American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

[Charleston] Wedn~sday the 3d Day of April. Colonel Pinckney according to Order presented a Bill to impower the Court of Admiralty to have Jurisdiction in all Cases of Capture of Sh,ips or Vessels of the Inhabitants of Great Britain Ireland and the British West Indies and to establish the Trial by Jury in such Cases And the same was received and read a First Time Resolved That the Bill be read a... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
On Friday the 22d ult. Capt. [Joseph] Turpin, in the Provincial armed Brigantine Comet, of 16 Guns, retook the Sloop Hetty, of this Port, which Capt. Tollemache seized off this Bar in December last. Her Name was changed to the General Clinton; she had some Cohorns and Swivels, with twelve Men on board, and served as a Tender to the Falcon Man of War. A hard Gale separated Capt. Turpin from his... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
W ednesdy 3d at 3 A M made the isignl .& Tkd at 5 saw a sail to the Noward let all the reefs out, Got Top Gallt yards up & set the sails, set the driver & gave Chace to a Sloop, at 10 fir'd 2 Guns shotted & brot her too, lay'd the Mizn TS to the Mast and hoisted the Cutter out, sent a petty officer & 5 men on .board to take charge of her, she came from Turks Island loaded with... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
By Captain Andrew Barkley of His Majesty's Ship Scarboro: You are hereby required & directed to take upon you the Charge and Command of the Speedwell Sloop, loaded with Salt, taken by His Majys Ship under my command. You are to secure the hold and prevent Embezlement as much as possible ー You are to sail in Company with His Majesty's Ship under my Command to Boston, if you shou'd by any... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Tuesday 2 at 4 AM made the Signal & Wore at 6 set the fore & Mizen topsaiis Sounded 66 fms Sand & Shells, out all reefs the Topsails & got Top Gallant Yards out. Calm The Argo transport fell on Board of us & carried away our Driver Boom Little Wind & fair Wr at 1 PM Saw the Land from the Mast Head bearing North at 3 Made the Signal for all Cruizers to Join the Fleet... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir The inclosed Papers marked No L..1.,gare Copies of some intercepted Letters, and Intelligence brought me; which I requested may be Communicated to my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, as also those marked No ± and 12.,being Copyof a Letter, I thought necessary to write to the Compte De Nosier, Governor of Martinique, in consequance of the aforesaid Intelligence, and his answer thereto ー I... Continue Reading
Date: 3 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Thursday 4 AM sent the People of the Schooner off Guard to Clear the Schooners Decks from Snow &ca and allso to repair the Rigging being damaged by the Rebels Shot from their Battery &c. P M all the People off Garrison duty employ abt the Rigging &c 2
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Dr The Schooner Success and Cargo— Cr   1776 To Cash, paid off Portledge bill £ 37.15. .0 March To Cash paid John Seawar[d] for going round to return Schooner at Newbury Port p receipt 4.16. .3   To Cash paid Natha Tracey Esqr for hire of Schooner three Months and a half as p Charter party Agreement 255½ dollars a 6/ 76.13. .0   To Cash paid Jeremiah Libbey for guarding Powder to Camb[... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Wednesdy 3 Light Airs with Rain, gave Chace fir'd 8 Shot at the Chace proved to be a pirate Schooner from Cape Ann Harbr, where she got in, Haul'd our Wind in 1st & 2d Reef T Sails. First part Fresh Breezs & foggy with Rain latter hard Gales and Clouds at 6 PM Close Reeft Topsails Thursday 4 5 am Saw a Sail in the S W gave Chace at 7 Carried away the Mizn Topsl Yard in the Slings got up... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Dr Elias Hasket Derby Esqr in an account   1776     April To 126 HHd Molasses Contg 13662 Galls a 10s P Gall & Cask 21/ Liv   9477 4 To 8 HHd & 9 Barl Sugar Contg 12569 Nt a 36/ Liv Pr C. as Pr Invoice   4524.16   To 4 HHd Do Contg 6418 lb Nt a 33/ Liv Pr C. as Pr Invoice   2117.12   To 3 Casks Coffee Contg 1877 lb Nt a 9 Sous     844.13   To 3 Casks for Do a 16/10       49... