which by the Intelligence I have further Received I am inclined to beleive that the fleet was not seen as was reported.The Alarm was given upon the following Occasion .. Three of the Soldiers being upon a rising Ground near the Town... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Last Wednesday the two brigs belonging to the ministerial fleet took a small sloop, a little to the eastward of this harbour; and the next day one of the brigs, a schooner and a small sloop tender, took two large sloops, one bound to Nantucket, loaded with provisions, &c. and the other to the WestIndies; and on Friday these cruisers took another sloop just without Seconet Rocks. 1 Last... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776