American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

On hearing that part of the Ministerial Fleet arriv'd at Newport Yesterday and the probability that some of them may Come and Lie before N London Harbour Gov'r Trumbull and Com'tee advise that you Send a Post directly to Capt. Francis at Saybrook to stop the Transports that are there untill further order and also advise that Capt. Francis Send out a Boat from Saybrook to Direct the Transports... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir, I Recd the Inclosed Directed to you and supposeing it to Contain the peice of freight I made bould to Open it I Recd 49 bo[l]ts of Duck 29 Coils of Riging of Different sizes 2½ Cabls with 5 hhds Oacan 7 Barrs of Jarman Steel and 448 Barrs Iron for which I have pd £4 .. 16 Which you Must Charge to Capn [Josiah] Buck with 18 lb Riging a 9d I have Likewise Lett Mr Wallace in Mitchells Schooner... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Honorable Sir This moment Mr Adam Babcock, came in (from Westerly this morning) and advises that he there saw an Order Issued by Colo [Joseph] Noyes to the several Militia Capts under his Command (dated last night 12 Clock) to March imediately to Newport, haveing recd an Expres[s] from Colo Henry Babcock at Newport, dated yester[day] noon, adviseing that 21 Ships had just arrived the[re] but did... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
A letter from Brigadier-General Heath, was received and read. He therein mentions that a sloop is arrived from Albany, with a number of women and children and baggage taken at St. John's, and sent here by Gen. Schuyler, on their way to New-Brunswick, that the captain was fearful of going to Brunswick lest his vessel might be detained by the ships of war on his return, and he requests the... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir ー I take the opportunity of doing myself the honour of acquainting you with my disagreeable situation, heving been close prisoner ever since I have been in York. I must do the New-England people justice under whose care I have been, that they behaved extremely well. Since their departure, the Yorkers took possession of the barracks, kept me much closer confined, and on Saturday afternoon gave... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Resolved, That Mr. [James] Mease, Commissary be directed to advance Captain [Bernard] Romans one month's pay for himself and the officers and men of his company, and also subsistence money to Albany. Resolved, That Mr. M'Kean [Thomas McKean] and Mr. [Robert Treat] P;:i.inebe directed to examine the gaol [of Philadelphia] and particularly. the apartments where [Moses] Kirkland, [Dr. John] Connolly... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
To the Honble Continental Congress To Wearing Apparel, Linen, a Watch &c £ 25. .0. .0   Wages due to the time I was taken 4. .0. .0   Sundry Articles which I Carried as a venture   7. .0. .0     £ 36. .0. .0 The Sloop Charming Sally was cleared out from Domingo to New-foundland, as I saw the Clearance of her on board the Sloop General Gage ー to which I could be Qualified if Called... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
1776 April 1 Stephen Hopkins Esqr for the Brig Lexington   To Joshua Humphreys To Thos Thompson for 9 day[s]   @ 9/— 4. .1..—   Joseph Bowers for 4½  do   do 2. .0. .6   Henry Rhile 4½  do   do 2. .0. .6   Joseph Fanning 2½  do   do 1. .2. .6   John patterson 2½  do   do 1. .2. .6   Jonathan Grice 2½  do   do 1. .2. .6   Reynold Wharton 4½  do   do 2. .0. .6   Charles... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Resolved, That Nicholas Fitzsimmons be appointed 3rd Lieutenant to the Floating Battery . . Mr. [Angus] Macbean being brought before this Cqmmittee and ch::trged with endeavouring to go on board one of the King's Ships in Delaware Bay, contrary to the direction of this Committee, upon application to them for that purpose, Upon hearing his defence, and fully examining and considering the same,... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
To the Honorable the Committee of Safety for the Province of Pennsylvania The Petition of William Dunlap Humbly Sheweth: That your Petitioner hath been employed in the Command of a Vessel in the Merchant's Service on Lake Erie, and is well acquainted with the Navigation of that and the other Lakes. That going from Lake Ontario to New York, he was Stoped at Oswego by Guy Johnston, who carried him... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Petition of William Price of the City of Philadelphia Mariner last Warr Lieutenant of the Ship of Warr Britania Capn McPherson Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner deeply affected by the actual situation of this once happy and flourishing City and Province, and zealous to support the rights and liberties of the united American Colonies in general at the risque of his Life and Property, and... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
On Monday evening last [March 25] a Man of War and her Tender came within the Pitch of our Cape and anchored ー as you have been informed by last express ー the Pilot Boat stationed near Lewes Creek's mouth did not discover the signal at the Light House, nor See the Ship that evening as it was near dark before she came to the Pitch of the Cape, And when the Alarm Guns were fired the People on Board... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I have this day been call'd upon by our Committee to answer a Complaint that I Should have made against them, to you for takg the Schooner Peggy, & sending her for Plank for the Privateer ー I'm Sorry you should so far misunderstand me as to put such a Construction on my words, as I did not mean any such thing I dare say Messrs Smith & Hall on reflection will recollect all that pass'd... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Capt. Eliezar Callender is appointed to the command of the .2nd Cruizer to be employed in Rappahannock River, and Capt. [William] Green first mate. Celey Saunders is appointed Capt. to one Rowe Galley, to be employed in Rappahannock, and Wm. Saunders.I st Lieut. in same Galley. James Markham is appointed Capt. of the 2nd Rowe Galley in s'd River. The Comm'ee proceed to settle the wages of the... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
No Carolina ss. At a Court of Vice Admiralty held at Cape Fear in the said Province before his Honour James Elletson Bowen Esquire Surrogate of the said Court the first day of April 1776. Francis Parry Esqr. Commander of his Majesty's Sloop Cruizer now lying in Cape Fear River in the said Province on behalf of himself and the officers Seamen and others on board the said Sloop Cruizer Libells... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
We arrived here the 17th of January, after a long and tedious Passage .... We took three Prizes off the Western Islands, and sent them to England. We took-a rich Ship on the Coast of America, called the Two Brothers, from Rhode Island, laden with Flour and Spermaceti Candles. We sold her here for 6500 1 The Hawke and Viper are put in here dismasted, being blown off the Coast of America, with... Continue Reading
Date: 1 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Whereas one John Rich who was Master of the Sloop Success and sent to this Court by the Comee of Safety of Majorbagaduce for supplying the Enemy in Boston some time past with Provisions or necessarys for their Subsistance, The facts appearing by the depositions & papers attending said Rich to be true. Therefore Resolved that the said Rich be committed to some Goal in this Colony which the... Continue Reading
Date: 2 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Memo In Case of Separation by any unavoidable Accident you are to make the best of your way to Halifax in Nova Scotia Rose 2d April 1776 [off Newport].
Date: 2 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Voted, That an order be drawn on the Pay-Table for three hundred and fifty pounds, in favour of Captain Uriah Hayden, to enable him to carry on the building of the Colony ship at Saybrook, and render his account when required. The order was drawn April 2d, 1776, and delivered to Capt. Ephm Bill for £ 350. Voted, That an order be drawn on the Pay-Table for two hundred pounds, in favour of Capt.... Continue Reading
Date: 2 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Draw on the Colony Treasurer for the Sum of two Hundred Pounds Lawful Money in Favour of Capt Jonathan Le~ter to Enable him to Carry on the Building the Row Galley in Norwich, 2 and Render his Account when Required By Order of the Govr & Council of Safety 3 Benj Huntington Clerk P.T.
Date: 2 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776