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Work upon Beacon hill should [Cambridge, be repaired, and April 4, 1776] in my opinion be made strong, as it commands Fort hill; & all lower Works and woi;tld endanger the loss of them if it should be possessed by the [Ene]my-No time sho[u]ld be lost in fixing with the General Court, or Council upon proper Signals for alarming the Country upon the appearance of a Fleet. ー for the purpose... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I thank you for your friendly congratulations on the retreat of the king's troops from Boston. It was really a flight; their embarkation was so precipitate; their loading so confused, (after making greater havoc of the king's stores than Dunbar did upon Braddock's defeat, which made so much noise,) 2 that it took them eleven days to fit their transports, adjust the loads of them, and take in... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
AM Let go the Best BrAnchor, Strurk yards &}"opm;ist got the yards fore' and aft in the Tops got.the Spreet sailyard-in & got Down the T Gallt Mast, ー our Pi:;~ze Schooner Drove on Shore 2 as Did a ;Prize Sloop hoisted the Boats out to.give Assistance and Sent a J:Iawsor on Board the Sd19oner.
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Know all Men by these Presents That we Charles Wolfe Stephen Smith, Frank ,Anthony De Wolfe, Josiah Finney and Isaac Gorham all of Bristol in the County of Bristol and Colony of Rhode Island &c. Merchants are held and firmly bound unt0 Joseph Clarke Esquire General Treasurer of the said Colony in the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds Lawful Money to be paid to the said Joseph Clarke in his said... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
2 oClo PM I have your favour of the Morning before me ー Your Company to be Augmented to ninty men, was intended had no misinformation been received.:.. the Addition of One Company fro~ your Regiment, and another from Colo [Samuel] Coit' s for the Service at Mamacock and Winthrop's point will not forward those works with more expedition than is desirable ー The failure of the plan for Minute Men .... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The various Accots from N ewp~rt since tuesday noon, made it probable the Accot of a Fleets being arrived there was preipature, and last evening the Post came in from thence, & confirmed the matter that no ,Fleet had been there, as your Honor was informed by Express from Govr Cooke. the Post tells me two men made Oath before Colo [Henry] Babcock they saw a Fleet, which I conclude was the... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
at 9 AM, made Long Iland Bear NNW, about 6, Leagues At Meridian made Montock Point Bearing NB W, and Block Iland ENE 4 Leagues, the Sloopln Company Fresh Breezes & Clear Weather, At 2 PM, Wore Ship, and Stood off to Southd At 3 Do Came up with the Fleet & Spoke . the Comodore & Columbus, who had taken, a Schooner, tender, 2 belonging to Capt Wallace's... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Ordered, That the port master be; and he is hereby permitted to take with him on board the Asia and Phoenix ships of war, the Governor's ship and the packet, the following articles, vizt: 1,300 lb beef, for the Asia. I ,000 lb beef for the Phoenix; with' 18s. worth vegetables. Two qrs beef I doz. dishes; 2 doz. plates; 1 doz. spoons; 2 mugs; 2 barls. ale, for the packet. One tierce of peas; 6... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I Understand You are c:me of the Delegates for this Province and one of the Committee of Safety ー and Your being acquainted with our Sc.ituation of Inlets, Bays, and Rivers Runing Up In our County occasions Us to be a frontier .and In Continual Danger ー as to the Bay Between Middletown and New York if a fleet Comes in and finding New York So Strongly fortified and Garrison'd. It must be more than... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The committee, to whom the memorial from James M'Knight ... were referred brought in their report, which was read: And thereupon, Resolved, That the committee of inspection and observation of the county of Burlington, be requested to make sale of the sloop Sally, whereof the said James M'Knight was prize master, and which was lately run ashore by him, within the said county, together with her... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776