Volume 5

Last Saturday was carried into Cape Ann, two Ships, taken in the Gulph of Florida, by Capt. Henry Johnson, of this Town, in the Yankey Privateer; and last Tuesday they were brought round to this Place. One is a fine Ship, 300 Tons burthen, commaned by James Hodge, bound from Jamaica for London, with upwards of 400 Hogsheads of Sugar, 200 Puncheons of Rum, 16 Packs of Cotton, and a Quantity of... Continue Reading
Date: 11 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Last Saturday arrived here from Guadaloupe, the schooner Polly, David M'Cloud master, who has brought one hundred casks of powder, about seventy or eighty small arms, a number of carriage and swivel guns, a quantity of brimstone, shot, flints, &c.1 Yesterday morning, a fifth 13 inch iron mortar was found off the end of the Hon. John Hancock, Esqr's wharf.
Date: 11 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
This Goes by Capt John Tillinghast With the Rudder & Tiller & [blank] belonging to the Yaul but I hope You'l Git a Boat at Newport as this Yaul belongs to Capt Jenckes & I find by Capt Tower that he Setts Very Grait Store buy her, You Doubtless will here of the Three Grand Prizes brot in to the Eastward one a Three Decker which with one other Ship is Supposed to be worth £30,000... Continue Reading
Date: 11 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Capt. Coit came in, moving for an appointment. The matter of appointing officers for the Colony ship building at Saybrook taken up and discoursed of largely, and of persons for the offices. Question was put, whether we will at this time proceed to appoint a Captain and two lieutenants for said ship and resolved in the affirmative. And on further consideration, and the question being put, William... Continue Reading
Date: 11 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
We have intelligence from a deserter that came to us, that on Wednesday Morning, the Asia, Chatham and Greyhound Men of War weighed Anchor, and it was said, intended to pass up the North River above the City to prevent the communication with the Jerseys, they did not attempt it, nor does he know what prevented them. A Prisoner belonging to the 10th Regt. taken Yesterday, informs that they hourly... Continue Reading
Date: 11 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
On Wednesday last it [Declaration of Independence] was read at the head of each Brigade of the Continental Army posted at and near New York and everywhere received with loud huzza's. and the utmost" demonstrations of joy. The same evening the equestrian statue of George III. which Tory pride and folly raised in the year 1770, was by the Sons of Freedom laid prostrate in the dirt, the just desert... Continue Reading
Date: 11 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 11th [ 1776] morning Thermometer 71 Wind E Several people came from Long Island (among whom was ———— Fanning) 2 and proceeded up to the admiral and General also came in from Delawar bay the Kingfisher Captn Graham [Alexander Graeme] with 2 Brigts and 2 Sloops prizes laden with flour bread &c from Philadelphia. He also destroyed an armd Brigt with military Stores and 400... Continue Reading
Date: 11 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
A petition from John Cox was presented to Congress and read: Whereupon, Resolved, That the Secret Committee be directed to sell Mr. Cox half a ton of powder, for the use of the private vessel of war by him fitted out. The Congress are so fully persuaded of the necessity of protecting the frontiers of New York from the incursions of the enemy, that they recommend that business to General Schuyler'... Continue Reading
Date: 11 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Sirs, The brigs are both dischar[g]'d.2 On hoisting out the lower tier of the Flour on board Mr Lux and Bowley's Brig, I find it is damaged. I have had two gentlemen to view the Flour. The report they make I send you.3 The Flour apears to have been wet sum time ago, as it is rotten all round the outsides and head of the barrill and has since dried so that it is hard and... Continue Reading
Date: 11 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Thursday 11th Windmill point NWt 7 miles at 10 in the morning having got all the Fleet and Transports down and Gwins Island evacuated, made the Signal and weighed (at this juncture there was no water to be procured on the Island, and the Fleet in great distress for it) and made sail up the Bay; one of the fleet having got a ground made the Otters Signal to lay by to protect her.... Continue Reading
