Volume 5

This wretched situation of our Troops, induc'd the Genl Officers in a Council of War, to determine on a Retreat to this place; ー The post we are to occupy here, is very advantageous. ー it is a height Opposite to the Old-Works which commands the Entrance of Lakes Champlain & George ー tis almost inaccessable except in two places where we propose Roads, the rest is surrounded by Rocks &... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Friday 12th Moor'd off Staten Island. Distance from Shore about Quarter of a Mile. ー AM the Admiral made our Signal for an Officer. ー Modt Breezes and fair Wr at 2 PM Fir'd a Gun & made the Signal to Unmoor, Unmoor'd & hove into ⅓ of a Cable on the Best Bower at 3 made the Signal to Weigh, Weigh'd & Came to Sail in Co with his Majesty's Ship Rose, the Tryal Schooner with... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Friday 12th The Watering Place SWBW, and the East Point of Staten Island SBE Little Winds and Clear Wr came in HM Sloop Kings.Fisher, at ½ past 1 the Ph[o]enix made sigl to Unmoor Do Unmoor'd & hove Short at ½ past 2 Weigh'd and came to Sail as did the Phenix Tryal Schooner and 2 Tenders, Steering for the No River at ¼ past 3 the Rebels began to fire upon us and the Phenix from... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
11th [July], Thursday ー This day saw the land of Neversink to the westward of Sandy Hook, the entrance into New York River. This night it blew pretty strong at NW. Carried sail and got under the land in the morning. [12th] By four o'clock Friday afternoon, got the length of Sandy Hook; found at anchor here the Swan and a transport or two. Proceeded up the river with baffling winds from the... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
An Alarm after I was got to Bed with an Account that two Ships had passed the Forts below & anchored in the Bay 12 Miles below us ー The Men ordered to guard the River & the Women to retire back. ー At Naick a Detachmt of Colo. Hay's Regiment Fired upon a Barge in her Approach to the Shore. I suspect they are sent up to receive Fugitives and Provisions, but the Vigilance & Heat of the... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
A draft of a letter to the committees of East and South Hampton, in answer to theirs received on the afternoon of the 10th inst. was read and approved of, and is in the words following, that is to say: In Convention of the Representatives of the State of New-York, White Plains, July 12th, 1776. Gentlemen ー Taking into consideration your letter of the 5th inst. applying to us for directions... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Sir: The design of this is to inform Congress that at about half after three O'Clock this Evening, two of the Enemy's Ships of War, one of 40 and the other of 20 Guns with three Tenders weighed Anchor in the Bay opposite Staten Island and availing themselves of a brisk and favourable breeze, with a flowing Tide, run past our Batteries up the North River, without receiving any certain damage that... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Sir: Two Ships of Force with their Tenders have sailed up Hudson's River. I am apprehensive, that they design to seize the Passes in the Highlands by Land, which I am informed may be done by a small Body of Men. I must, therefore request you, instantly to desire General [Petrus] Ten Broeck, to march down as great a Force as he can collect to secure them, particularly the Post where the Road runs... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
This is just to Inform you that two Men of War & three Tenders have this Afternoon passed by our Fort & gone up the North River past Kings bridge, you will therefore take such Measures as to put the Forts under your Command in the best state of Defence Possible, to Annoy the Enemy, you are also to Dispatch Expresses along the River that no Vessels may fall into their Hands & to Give... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
[New York] 12th [July]. ー Two British ships of war, the Ph[o]enix and Rose; and three tenders, at about 4 o'clock, P.M. taking advantage of the tide and a fresh breeze, came up from the fleet, and passed the city up the Hudson. A brisk cannonade took place from Red Hook, Governor's Island, Paulus Hook, and all the batteries on the North River side. The ships were several times struck by the shot... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 12th 1776 tu Ships of War, with three Tenders, fired Several times from every Ships several Broad Side ware Shot from the first one, our People Kept up A Continuel fire till they got buy, they did us no damage, except Killed one Cow ー Those Ships come by the City About half Past 4th O Clock P,M, at the Grand Battery their was five Men Killed, with our own Cannon, by Neglect of Swabing, and... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
About half after 3 in the Afternoon His Majesty's Ship Ph[o]enix, Commanded by Capt. Parker, and the Rose, by Capt. Wallace, with the Tryal Schooner and two Tenders, got under Sail to pass the Town of New York; in about forty minutes they got a breast of Paulus's Hook, before which time they did not fire a Shot, tho' they received the whole of the Rebels fire from Red Hook, Governors Island, the... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Thursday 11 At Anchor off Staten Island 1 AM sounded...the four Prizes & one Tender in Co 7 Do high land of Never Sink NWbN 11 a 12 Miles Squally with Thunder & Lightening 3 P.M came into Sandy hook in Co with our P[r]izes & Tender ー recevied a Pilot on board, 6 do came too in sight of the Fleet at Staten Island with the B. B in 13 fm Friday 12 ½ past 1 P.M. hove... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Friday 12th Sandy Hook N74..00W Distant 13 Leagues At 6 AM Tacked ½ past 7 Tacked At 8 the high Land of Never sunk NbW 4 Leags At Noon out reefs Mode Breezes & Clear At 2 PM came onboard a Pilot and took charge of the Ship At 4 found riding at Sandy Hook His Majestys Sloop Swan who Saluted the Adml which we returned, At 6 returned Vice Adml Shuldhams Salute with an Equal Number... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
This Morning, the Sun shining bright, we had a beautiful Prospect of the Coast of New Jersey at about 5 or 6 Miles Distance. The Land was cleared in many Places, and the Woods were interspersed with Houses, which being covered with white Shingles appeared very plainly all along the Shore. We passed Sandy Hook in the Afternoon, and about 6 o'Clock arrived safe off the East Side of Staten Island.... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
By the Viscount Howe, Vice Admiral of the White and commander in Cheif of His Majestys Ships and Vessels employed and to be employd in North America. Pursuant to the Instructions I have received from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty for the Employment of His Majesty's Ship the Roebuck according to their further Intentions: You are hereby Authorized and required to apply for, and in your... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 12th morning Thermometer 65. Noon 74. PM Lord Howe in the Eagle arrivd having touchd at Halifax and left the fleet off the western Islands. arrivd also a small Schooner wth Turtle and fruit from New Providence.
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Resolved, That the committee appointed, on the 8th of May last, on the instructions given to Commodore Hopkins, be discharged; and that the matters to them referred, be committed to the Marine Committee, who are invested with the same powers as the committee, now discharged, were at their appointment; and that the Marine Committee be directed to proceed to enquire, as well how far the said... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Marine Committee having considered how necessary your attendance is in the Yard taking care of the materials, and the Frigate of which you are Clerk;2 think proper to request that you will not go on the proposed expedition to the Jerseys, but that you remain to do your very necessary business You may show this to your Commanding officer, to whom, it is hoped, it will prove a... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I wrote to you a few days ago by the Post Charles says you wont thank me for it for My letter Cant be worth the Postage, I hope you wont say so ー your Vessel is to be Launch'd on Monday Next 2 we long to see you Charles and Stacy 3 went yesterday ー Our family Prety well ー No Particular News, so I shall make this letter like Charles a note ー your affect Sister
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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