Volume 5

I wrote you by the Packet that sailed the 10th of last Month the day we sailed from Halifax and have now the pleasure to acquaint you of the safe arrival of the fleet at Sandy Hook the 29th Instt after an agreeable passage of 19 days ー We found Governor Tryon at the Hook on board the Dutches of Gordon, he has with him Mr [Thomas] Barrow, Mr [John Tabor] Kempe, Oliver Delancy, Mr [Charles] Apthorp... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July. 76 Thursday 4th At single Anchor off Wt Bank [New York Narrows] at 4 A M weigh'd & work'd up Amboy Channel 2 at 10 brot too to stop tide. Light Airs & Clear. 1 P M. Weigh'd & made Sail up the River at 2 taken aback & the tide of ebb coming down was obliged to drop down to Prince's Bay & Anchor'd with the small Br in 7 fam ー Red head Wt 1 Mile Friday... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 10th Thermometer morning 70. Noon 80. P M The Liverpool Frigate Halifax Brigt a Ship from Glasgow with Part of G[eneral Simon] Frazers Highlanders came into Sandy Hook.
Date: 10 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
sir The Brigt Dispatch of which you are hereby Appointed Commander in the Service of this United States of America, being now ready for Sea, You are to proceeed immediately on board said Brigantine for [the] Port of Bourdeaux in France & on your arrival there deliver the dispatches given you herewith to Messrs Saml & J. H. Delap Merchts of that place You are to consider these letter's... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
You will receive this by the Brigantine Dispatch Capt Peter Parker & with it some letters for Silas Deane Esqr which being of Considerable Consequence We beg you will cause them to be sent or delivered to him with the utmost Expedition and we make no doubt he has left his address with you shou'd he have left Bordeaux ー You will find herein an Invoice & bill of loading for some Goods we... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The enclosed Letter from Mr Ephraim Anderson 2 I am directed to transmit by order of Congress. As Mr Anderson appears to be an ingenious Man and proposes to destroy the British Fleet at New York, the Congress are willing to give him an opportunity of trying the Experiment, & have therefore thought proper to refer him to you. The Event only can shew whether his Scheme is visionary,... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Length Gun deck from the aft side of the Apron to the fore side rudder 119 Length Keell for Tonnage   96. ー Extream breadth   32 Depth in hold   10.. 6 Height betwen decks     5. Waste amids[hip]     4..10 Port Cells from deck     1..  7 do Up & down     2..  1½ do fore & Aft     2..  4 Distance between the ports     7..  0½ hight Under the Qu[arte]r deck from plank... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
  feet Length of the Gundeck from the aft side apron to the fore side Rudder 137.. 3 Keel for tonnage 112.. 0 Extream breadth   34.. 6 Depth in hold   11. Breadth of Transom   21.. 6 Rising of Mids     1.. 9 Breadth of floor   14 Tumbling home top timber     3.. Hanging Gundeck     1.. 7 Height between decks     5.. 2 Waste Amids     5.. 2 Ports Cells from Deck     1..... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Main Mast 85½ feet head 11½ Top Mast 51     6½ Top Galt Mast 40   14 Fore Mast 78   10½ Top Mast 49     6 Top Galt Mast 38   13½ Mizn Mast 75     9 Top Mast 56   20 Bowspreat 51     Jibb Boom 38     Main Yard 72 arm   2½ Topsl yard 51     2¼ Topgalt Yard 38     1½ Fore Yard 69     2½ Top sl yard 48     2¼ Topgalt yard 36     1½ Mizn Yard 69     Cross jack yard... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Sale of the Ship Juno's Cargoe, consisting of Jamaica Spirits, Sugar, Fustick, &c. will begin this Day, at Ten o'Clock A.M.2
Date: 10 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
To The Honble The Council of Safety of The State of Maryland The Memorial of Captn John Kilty Sheweth That Your memorialist being informed Your Honours intend to erect a Wharfe and sundry Warehouses for the more speedy & effectual Landing, Shipping, and preserving the Naval Stores of this State, and as Your Honours may find it necessary to employ a Person in some respect in the capacity of a... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Roebuck a forty four Gun Ship. Commodore Hammond Commander Fowey a twenty do do Montague do Otter a ten gun Sloop of War Squires do Dunmore a frigate built Ship mounting 4 Sixpounders on one Side. William a Ship with 2 four pounders of a side, a part of the 14th Regt on board. Anna, a Ship barricaded, with a part of the 14th on board. Dun Luce, a Ship occupied by the Queens loyals a Regt of Ds... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Yesterday morning brigadier-general [Andrew] Lewis, accompanied by the colonels [Edward] Stephen, [William] Woodford, [George] Weedon, and [Mordecai] Buckner, arrived here, when a vigorous attack was made on the fleet and camp of the enemy. The ships were so roughly handled, that the Dunmore, and several others, were in a short time towed off; and the enemy abandoned their works, after carrying... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Notwithstanding my orders of the 5th instant, directing you to proceed immediately to London with the Levant Victualler, so soon as you should have put the remainder of your Provisions on board the Anna Transport: It is now my further commands to you, that in case Governor [Robert] Eden shall apply to you, either for a Passage to England, or to remain here for his accommodation, you are in every... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Resolved That the Judges of the Courts of Justice for hearing and determining Maritime Matters at the Ports of Edenton Bath New Bern and Wilmington shall before they enter upon the Execution of their respective Offices take the following Oath to wit. "I A.B ー do swear upon the holy Evangelists of Almighty God, that I will in all Cases which may come before me as Judge of the Court of Justice for... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Ships Names   Captains Names   Where Stationed Bristol Sir Peter Parker      Five Fathm Hole off Charles Town Toby Caulfeild Captn Experiment   Wm Williams Syren   Tobias Furneaux Falcon Sloop   John Linzee At Cape Fear Scorpion Sloop   Honble Jno Tollemache Cruizer Sloop   Francis Parry Active   Anthony Hunt Going to Cape Fear with Provision to compleat the whole... Continue Reading
Date: 10 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Thursday 11 Mount Desert NNE 7 or 8 Leags At 4 Saw a sail Gave Chase at 8 Seizd the two brothers Schooner 2 at 9 Wore Ship First & Middle parts Foggy latter Modt breezes & fair at 2 P M Seizd 2 Schooners names unknown 3 at 6 Came too with the best br in 7 f[m]s Long Island Road.
Date: 11 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Colony of New Hampshire, Rockingham, ss. Libe[l]s being filed before me, against the ship named Susannah, burthen about one hundred and eighty tons, her cargo and appurtenances, commanded by John Frazer ー 2 Also against the schooner named the Rainbow, about thirty tons burthen, her cargo and appurtenances, commanded by John M'Monagle, 3 which vessels are said to have been... Continue Reading
Date: 11 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Agreeable to your Directions I have forwarded all the Arms and Accoutrements fit for use that were in the Hands of the Agents, lately taken from the Scotch Prisoners. The Agents, without my knowledge, parted with part of the Arms; part of them were taken by the Commander of a Connecticut Privateer who assisted in taking the Transports; 2 and some I am told were thrown over board by the... Continue Reading
Date: 11 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
These Serves Just to Inclose you Capt [Nicholas] Johnsons Rect for thirty Eight Charldron Coal 2 which I wish safe to hand and am with all due Respects [&c.]
Date: 11 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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