American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776

20 Cask of Powder 10 Bags of Shot 14 Bolts of Duck About 650 Yards 20 Reame of Papor 3 Peacis of Coars Linnen 19 Guns 10 Pair Pistols 2 Sord & Cutlas 3 Dozens of Hankerchiefs
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Know all Men by these Pressents that l Esek Hopkins (Commandr in Cheif of the Arm'd Vessells belonging to the United Colonies) do Constitute and Appoint Nathl Shaw Junr Mercht to be my Agent and in my Name and behalf to Appear in all Causes WhatsoEver and to have full Power to transact any Bussiness for me as though I were Pressent in this Port or ColonyNew London April 17th 1776
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sr/ New London April 17, 1776 In Closed you have a Copey .of,a Letter Recd this day fro1?-Genl Wasinton[n] Consequence of which I have Sent out this afternoon the Cabot with 10 ps of the heavey gons with orders to Land thein at Newpot or Soome whare in your goverment the fly Came in this Evening and Saw Some of the Ships off Mon toge poin at half past 3 oClock this after noon. lam Extremly... Continue Reading
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir New London April 17th, 1776 I this Moment receiv'd an Express from General Washington the Contents are inclosed ー Have sent the Cabot with ten pieces of Cannon with Orders to deliver them to you as soon as possible ー have given the Captain Orders to land them in Newport if possible ー if not at Houlands Ferry-Your own prudence will Suggest what Steps may be necessary for the Public Safety. I... Continue Reading
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Mr.William Mercier, (who is appointed to superintend the fitting out the armed sloop Montgomerie, whereof Wm. Rogers is commandant,) applied for an order on the store keeper for 6 pr. pistols, 200 lb. musket balls, 20 cartridge boxes, 600 lb. gunpowder. Mr. Mercier also applied for the sum of £200, to be applied towards defraying sundry expenses accrued in fitting out said sloop. A draft of a... Continue Reading
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: Know Ye, that I Paul Mersereau of Staten Island, owner of the good perreauge or Vessel, called The Betsey of the Burthen of Twenty seven Tons, or thereabouts, for and in Consideration of the Sum of Two Hundred & forty five pounds Current Money of the Province of New York paid, before the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents, by Mr. Thomas... Continue Reading
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
1776     Januy 23. Paid Col M'Dougal for the Sloop £ 325..—..— Febry 26 Paid Capt James Smith his Accot. of Outfit    248..—.10 April 17 Paid  do  portledge bill &c &c    268.12. .6½   Paid  do          do             do    124. .9. .2 March 4 Paid do on Accot of Seamen's Wages      50. 12 paid Chn Duyckink for Sails      17.19..—
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
on arriving at New London we found we had to wait for vessells to be procured to transport us to New York, we there wait.ed five days, still enjoying the hospitality of the citizens, but the men drawing their own rations and cooking for themselves. I was hospitably entertained during our stay ー at the l10use of a namesake. 2 While at New London went on board Commodore Hopkins' ship, he having... Continue Reading
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Secret Intelligence. The two Privateers fitted out here, has not met with such good success as they expe~ted, they cannot get Men to man them as yet ー One that carries Six 4 Pounders is to have 40 Men, and the other that carries Four, 4 Pounders is to have 30 or 35 Men NB. Since I wrote the fore part of the above, two Brigs and three Sloops, are comeing down the Sound, with the remaining part of... Continue Reading
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
The Committee of Claims reported, that there is due, To John Avery, Junr for riding express from Commodore Hopkins and back, the sum of 40.7 dollars. Ordered, That the same be paid. Resolved, That the Marine Committee be instructed to recommend to the Congress, proper persons for commission officers for the frigates now building, and that the warrant officers be appointed by said committee; and... Continue Reading
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Sir We are appointed by the Congress a Committee to examine into and report to them the Properest Places for the Building Forts for the Protection of our Trade, our Cruisers, and their Prizes, and we have permission from them to request of you to send some Person in whose judgment you can confide to take an exact Plan of the Harbours of Cape Ann and New London, and the fortifications now erected... Continue Reading
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Your Letter of the 9th of March [sic April], with the Enclosure, was duly received and laid before Congress; in whose Name, I beg Leave to congratulate you on the Success of your Expedition. Your Account of the Spirit and Bravery shown by the Men, affords them the greatest Satisfaction; and encourages them to expect similar Exertions of Courage on every future Occasion. Though it is to be... Continue Reading
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Richard Boger, Commander of an armed Vessel taken by Capt. Barry, and John Draper, another Officer of the said Vessel, being brought to this City as Prisoners, were agreed to be enlarged on their separately signing the following Parole, which they agreed to, and signed accordingly: I, Richard Boger the 2nd, & John Draper, being Prisoners in the united American Colonies, and enlarged upon our... Continue Reading
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
17th April, 1776. ー List of Men taken by Capt. Barry & brought as Prisoners to this City, out of the Tender Sloop Edward, Capt. Boger: John Johnston, Mid Shipman. Isaac Burch, Owen Humphreys, William Fulton, John Henderson, Seth Bowen, Robert Oyston, Jacob Smith, Thomas Dopson, John Dayton, James Webb, John Palmer, James Ogelby, Richard Gibson, James Spencer, John Doyle,... Continue Reading
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Clear Wathear & plesent Leused the Sails to Dry Nothin more Remarkable these 24 hours 2
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
[April 7 to April 17, 1776] arnvmg at Philad I was in manner the Commander, as the Captain immediately left the vessel, April 1776 2 a few weeks afterwards I embarked on board the Schr Wasp under the orders of Capt. Charles Alexander (a brave scotman) we were sent to convoy off our coast the vessel on board of which was Doctr Franklin [sic Silas Deane] going to Europe.
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
From Sussex County on Delaware we learn, that a small schooner, the property of Mr. Nehemiah Field, of Lewes Town, returning from St. Eustatia with some stores, and having information of the Roebuck man of war being in the road, came to anchor a few miles southward of the Light-house, and sent a messenger to Lewes, desiring assistance to discharge the cargo: A Company of Continental Troops (of... Continue Reading
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
Lewestown is at this time made up of officers and soldiers, and the people altogether seem determined to defend our little place. As for Tories there are none such among us. That infamous name is quite done away since danger comes so nigh us. The Roebuck still remains in our road all alone, and has, I believe, lost her tender; a few days ago some say they saw a sloop take her to the southward of... Continue Reading
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4
At an Especial Meeting of the Committee on Wednesday Evening 17th April 1776 ー Were Present Samuel Purviance Junr Chairman W. Buchanan T. Harrison J. Calhoun J. Boyd— B. Nicholson T. T. Chase J. Sterrett G. Lux Secry The Gentlemen of the Committee appointed to go to Annapolis returned and reported, that they had delivered the Packet to the Council of Safety, and also, as was directed,... Continue Reading
Date: 17 April 1776
Volume: Volume 4


Subscribe to American Theatre from February 19, 1776, to April 17, 1776