American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

Sir Your letters ofthe 14th Ulto directed to the late Saml Ward° Esqr are now before me & have been read to the Secret Committee by whose order I now Answer them. We are sorry for the loss of the Brigt Cap [Josiah] Shackford, but as things now stand we must expect many More losses of the same kind & think ourselves happy if a sufficient number does but return to keep the Continent... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Upon application of Capt: [Nathaniel] Falconer for some arms & ammunition for the use of the pilot Boat statii:m'd at Bombay Hook, By order of the Board, Robert Towers, Commissary;:was directed to deliver 5 Muskets, 10 Rounds of Powder & Ball, & 8 Swivel shot. Resolved, That the officers of the armed Boats be instructed not to suffor any Pilot Boat or Pilot (except those employed by'... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Yesterday arrived a schooner from Guadaloup, with about 7 tons of powder. . . . We have also two pilot boats from St. Eustatia, with goods . .:.. This day came up the Wasp schooner, Captain Hallock, one of our fleet, .who: ::td been at [New]Providence, and taken off all the King's stores there, and will be very soon among us. ー Capt. Barry in an armed schooner 2 from this port, has sent in a... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
at 6AM Wade& Saild from Chastear to philp hill atJ0 am Came two Brast of the Town clear Wathear. a £rash Brezes at WNW at 2 pm Hald to the Whorf & cleard the Vasal for Heving Down Sant 14 Sick peopel On Shoar
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
We got as far as here last evening just as the Tide was spent and this morning made an attempt to proceed but the Wind blew so heavy, direct against Us, that we were obliged to return. This moment a Schooner of Eight Gunns, which I take to be one of the Continental Fleet fitted from Maryland, pass'd Us; 2 on which I have sent my Servant with this to learn what intelligence she brings ... We shall... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I recd your note at the State House, and on coming down here find your Conjecture about the Schooner is right; she is one that Colo [Benja 2 min] Harrison fitted out in Maryland but I cannot find the Captain; other People tell me she is leaky & sickly; however I will have her fitted quick as possible and sent down... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Resolved, That the Comm'ee of Northampton county be empowered to build or purchase and fit out for the protection of their Coast two such small-armed vessels as they have reco~mended.
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Ordered That Captain Roger Smith do wait on Hugh Rutledge and Joshua Ward Esqufres to acquaint the former of his having been elected Judge of the Admiralty and the latter of his being chosen an Assistant Judge and to inquire of them respectively if they are willing to qualify for those Offices Captain Roger Smith reported That he had according to Order waited on Mr Hugh Rutledge and Mr Joshua... Continue Reading
Date: 4 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
To the Honorable Councell & to the Honorable House of Represen[ta]tives in Generall Court Assembled At Wattertown the 5d day of April Anno Domini 1776 The Pettition of John Moodie of Boston Mariner Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner sailed From Boston in August Last for Anoplas Royal In Novescotia and Sould his Cargo Their For Cattel Hay Wood Butter and Fish and Sundries ー And Was tacken By... Continue Reading
Date: 5 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Message from the Board proposing to raise 1000 Men to fortify Boston Harbour. Gentn of the House of Representatives As a considerable number of our Enemies Ships continue to parade in Boston Harbour and the Bay so as to obstruct all such assistance in Wood Fish&: other provisions as the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston might otherwise receive by Water; which also prevents such a survey of... Continue Reading
Date: 5 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Committee of both Houses, to whom the foregoing Petition was 2 Committed; have considered the same, and are of Opinion that William Sever & Thomas, Durfee Esqrs Two of the Committee ー "for Building & Equipping sundry Armed Vessels" have leave to rig the Two Vessels they are now building into Brigantines,... Continue Reading
Date: 5 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I beg Leave to inform your Honours I have a Sloop on Shore at .Cape Cod Put there in distress having 30 Souls on board and not one Drop of Water- it was with the utmost Dificulty I got Clear of the fleet without the Los of the Sloop as my intention was to Part them & to put into some Port to Repair and to Proceed to the Province of New York . I beg-Such directions as may inable me to... Continue Reading
Date: 5 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Friday 5 tender belonging to Capt Wallises [James Wallace] Fleet 2 Latter part Moderate & Clear Moderate Breezes & Clear Weather, At 5 PM, the Providence Join'd the fleet At 6 Do Saw a Brig & Sloop to the North'd who, we gave chace too, The Columbus Brought the Brig & the Cabot, the Sloop both from New York, put Men on board, and Detain'd them, they being Bound to London,
Date: 5 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Cuffe a Negroe Man   belongg to Mr Belcher Pompey ditto   belongg to Mr Crook Sharper ditto   belongg to Mr Clark Dick ditto   belongg to Mr Brindley Dragoon Surrinam Newport ditto ditto ditto belongg to Mr Wanton2
Date: 5 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Friday 5th at 5 AM Got up Top Gallt yards & set the sails, gave Chace to a Sloop in the Et Qr . at 11 fired two 9 Pounders shotted & brat he~ too; hoisted the Cutter out & sent a petty officer & men on board to take Charge of her? double reef'd the TPs hoisted the Boat in & made sail down to the Convoy
Date: 5 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Modt and fair PM ... sent in by our Tender the Sloop Betsy from Dominique."
Date: 5 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
We have at last heard of Admiral 2 Hopkins. The Wasp arrived here the day before yesterday leaky. She parted from him about a fortnight ago off Bermuda where he had been cruising some time, to intercept the transports from the West Indies. He has been at New Providence and taken from thence between 90 and I 00 cannon, from 18 to 42 pounders, a large quantity of shot and one ton powder. It's... Continue Reading
Date: 5 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Gentlemen Last night at 10 O Clock I recd your Letter Dated April 3. Pst Express with a Letter from Capt Faulker [Nathaniel Falconer] with a Signal for Capt [John] Barry-which I shall take great Care shall be Answd-We have a Guard of 30 men at the Lighthouse to. Protect the Signal ー Capt Matken has been this Morning sent on shore in a Small boat with four other men by whom I Learn that they have... Continue Reading
Date: 5 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Commissions issued to John Nicholson appointed first Lieutenant of the Ship Defence in the Room of John Thomas Boucher who resigned; Also to Aquila Johns appointed second Lieutenant and to John Bonnell Master of said Ship.
Date: 5 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
No. 109 To the Deputies of Maryland in Congress We shall ... have the affidavits made out you desire for ascertaining the Time Hudsons Ship w~s in Possession of the Tenders. She left Patapsco River ten or twelve Days ago, and as we have heard Nothing of her since, we hope she is out of the Bay by this Time PS Saturday Morng April 6 We are Sorry to Inform you that We have this Instant Received... Continue Reading
Date: 5 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776