Volume 5

A draft of a letter to Col. Pierre Van Cortlandt, was read and approved of, and is in the words following, that is to say: White Plains, July 13th 1776. Sir ー Be pleased to order such a number of your regiment to guard the stores in which provisions and other effects belonging to the public, are lodged at and near Peekskill, as you may think necessary. Col. [Samuel] Drake will afford them the... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Mr. [William] Duer informs me, that there are two or three Vessels lying at the Dock of Mr. Beverley Robinson in the Highlands. As it is probable, the Men of War which sailed up the River Yesterday, may have anchored to the northward of those Ships, I think it absolutely necessary that an Attempt should be made to secure those Vessels for future Service. I have, therefore to desire the Favour of... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Saturday 13th Moored off Statten Island At 9 AM made the Sigl for all Captains The first & Middle parts Light airs & fair with Calms, latter fresh Breezes with rain At 2 P M Saluted the General2 on his coming on-board with 15 Guns
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
13th [July 1776]. ー This day General Howe came on board. Saluted him with fifteen guns. Mr. [Samuel] Reeve was dispatched with a flag of truce to Amboy, in the Jerseys, opposite Staten Island, on the west side, with letters from the admiral, which they received. In the evening Lieutenant [Philip] Brown was likewise sent with a flag of truce and despatches to George Washington, Esq., &c., at... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
General Instructions and Directions For the conduct of the Ships of War, when sailing or in chace by Day. officers summoned on board the Admiral to be provided with an orderly Book. Article 1. For the advantage of dispatch, and the more convenient distribution of orders the Officers summoned by signal are to attend on board the Admiral provided with an orderly Book; wherein they are to minute... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
This Morning the Captains of the Fleet waited on the Admiral [Howe], and received his Lordship's Orders. They acquainted us, that General Burgoyne is coming down to Albany with the Army under his Command, together with 1000 Indians; and that they had overtaken the Rebels, who had penetrated into Canada, driven them into a Swamp, and put above 500 of them to the Sword. The Troops hold them very... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Situation in which you are placed and the acknowledged liberality of your Sentiments, induce me very much to wish for an opportunity to converse with you on the Subject of the Commission with which I have the honor to be charged; As I trust that a dispassionate consideration of the Kings benevolent intentions, may be the means of preventing the further Effusion of Blood, and become productive... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The great Confusion in which I left my private Affairs in England when I was called upon and appointed to the Command of His Majesty's Fleet in America, requiring my Return, I beg the Favor your Lordship will give me Leave to proceed to Great Britain in any Manner You shall please to direct.2 I am less scrupulous in making this Request when I see so important a Trust under the... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
About half past five in the Afternoon Lieut. Blenerhasset, 10th. Regt., was sent from the Quarters of that Regt. near Elizabeth Town Point, to endeavour to cut off one of the Rebels Boats, but, going too near, was fired upon from the Redoubt and breast Work with small Arms and Cannon, by which the Lieut. was dangerously Wounded in the head, and one Man in the Leg and thigh but slightly.
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
1776 Venus, Brigantine. Guns, 6: Men, 25. Commander, William Raddon Bond, Continental $5,000 Bonders, Thomas Pryor, William Raddon, both of Philadelphia Owners: Daniel Roberdeau and Thomas Pryor & Co.2 Philadelphia Witnesses, William Barrell, J. W. Reed
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
...Mr J[es]se Hollingsworth recd your favr p Capt Nicholson & thanks you for the d[ra]ft therein inclosed, which he will apply to the purposes you direct and render you an acct of the Charges of unloading the Brigs and removing the soldiery as soon as the amount can be ascertained.2 He desires me to assure you, that he will give all the assistance he can to Geo Wells in procuring... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The inclosed paper was delivered me yesterday to lay before your Board you'll be pleased to direct the Clerk to make out the Acct arising thereon & give Orders for the payment thereof ー When the Council requested Waggons to be hired & despatched to Chingoteague for the Cargo of Arms &c shipt by Messrs Harrison & Vanbebber they sent no Directions whom to apply to for the delivery... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I recd information on Friday the 12th July that there was a considerable number of Ships and Small Vessells between Smiths Point & Point Lookout, on which I ordered five Companys of Militia to repare there as fast as possible, and Imediately set out to the Point myself in order to git further information, on my arrival there I found about forty Sail of Vessells, they were then about twenty... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Saturday 13th At a Single Anchor off of Point Lookout Cheseapeakbay at 6 in the morning made the Signal and weighed, and made Sail, at 11 Anchored in 7 fathoms in the River Powtomack, Point lookout E½ So distant 2 Leagues, and Saint George Island NNW 3 miles; most of the Fleet in Sight, and at Anchor, exercised the Ships company at Great Guns and Small Arms.
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
A Warrant from the Navy Board in favour of Captain Thomas Lilley, of the Brigg Liberty, for One hundred & fifty pounds for the purpose of furnishing necessaries for said Brig was presented Countersigned by the President & ordered to be registered. Instruction to Captain John Calvert of the Row Galley Norfolk Revenge, were drafted considered, approved of, Ordered to be fairly transcribed... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
A battery of two 18 pounders was opened on the enemy's fleet on Tuesday morning, whilst another of four 9 pounders play'd on their works and camp on Gwyn's Island. In a short time the whole fleet was forced to tow out of reach of the battery; their fire ceased after a few rounds. Their camp was thrown into confusion, and in the night, before we could procure boats to carry over our men, they... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
As the Enemy's Fleet has been driven from their Station and their Forces obliged to abandon Gwyn's Island, and we are informed they will endeavor to possess themselves of some Place on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, We have thought it prudent to given you the earliest intimation, thereof, A Battery of 2. 18 Pounders played on their Ships and in a few rounds forced them to retire, 4. 9 pounders... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 1776 Saturday 13 Anchor'd in St Mary's River (A M) unmoored and loosed sails to dry at noon handed them, took an Inventory of the Prisoners Cloaths on board ー Lost taken & destroy'd Schooner's Cutter 1 Do. Masts 2 Spritsls 2, Grapnel Rope 3½ In: 30 fathoms, Boat sails 2, Iron Tiller 1, Rudder 1, Iron Ballast 1 Pigg, Water Cask 1, Gunners Stores lost Muskets Complete 5, Pole axes 2,... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
This will inform of a Small Addition to our good fortune in the Prize Way. We this day took Capt [John] Muckelno in the Schooner Peter of Liverpool from St Vincent bound to Liverpool in Brittain, Loaded with: Rum ー Sugar Coffee Cocoa & Cotton, We also took Capt [Charles] Mackey in the Ship Friendship from Granada, bound to London, wch I have wrote you of before, and, Now; Send a Coppy of that... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Present His Excellency the Governor ー The Hono'ble George Forbes Thomas Smith Esqrs Jonathan Burch John Harvey Henry Tucker Esquires His Excellency acquainted the Board that Mr Eston had resigned his Commission as Judge of the Court of Vice Admiralty and that Colonel Jones not having Acted lately and being at present rendered incapable to Attend by his indisposition he desired... Continue Reading
Date: 13 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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