American Theatre from March 1, 1777, to April 30, 1777

March 1777 Tuesday 11th Do [Antigua] WSW Dist 7 Leagues at 4 AM made Sail for English Harbor at 6 Do made the Sigl for a Pilot by firing 3 Guns at 8 got a Pilot and run in found here Vice Admiral Young saluted with 13 Guns which the Flora returnd the flag being on board of her Found here his Majs Ships Mermaid, roebuck, Pearl Perseus Cammila Falcon Sharke and Hawke: Moord in Freemans Bay Modt... Continue Reading
Date: 11 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Please to acquaint my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty that after making up my Dispatches of this Date (by the Hawk) The Masters of the five Transports (mentioned in the Postscript to my Letter of this Date to be arrived at St​ Johns) have waited on me at English Harbour and I have enclosed You herewith an Account of said Vessels for their Lordships information.2 I am Sir [&c.]
Date: 11 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Know all Men by these Presents, That We, John Skimmer, Thos Jackson and John Bradford Are held and firmly bound to the Honble John Hancock Esqr President of the Congress of the United Colonies of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode-Island, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, the Counties of New-Castle, Kent, and Sussex on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-... Continue Reading
Date: 11 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
For three successive days, last week, two of the enemy's frigates, with three or four tenders, came too at Fairfield, where they made an almost incessant fire on the houses near the shore; it is suppos'd they intended to land, having manned their boats; but the Militia assembling, and having with them two small cannon, they thought prudent to give over the attempt. One of the Tenders was hull'd,... Continue Reading
Date: 12 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The Sachem Sloop of war under your command being ready for sea, after having received on boarg a quantity of Indigo shipped by the Secret Committee of Congress. You are to proceed from this port to the Island of St Eustatia, and on your arrival there apply to Mr Saml Curson junr to whom the Indigo is addressed, deliver it to him agreeable to Bills of Lading and take his receipt. On your arrival... Continue Reading
Date: 12 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
To Be Sold By public vendue, on Friday, the 14th day of March inst. at Chincotague Inlet, a Sloop, taken up at sea, and brought in there, by the Continental Schooner Wasp, John Baldwyn, Commander. Inventory to be seen at Mr. Burdett's or at the time of sale
Date: 12 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
12th [March, 1777]: Had but little sleep last night; the fog has cleared away and we see land about 2 or 3 leagues distant, our Captain tells us it is about Indian River and that he will proceed higher up and land us a little to the southward of the Cape; he therefore crowded sail for this purpose as he meant afterwards to go in search of our ship. About 11 o'clock the wind came to the west and... Continue Reading
Date: 12 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Ordered that the keeper of the Public Store deliver for the use of the Shipyard on Chickahommany One Pott, two Kettles and four Frying Panns. ー
Date: 12 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The Govenr & Council having desired us to furnish Mr Nichs Wallace with about two Tunns of Cordage for the use of the Ship Albion you are desired to let him have that quantity as soon as can ー He paying you for it such price as Cordage now sells for ー [&c.]
Date: 12 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
As you are building a Galley at the public Warehouse at Quarles's in King William County, we desire you will be as careful that no accident happe[ns] from Fire as you possibly can and give as little trouble to the Inspectors as may be
Date: 12 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
March [1777] Wednesday 12th Do [Barbuda] bore WbS 29 Leagues [P.M.] Saw a Sail to the Sth Ward made sail and gave Chace ー Fir'd four 12 Pounders & Six at the Chace, who brought too, a Sloop from Demirare bound to America. Sent a Midshipman and 8 hands on board, brought her Crew on board ー Hoisted in our boats & at 3 wore to the Sth ward.2
Date: 12 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
By James Young Esqr Vice Admiral of the Red; and Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships and Vessels employed, and to be employed at Barbadoes, and the Leeward Islands, and in the Seas adjacent. You are hereby required and directed to proceed in his Majesty's Ship Mermaid under your Command to St John's Road Antigua: and there use the utmost dispatch to Compleat the Ships Provisions to four... Continue Reading
Date: 12 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Your Letter of yesterday, in answer to Mine of the day before, I have duly considered, and thereby find, That you are not disposed to Supply me with cash, and Such other Necessarys as will enable Me to keep my Ships company togeither, and go to Sea. Now sir, I must acquaint you that on The principall I first set out on (which if I have the least knowledge of my own heart, was the Love of my... Continue Reading
Date: 13 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Petition of Dorcas Hutchins setting forth she has a Husband in Great Britain from who she has lately received a Letter desiring that she would improve the first Opportunity to take Passage on board some Vessel bound for Europe ー has four small Children one of which at her Breast and her Family almost destitute of every necessary of Life & must shortly become a Burthen to the State ー she has... Continue Reading
Date: 13 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
Captain [Stephen] Mascoll, in a Privateer Schooner, from Salem, in attempting to board a large Ship, on the first Day of January, off the Western Islands, had the Misfortune to be killed, together with one of his Men, and after a struggle, the Schooner sheered off.1 On Wednesday, the 19th Instant, will be sold by Public Auction, at Batchelder's Wharf, in Beverly, The Bark Carlisle,... Continue Reading
Date: 13 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
A few days since, Capt. Babson arrived from South Carolina, and brings advice that a brig of 16 guns belonging to that state,1 and commanded by Capt. [Thomas] Pickering of the state of New-Hampshire, went into a port of Jamaica, and brought off three large ships loaded with rum and sugar, two of which had safely arrived. Deserted from the Continental Ship of War the Boston, Elkanah... Continue Reading
Date: 13 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
I saw a paragraph of your Letter to the Genl Assembly in which you mention of a Story from Mr [Joseph] Vesey which if true would have been greatly to my Scandal and likewise to the other Officers of the Navy that were in this place ー I must beg your patience to hear the Circumstances of that matter ー I was onboard the Warren Jany 2nd near Fields point, the Ship Providence lay about a mile below,... Continue Reading
Date: 13 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
The bearer Lieutt [John Peck] Rathbun waits on you with this he has Served since the Fleet went from Philadelphia there being no Vacancy whereby I could promote him agreeable to his Merits ー if there Should be any Vacancy with you I can recommend him as a man of Courage and I believe Conduct, and a man that is a Friend to his. Country ー and I believe the most of the Success Capt [John Paul] Jones... Continue Reading
Date: 13 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8
On Thursday evening the foraging fleet that sail'd from here on Thursday, returned from Fisher's Island, with cattle, sheep, hay, &c. We hear that the Perseus had taken so many prizes in two or three Days off the coast of South Carolina, that for want of hands to man them, she was obliged to proceed with them to the West-Indies. Another of our Frigates has cut a couple of Tobacco vessels out... Continue Reading
Date: 13 March 1777
Volume: Volume 8


Subscribe to American Theatre from March 1, 1777, to April 30, 1777