Volume 5

In Committee of Safety. Philad'a, 12th July, 1776. This Committee some time past Freighted & hired the Brig't Nancy, Capt. [Hugh] Montgomery, on a Voyage for procuring arms & ammunition, on Account of this Province, and having engaged to secure the Value of the said Vessel to the owners in case of loss: And Whereas, The said Brigt. Nancy, on her Return from St. Thomas with Powder and... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
....You will please to remember that the hire of the waggons sent to Chingoteague will amount to a pretty large Sum. It will be some time before I can attend the Council as I am much Engaged in forwarding the building of the Row Galley which I have undertaken and am anxious to have her done very compleat. Anything which the Council may have to do in the meantime in this quarter they will command... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Bazil Clarkson of this County was brought before us a few days ago being charged with going on board the Enemies Tenders, and carrying some men to join Lord Dunmores Party; And upon examining into the affair, we thought it our duty to send him over under the care of Capt [James] Hindman to take his trial before your board. John Rumbley was the only Witness produced to us against him, whose... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Wednesday 10 At an Anchor off Gwins Island Harbour AM got on board our Guns. The Fleet under weigh in order to get under shelter of HMS Roebuck & Fowey Little wind & fair At 5 PM fired a six Pr at the Rebels at 7 PM came to sail, having seen the Fleet all safe & under Sail. Do sent several of our Men to assist them. At 9 anchd in 3½ fam Thursday 11 At 8 AM the... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Commissions, this Day issued unto James Cocke Esqr Captain and Commander of the Raleigh, a Brigantine in the Service of this Commonwealth ー John Barret first lieutenant & Joel Sturdivant second Lieutenant; also John Calvert Captain & Commander of the Row Galley Norfolk's Revenge ー Argill Herbert first Lieutenant ー Robert Elam second Lieutenant & James Tennant Master. Additional... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I am honoured with your Letter of this Date, 2 and wish You a good Passage to the Camp, and from Thence to New York. I am sorry the Master of the Sovereign was detained last Night on Board the Bristol. Captain [John] Drummond has undertaken to inform You of the Circumstances, and make the Officers Apology ー I am glad the Transports are Watered, and all our People embarked, the Marines... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Friday 12 Moor'd in Five Fathom Hole off Charles Town Sulivan's Island NW½ W, Cummin's Point NW½N And the Light House WSW½W. Do [Fresh Breezes & Cloudy] Wr lost Twelve Puncheons getting the Casks off, by being Attacked by the Rebels, at Night Andw Simpson & Jams Trivallion, Run away with the Cutter to the Rebels from the Harcourt Transport; where she was in Waiting to fetch... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Friday 12 Anchor'd in St Mary's River. at 2 (A M) heard the Drums beat which we imagin'd were the Troops, fired 1 Gun & kept every body under Arms. Fresh Gales and Squally weather with rain, The Surgeon came on board & acquainted me that the Sick People were sheltered in Mr Wrights Fort, & that the Rebells had concealed themselves in the Marsh below the Landing and had... Continue Reading
Date: 12 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Remks on Satterday 13th of July 1776 1 [A. M.] our Master Boatsun & 15 men Repairing the schooners Riggin 12 Fair Weather Latt in 40d.26m Longd In 65d.50m 1 [P. M.] Small breaze Cloudy weather got sum sail on the schooner makeing the best of our way for Salem 6 Our Gunners mate blowd his right hand of[f] Ocationed by the catching of A powder Orne in his hand
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Gentlemen ー I am to inform you that I have just Rec[eive]d a letter from Mr Bigerat, Esq., Merchant in Martinico, 2 who informs me that there has been a great Scarcity of Provisions there; owing to a number of vessels being detained in France on account of contrary Winds. On the 6th of May was the first arrival for a long time, & since up to 14th of the above month, 14 sail has... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Wednesday last was bro't into Falmouth, by Capt. [Agreen] Crabtree, a sloop from Anapolis [Royal] bound to Halifax, taken off the Grand Passage, loaden with Lumber, Hand Spikes, Butter, Cheese, Potatoes, &c.1
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Saturdy 13 Cape Ann WNW 14 Leags Fresh Breezs and Clear at 6 AM saw a Sail in the N E Qr made sail and gave Chace, at 10 Fired a Shot and brought too the Chace, sent an Officer onboard, proved to be an American Sloop loaded with Lumber 2 Recd the prisoners onboard, sent the Mate and four Men wth the prize to Hallifax, at Noon made Sail and wore Ship, parted Compy with the... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Honorable Gentlemen, these to acquaint you that, Agreeable to my Commission, I have hired and fitted a Small Vessel, for the purpose of obtaining Intiligence of the Motions, of the Fleets & armies of our enemies, 2 Capt Robert Haskoll who will Remitt you this Letter, is to be Intrusted with this Important business, it will be needless to Recommend him, as he has made one Voyage... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Subscribers beg leave to represent to the Genl Court, That two Armed Vessels, now under the command of Messrs Obrian [Jeremiah O'Brien] & [John] Lambert, have had orders, from time to time, from the Court, & have cost the public large Money, but have effected very little That Obrian is said to be now gone to Marblehead for Stores for a three Months Curize, & 'tis reported that he... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Since our last some Officers of the British Fleet, who had broke their Parole of Honor, by going beyond the Limits prescribed by the General Congress, were brought to Town, and secured in Gaol.
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
A Libel is filed before me, in Behalf of Nicholas Biddle, Esq; his Officers and Men, belonging to the Brigantine Andrew Doria, a Continental Vessel of War, and one of the Fleet for the Protection and Defence of the United Colonies of America, under the Command of Esek Hopkins, Esq; Commander in Chief, against 191 Fire Arms with Cartouch Boxes, 3 Fusells, 2 Hangers, 162 Bayonets, 80 Broad Swords,... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
In conformity to Resolve of Congress of 27th ulto I sent to Mr [Nathaniel] Shaw for an Account of the Cannon left at New London by Commodore Hopkins, their number, size, bore and weight; and also an account of the other Cannon there. Enclosed is Copy of his Return made to me;2 by which it appears, that if the fourteen heaviest Cannon had been sent to Philadelphia, there would not have... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
1776 The Brig Cabot [Elisha] Hinman Commandr    Dr July To the Sum brot over £   [blank] 13 To 39 Frocks @ 8/6 £16.11..6       To 44 Shirts     14/4 31.10..8       To 81 p trousrs  6/8 27.. 0..0       To 2 shirts & 3 p trousers from G. Richards 2.. 7..4       To 8 shirts from Pool 6.. 6..2       To 50 p Shoes R Douglass 17.15..0       To 26 p do R Manwarg 9.15..0   111.. 5... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Dear Sir, I am anxious to have you here as soon as possible, as maintaining our naval Superiority is of the last Importance: I labour continually to get the Commodore 2 to Crown-Point with the Vessels; but am baffled by the Laziness of the Artificers, or the Neglect of those, whose Duty it is to see them diligent at their Work. I hourly expect one, or two more Gondolas, from... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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