American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

The first division of the Fleet and Transports from Boston ( containing chiefly the Inhabitants,&c.) arrived here yesterday, after a passage of only six days, and the second division (containing the Troops) arrived this day, after a passage of only four days. They have little or no provisions, nor can this place supply them with any; neither are there conveniences on shore for this unexpected... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
To the Honble the Council of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay the Petition of Chas Chauncey Humbly shews That your Petitioner being convinced that the Inhabitants in the County."af York, must in a short time be reduced to great difficulty by reason of the scarcity of salt, and having been requested by many of sd Inhabitants to send a Vessel after that Article Your Petitioner prays your Honors... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Committee of both Houses appointed to lay before this Court a Sketch of the Harbour of Boston, and examine and report particularly the number of Passages there are for Ships into the same &c. have attended the business assigned them; and report the Sketch of the Harbour of Boston herewith, and the following Answers to the Questions proposed in our Commission. "~ow many Passages are there... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
No news since I wrote the above, 2 only that the [British] fleet have steered eastward, and one of the Tory sloops is ashore on Cape Cod with a large quantity of English goods, and Black Jolly Allen and some other Tories. 3 We have had a false alarm from Newport. I recollect nothing else Your ships I fear will, when. done, wait for men. It will take time to enlist them. 4
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
:... Sir As the Ships of War now .building in this and the other Colonies for Continental Service will want Commanders, who will I conclude be appointed by Congress, I beg leave to mention to .you a Capt [Gustavus] Fellows, late of Boston, who. was bred to the Sea and is recommended as a very .good Man for a Command[er] and I have been desired to mention hirp to you. He appears to me to be a Man... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
To the Honorable Counsell & Honorable House of Representative Now Sitting at water Town! the petition of the Select men of province Town in Behalf of Said Town Humbly Sheweth That on the 28th of march Last a Sloop appering Near the Shore on the Back of Said Town & To be in Distress on going on Bord found her to Be from Boston with 5 men on bard & 25 women & Children in the most... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Colony of Connecticutt To James Rice Dr     1776 To Sundrys Supply'd the Brige. Defence (Viz)     Febry To 6 wooden Bowls £ 0. .5. .3       "  3 lb Brimstone a 6d ⅓ & 5 lb Blour 7½d 1.10 ½ 24th   "  1 Load Wood 7/. & 1 side Leather 11/11 18.11   26   "  1 Side Leather 12.10       "  Cowtails for the Stink potts 1. .6   28   "  1 Erthen plater 10d 12 lb Brimstone a 6d... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir The Govr & Council of Safety appointed me to Supply the Brig Defiance [sic] with Provision & I have Spent on her about £500-I Shall be obliged to you if you would Dra~ an order on the Treasurer for That Sum & give it to Mr Davenport and you will much oblige your Humble Servant Jonth Fitch
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Ordered, That Mr. Jno Murray be permitted to go on board the ship Dutchess of Gordon, (with. the port-master) and to return, he having been duly sworn that he will not convey any intelligence relative to the fortifications erecting for the defence of this city and Colony. The Committee were informed the brigantine Elizabeth, John Palmer master, is ready to sail, and that a certificate is... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Mr. John Murray attending with a letter from Fen. Heath to this Committee, 2 wherein he informs the Committee that Mr. Murray had. applied to him for his approbation of the permit granted to Mr. Murray this m~rning, to go on board the Governor's ship; that by the said permit it appears that Mr. Murray is restricted only relative to the fortifications, and that he, the General, cannot consistent... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Colo Mifflin arrived in this City on yesterday with his Lady, The Delegates from Con[gress] going for Canada Sailed in the afternoon with a fair Wind ー I have in this City by the Return of Yesterday 5210 Men, Exclusive of the City Militia we are Fortifying the City as fast as Possible ー Gover Tryon having Begun to Throw up a work on a Small Island in the Harbour about a half m[ile] from the Asia... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
.. Yesterday afternoon five battalions of the Continental troops were reviewed by his Excellency General Heath, on the Green near the Liberty Pole; they made a very martial appearance, being excellently well armed, and all of them young healthy m~n. They went thro' their exercise with surprising activity. : Last night a number of our troops went and set fire to all the buildings on Bedlow's... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
April 1776 Moor'd off Bedlows Island Wednesdy 3 A M at 1 the Rebels set on Fire the Hospitals on Bedlows Island, Fir'd at them one 9 & one 18 pdr 2
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Resolved, That the Letter receiv'd from Henry Fisher of Lewes, be immediately sent to the Delegates of this Province, to be laid before the Congress, and the said Delegates be requested to represent it as the sense of this Committee, that if two or more fast sailing vessels of small draft of Water were properly equipt, they might protect the Trade of this & the Neighboring colonies in the Bay... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
A petition from P. Moore, in behalf of the owners of the sloops Congress and Chance, privateers, for 400 lb. of powder was presented and read: Reso-Zved, That the Secret Committee be empowered to sell them the 2 quantity. A letter from H[enry] Fisher, of Lewistown; to-the committee of safety of Pensylvania, together with... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I have it in Command from Congress to direct that you, upon the Application of Silas Deane, Esqr you furnish him with a Guard of twenty Men under a-proper officer to proceed with him to the Capes, from thence to be returned. ー You will therefore comply with this Requisition, immediately on his Application. 2 I am, Sir, [&c.] J.H.Prt. To the officer commanding the Continental Troops or the... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
We have received your letter:of the 20th Ulto. directed to the late Chairman of .this Committee & are. well. pleased to learn thereby, that the Sloop you first dispatched to the West Indias in Consequence of your Contract with the Continent, was returned and has brought in 193 Bolts of Russia Duck, 43 ps Russian Sheeting, one pair of Swivell Guns,, 14 Small Arms, 12 Cwt of Powder & 30-lb... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Gentlemen We duly received your favor of the 26 Ulto As the Schooner Resolution is now ready and has 20 Men Shipt Capt Nicolson thinks it expedient to carry her down with him-as far as Annapolis as he will then be able to Judge of her Sailing, and will inform you and you can then d~termine whether to continue her, or order her back. We have stopt all further Ex-pence on her, until your further... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
[Baltimore] Recd Apl 3d 1776 of Capt James Nicholson on A:ccot Ship Defence' Forty shills advance Money to Robert McDonald as a Marine Which I promise to refund provided the sd McDonald Shou'd leave the Ship. before the e~piration of one Month from the date hereof £2.0.0 James Phillips
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Comm'ee being informed by Capt. Arthur Smith, on oath, that William Goodrich has lately attempted, with the assistance of 2 armed cutters from Lord Dunmore's Fleet, to take the Slaves and Stock off his father's (John Goodrich) plantation in the County of Isle of Wight, and has actually taken two negroes Ordered, that the Comm'ees of the counties of Isle Wight and Nansemond do severally cause... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776