American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

A letter from Colonel John Haslet, of the 10th instant, enclosing an account of an engagement between the detachment of the Delaware batallion at Lewis, and a tender of the Roebuck; also informing that another company is wanted at Lewis, and that he had ordered one to march thither, were presented to Congress, and read: Resolved, That the conduct of Colonel Haslet, in ordering another company to... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
While the British Ministry are taking every Step, that Cruelty and Ravage can dictate, for the Destruction of American Liberty, it is incumbent on these United Colonies to exert their utmost Efforts to defeat them. Happily for our Country, their military Operations have not been attended with the Success which they so sanguinely expected. This Circumstance however, far from abating their Rage,... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Yours of the 9th Inst. was delivered to us this day at twelve o'Clock, and we immediately handed the Packet inclosed to the President. It contained the Act of Parliament for restraining the Trade of the Colonies passed in December last, and which was received here in the Begining of February; Our friends in South Carolina supposed we might not have received the Act and therefore sent the first... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Ports are opened wide enough at last, and Privateers are allowed to prey upon British Trade. This is not Independency you know. ー What is? Why Government in every Colony; a Confederation among them all, and Treaties with foreign Nations, to acknowledge Us a Sovereign State, and all that. ー When these Things will be done, or any of them, Time must discover. Perhaps the Time is near, perhaps a... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Inclosed you have some papers contag the late Resolutions of Congress, Blank Commissions &c. will be forwarded by the President. I hope Col. [Josiah] Bartlett will soon be here. I expect he will be set out before this reaches you.
Date: 12 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Upon application of John Cabourn for a sum of money towards the payment of Men employed in sinking the Chevaux de Frize, By order of the Board an order was drawn on Jno. Nixon & others, the Committee of accounts, in his favour, for two hundred pounds. Capt. [Charles] Alexander requesting to be dismissed from his present service, being offer'd the Command of a Vessel in the Continental Service... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
  Stephen Hopkins Esqr for Sloop Hornett Dr To Henry Rhile for 19 days 19/ 8.11. .0   John Cotton 14 do 9/ 6. .6. .0   William McMichal 3½ do do 1.11. .6   Adam Watt 3½ do do 1.11. .6   William Jesson 5 days do 2. .5. .0   John Black 5 days do 2. .5.—   2 Stages 3½ do 5½ 17. .6   2 potts 4 3/ 12.—   2 poles   1.—   Josphua Humpryeys Attendance   2.—.—   Thomas Heavam for... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
I do not think there is any probability of meeting with Capt. Barry as he has gone into Egg Harbor to put up Nettings & is besides weak handed after manning Two prizes & the Loss of some Men in his last Action, but I hope we shall make out, by running directly off the Coast. I have no Time to add save my Compliments to Presidt Hancock,
Date: 12 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
... a ship called the Chance, laden with Flax seed & Staves came down from Philadelphia. She did all she could to avoid me, by going out at the Cape May Channel where I could not follow her, but as soon as I saw she was fairly out, I gave chace to her and come up with her. The Master produced an English Register, declared that his Ship belong'd to a Mercht in London, and that the Cargo was a... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
To Mr Richard Harrison. Martinico Sir By Captn Kell we send you a Cargoe of Flour, which we hope will get safe to Hand, and meet with a good Markett ー as to the Species of Returns we have heretofore wrote you fully ー we have Nothing to add at present only that you would please to observe that our Bay is so full of Men of War and Tenders, that we are of Opinion that whatever Returns you send... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
... Before you can receive this you will have seen the Letters to Governour [Robert] Eden from Ld G. Germain. They had a good Effect here ー I think almost every Man except the Treasurer is willing to declare for independentcy ー But I fear it is too late for Virginia for if the Attack should be made here, which we have now great Reason to expect, we shall be able to make but a poor Resistance ー... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Last Saturday capt. James Barron arrived in town with despatches from the secretary of state for governor [Robert] Eden of Maryland, which he took from on board a small vessel that had been sent by lord Dunniore to carry them to Annapolis. They were in the custody of a certain mr. [Alexander] Ross from Fort Pitt, an old offender, and an associate of the infamous [John] qonnolly. The packet... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Committee to enquire into the Cost of sundry Merchandizes deemed useful to the service of this province as per Invoice exhibited by Mr John Wright Standley and to agree with him for the same reported as follows, vizt Your Committee have examined the Invoices of sundry Goods imported by John Wright Stanley the Cost of which appears to amount to the sum of three thousand one hundred sixty two... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Thos McKnight Esqr Agent for prizes having given directions to the Commissary General to purchase the Cargo of Flour taken by the General Gage Sloop with the Cyder on board the other Vessel taken by that Sloop, and such a Quantity of Rice as he could obtain at the prices that may hereafter be agreed upon I am to desire You will make application to the Court of Vice Admty for permission that those... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir The Master of The Ship Jenny which I have hired for the accomodation of His Majesty's Subjects who are daily flying from the Shore for protection from the Rebels, having represented to me that there is no lumber to be had but what is reserved by The Quarter Master General for His Majesty's Service; and that for want thereof he cannot fit his Ship for the reception of the People for whom she... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir I cannot advise your Excellency, to receive William Platt, 2 and the two Witnesses against him, from the Admiral, for the purpose of having them committed, to the Kingston goal; as well for the reasons contained in my former Letter, as because I am certain, that William Platt would be less secure there, than under the Admirals custody, in the Dock-Yard. In regard to the Witnesses, nothing... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
As it is my duty, so it is my most earnest desire on all occasions, to act conjointly with you, in every matter, which may be for the good of His Majesty's service, or in support of His Government. But however anxious I am, in my endeavours [fo]r these purposes, I cannot go beyond the authority vested in me, by the Law and the Constitution; I therefore thought it highly proper, to take the... Continue Reading
Date: 12 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
at 7 AM brot too Main Topsl to the Mast at 8 AM hoisted out Longbt and Yawl. sent them onbd the Sloop and set fire to her 2 at 11 Made Sail
Date: 13 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Jotham Moulton Esqr of York has paid for Small Arms for the Schooner Dilligent & the Bills for Repairg said Schooner the Sum of Fifty Three Pounds Fifteen Shillings & 1d ー a Particular Acct of which he will herewith Render to you, Which Sum please to pay him or his Order on Acct of this Collony & you'll Oblige Gentlemen [&c.] £-53 .. 15 .. 1 John Lambert To Messrs Jackson Tracy... Continue Reading
Date: 13 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Please to pay Capt. Joseph Lee thirty five pounds twelve shillings it being Cash recd of him for use of the Schooner Franklin ー Saml Tucker
Date: 13 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776