American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

Sunday 14 (A M) Washd betwn Decks These 24 Hours mode breezes and Clear Saw a Vessel without the Bar man'd and Armed the pilot boat and sent her out at 11 (P M) came in the Pilot boat with a brig from Savana La mar [Savanna-la-Mar], Jamaica bound to Sunbury with rum and Sugar &ca on board took her people out put on board an Officer and 5 hands. 2
Date: 14 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Thursdy 11 Fresh Breezes and Squally the People empd in filling Water & Cutting fire Wood, Loosed Sails to dry, Cleared Hause, Cut up the old Topsails for Sundry Uses. Friday 12 Fresh Breezes & clear Weather at 6 A M saw the Betsy Sloop on Shore found she had parted her Cables in the Night Sent the Boat to sweep for the Anchor. got it up sent the Stream hauser on Board her & moor'd... Continue Reading
Date: 14 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
My Lord I was honored with Your Lordships circular letter, of the 10th of Novemr; with the pleasure of being Informed of Your Lordships Appointment. I have likewise received Your Lordships Dispatch of the 23d of December, with the Act of Parliament inclosed: both those letters, were forwarded to Me, by His Excellency Governor Hay from Barbados, and reachd my hand, the 10th of the present month (... Continue Reading
Date: 14 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
My Lord, I did myself the Honor to write to your Lordship on the 27th of March, since which I am Credibly informed that the French Government in Hispaniola Offered by Public Proclamation a free Trade to the North Americans. As I have hitherto understood the North American Trade with that Island was tolerated only from Motives of necessity and conveniency, consequently that the risk of Seizure and... Continue Reading
Date: 14 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
the Copy of the names of the men Consarned in taking mr Richard fisher in the sloop hannah2 Ebeneazer sallsborough Job stanwood Jabez sallsborough Daniel Rodiar Ruben sallsborough Elisha Cosens siles parker John hamor Levy higgins Caleb finney Ezra Young John thomas
Date: 15 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
With inexpressable pleasure I rec'd the news of the formidable Fortress of Boston & its environs, being pricipatately evacuated, by the Savage Enemies to America; Let the cause they have Engag'd in, be ever a terror, & a flight with disgrace ー perpetually attend them, is my Ardent wish. Your favr of 25 Ulto & 2d Inst I have recd the former by Cap [John] Frasier; 2 the latter this day... Continue Reading
Date: 15 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Thursday last arrived at Newport, the Phoenix Man of War, and a Snow of 16 Guns from Georgia, and carried in with them a Brig laden with Flour and Bread, and a Sloop with Salt. About half after 10 o'Clock at night, a small Battery of 3 guns begain firing on the Phoenix and Snow; at the same time the Row Galleys that lay in the harbour, attack'd the Ships for 3 or 4 hours, when the Ship and Snow... Continue Reading
Date: 15 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Resolved. That the Honbl Council or such part of them as they shall appoint for that purpose are desired and hereby impowered to give Orders, in case they should think most for the Interest & Safety of the Colony, that the Armed Vessels at present under the command of Capt Obrian [Jeremiah Obrien] & Capt [Luke] Lambert be hauled up and the Officers & Men discharged untill the further... Continue Reading
Date: 15 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Yours of the 14th Inst I have received, & would inform you that I have represented the circumstances of the armed Vessels & Sailors to General Washington, and can do ~othing further in this matter until I have an answer from the General. With regard to Col [John] Glovers Regiment marching from Beverly, I never heard such a thing mentioned before, and that Regiment is not to march until I... Continue Reading
Date: 15 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Meeting in being according to adjournment. Voted. That there be an Examination among the Calkers and that a Sub-committee with a Master Calker of each ship fix the prices that each one shall have and that the Boys Wages be particularly consider'd and Settled that Mr John Brown be the Committee. Voted. That the Assistants that .~ork with the Head Rigger that are not particularly agreed with have... Continue Reading
Date: 15 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Thursday last, towards night, the ship Scarborough of 20 guns, a transport ship of 200 tons, and 16 guns, a brig loaded with provisions, and a sloop loaded with salt, came into this bay, and anchored between Goat-Island and Connanicut. In the evening two row galleys, commanded by Captains Grimes and Hyer, with a number of volunteers from the army on this island, took the brig and sloop; after... Continue Reading
Date: 15 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
On the memorial of Messrs. D'Oraison, Gourrige & Co., granted them liberty to purchase some convenient vesse.l capable to carry forty horses and load the same with horses and stores for-them, fifteen barrels of pork, thirty barrels of flour, forty barrels of beef, forty firkins of hog's fat, ancl the residue of the cargo in lumber, of staves, heading and hoops, and proceed with the same to... Continue Reading
Date: 15 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir Lebanon 15th April 1776 On Representation from the Committee who were directed last Week to attend you respecting the Prisoners taken in your late Cruise &ca ー that you would be glad to have our Armed Brigg Defence now in the Harbour of N London to attend & assist you in any further Operations you may think proper soon to Effect ー We have considered your Desire & fully comply... Continue Reading
Date: 15 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir Lebanon 15th April 1776. Please to send an Inventory of the Cannon & their Sizes ー with the places where landed for Use & of the Warlike Stores for them ー Those for Mamacock must be mounted & you'll please to be preparing & getting in readiness Timber & Necesaries for that Purpose-& look out and employ Workmen that no Time be lost-There is one M Lol at Norwich is a... Continue Reading
Date: 15 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
If the Bearer of this Mr. [Silas] Deane should be taken by any of his Majesty's Cruiser's, I think it incumbent on me, to recommend him to any of the Officers of the said Cruiser's, for the Civilities received by Gentlemen of this Place since I have been a Prisoner, particularly his Brother Mr Barnabus Deane, and flatter myself should he fall into the hands of any of my Brother Officers that they... Continue Reading
Date: 15 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
. . . . there being between 9 & 10,000 Men there [New York] beside our two Regts and the N,ew York Militia. The Fortifications go on very fast, and I have no Doubt but that the Fortifications in & near that City will be in such a Condition by the End of this Week, that it will not only be impracticable for the Enemy to land An Army at the City but I think that even the Approach of Men of... Continue Reading
Date: 15 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Slf as I have bin for Sum time Confined Very Justly for Ill Behaviour to- wards you and Am Very Sary I Should Ever to give any Gentleman Any Displeasure I hereby Ask Pardon if you Will Vouchsaife to Graint it I will for the Futer Endeavour to Avoid Giving any Ofence to you or Any Oficeer Ship Alfred Apr 15 1776 James Thomas To Lieutent Paul Jones [Endorsed by Jones] Alfred April 15th 1776 New... Continue Reading
Date: 15 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir I am now to Inform you th~t on the 4th Instant I set out from Cambridge and arrived here on Saturday last [April 13]-I came through Providence, Norwich and New London in order to see and expedite the embarkation of the Troops ー The third Brigade under the command of General Green [Nathanael Greene] was at New London when I left It, where there was .a sufficient number of Transpoi:ts to embark... Continue Reading
Date: 15 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Since the arrival of the provincial troops the men of war here are not allowed provision nor water, and they, in their turn, are driving back all boats from the Jersies, and cutting off our supplies of provisions from thence ... We are well supplied with Dutch goods, and soon shall with French; it is impossible the men of war can watch all our vessels, though they lie at the Hook on purpose; we... Continue Reading
Date: 15 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
We hear his Majesty's Ships Phoenix, Savage and Nautilus now on this Station, will fall down to Sandy Hook this Day or To-morrow.
Date: 15 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776