Date: 11 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
This will inform you of my proceedings since I left Cape May the 3d Instant. we left that place in Company with 13 Merchant Men, who I think all got Safe off, as we did not lose Sight of them till they got a good distance from the Land. We Saw no Ships of War at all on the Coast. We this Day fell in with Captain [Charles] Mackay, in the ship Friendship, Coffee from Granada bound to London, loaded... Continue Reading
Date: 11 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
[July 1776] Thursday 11 Anchor'd in St Mary's River. (A M) Empd about the Rigging, At Noon unmoor'd, weighed & Shifted our birth further in and moor'd with a Cable each way. Sent the Pilot boat with an Officer & 6 men Armed to speak a Sloop of[f] the Barr. Do [Fresh Breezes & Cloudy with Thunder Lightning & Rain] the Pilot Boat in Chase of a Sloop at 3 a very hard Gale of Wind... Continue Reading
Date: 11 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
We have a vessel here from Dublin, that sailed May 28, the Captain brings accounts of A. Thompson, Newry, A. Bryan and James Lecky, Dublin, being all taken up by order of the Privy Council of Ireland, for carrying on correspondence with the people in America. Mr. Bryan was discharged, but Mr. Thompson and Mr. Lecky were held to get bail, and when the Captain sailed, an officer was kept on Mr.... Continue Reading
Date: 11 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Friday 12 The Land Over Machias NNE 8 or 9 Leags at 9 A M W eighd and Came to sail 3 Schooners in Co in 1st & 2d Reefs Modt & Clear at 1 P M Saw a sail in the SE gave Chase at 2 Fired a Shot to bring her to at 4 seizd the Polly Schooner 2
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Remks on Friday 12th of July 1776 4 [A. M.] Fair weather 11 Saw ships to the Southward found them Learge ships wore ship stood to the Eastward Lattd in 40d.37m Longt in 65d.30m 1 [P. M.] Saw a schooner barring ESE gave her chaise 4 Came up with the chaise she fired 2 shotts At us and then her hole broad side we engadge her 1½ hour then she struck to the American Arms we... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Committee of Correspondence &c. for this Town have receiv'd a Letter from the Committee of Correspondence for Boston of the following import: viz: That they have infomation, and reason sufficient to induce them to believe, that a communication has been kept up between our Enemies ships & some of our small boats, and that they have tho't it necessary for the common safety, to order... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Information and Libel of Joshua Wentworth of Portsmouth in the County of Rockingham in the Colony aforesaid Esqr for and in behalf of the united American Colonies, and also in behalf of the Officers Marines and Mariners of the three Continental armed vessels named Hancock, Lee, and Lynch against the Brigantine named the Elizabeth, her Cargo and appurtenances, being of the burthen of about One... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Resolved that Philip Dalton a Midshipman and Prisoner of War now confined under his parole to the limits of the Goal Yard in Concord be admitted to sign a new Parole prescribed by this honble Board on the day of inst and thereupon be enlarged accordingly and discharg'd from his former Parole And that any other Officer who may have sign'd a like Parole with the said Dalton, be admitted to sign... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
To the Honle the Council of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay; the Petition of Joseph Sprague, Jacob Ashton and others humbly sheweth; that your Petitioners have, at their own expence, fitted out an armed Vessel called the Rover ー for the purpose of making Reprisals on the Enemies of the united Colonies of America, which Vessel is now ready for sailing; your Petitioners therefore pray that Simon... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
1776 Row Gally Whiting Jno. McCleave Commandr Dr. July 12 To 51 feet pine Boards @ 1d £   .4..3   To 10 [lb] pistol powder 5/4 2. 13..4   To 100 lb powder 5/4 26. 13..4   To 25½ lb Lead 6 d .12..9   To 4 lb Shott 302   .18..9   To James Tilleys Bill           3.  8..3       £    34.10..8   To My Commissions on the above at 2½ pCt           .17..3       £   35.. 7.... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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