Volume 5

July 76 Sunday 14th Moor'd in Annapolis Harbour came in H: Majts: Sloop Viper with 4 Schooners
Date: 14 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Remks on Sunday 14th of July 1776 5 [A. M.] Small Airs of wind from SW Learge swell from the NE 12 Thick foggey weather the prize in Company Lattd in 4ld.2lm Longd in 67d.3m 1 [P. M.] A Learge tumbling sea from the SW got our horser [hawser] on board the schooner to tow her
Date: 14 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I suppose you have heard of a fleet which came up pretty near the Light and kept us all with our mouths open ready to catch them, but after stayingnear a week and makeing what observations they could set sail and went of to our great mortification who were [prepared?] for them, in every respect.2 If our Ship of 32 Guns which [was] Built at Portsmouth and waiting only for Guns 3... Continue Reading
Date: 14 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The Brig Dispatch has been Ready for the Sea waiting your Orders some time. I flatter my self I shall Receive them soon, it has been a good time to get off our Coast, ever since the Fleet was drove out our harbour; not a Cruizer has been seen on, or near the Coast since, saving the frigat that paraded before our port with her Convoy & she did not even Attempt to speak to any vessell 2... Continue Reading
Date: 14 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I have this morning Sent of[f] Colonel [William] Maxwells & [William] Winde's Regiments, with most of the Artillery & Stores, want of Boats prevented my sending of[f] all the Sick & Companies of Artillery. I have Just Sent of[f] the last Boats we had, to Onion river & other Places for Boards, believe I can procure Twenty or thirty thousand feet & send you in a few Days. ー we... Continue Reading
Date: 14 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
We have set of[f] to Esopus for the Tory Sloop there and the Ship Carpanters are Busied in makeing fire Rafts we would ask Your Oppinion if it would not be best to purchase two other old Sloops which Lash together with Chains two fire Rafts between Each two Sloops and if a Northerly wind Sail them Directly Down on the Enemy when the Rafts are Compleated and if the Ships have not Passed Your Forts... Continue Reading
Date: 14 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I recieved Your's of this Day, I aprove much of your Plan for makeing Fire Rafts, and Doubt not but you will carry the same into Execution with the utmost expedition ー I think it adviseable to purchase two other Old Sloops (or more if necessary) for the purpose but let it be done at the Cheapest rate, the Oldest and worst Sloops will do; let Men Value them, but they must be had at any Rate ー When... Continue Reading
Date: 14 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Sir: My last of Friday evening which I had the Honor of addressing you, advised that two of the Enemy's Ships of War and three Tenders had run above our Batteries here and the Works at the upper end of the Island. I am now to Inform you, that Yesterday forenoon, receiving Intelligence from General Mifflin that they had past the Tappan Sea [Tappan Zee] and were trying to proceed higher up; by... Continue Reading
Date: 14 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 14th 1776 A flag was sent from the Enemy, Col Tupper being A board of A Privateer went and meet the flag seeing that the Letter was directed to George Washington Esqr, he answered that Knew no such Person, but he woud, send an Officer a shore and se if their was any such Person, but cou'd not find any of that Name Retun'd the Letter again, to the flag. The flag Report that Admiral Howe came... Continue Reading
Date: 14 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 14....we were alarmed by some of the Men of War getting under Sail and making for the City; we immediately repaired to our Alarm Posts, which are at such a Distance from the River that we had not a Chance to fire a Gun, but had a beautiful Prospect of the whole Engagement. We saw them pass by Ten of our Batteries, they all kept an incessant Fire upon them until out of Reach, but had not so... Continue Reading
Date: 14 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Whereas by an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament to prohibit all Trade & Intercourse with the Colonies of New Hampshire, Massachuset's Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pensylvania, The three lower Counties on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, and for other Purposes therein mentioned; It is enacted, that "it shall and may... Continue Reading
Date: 14 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
An excessive hard Rain, prevented going on Shore this Day, and we had no divine Service on board. Mr. [Samuel] Reeve, our first Lieutenant, returned from Amboy this Afternoon, whither he had been sent yesterday by the Admiral [Howe] with Dispatches, addressed to the several Governors in North America, notifying his Arrival and the Objects of his Commission, and inclosing a Declaration to be... Continue Reading
Date: 14 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
This day a Flag of Truce sent by Lord Howe to New York was stopped by the Rebels off Red Hook; it carried a letter for Mr. Washington, which was not received, as the Title was not thought honorable enough, being only directed to Geo: Washington, Esqr. Letters carried by another Flag to Amboy was received, but we know no further, or what was the intent of it. From appearances think the Rebels will... Continue Reading
Date: 14 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 14th Mr Le Grand of N Brunswick came aboard from Shrews bury and went up to the Admiral & General. He says Mr Kembles Family at Morris Town were well. Thermometer Noon 65. Captn [James] Ayscough sent up Lieut Dowie with Mr Le Grand to Lord Howe.
Date: 14 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
This Morning Lord Howe sent Lt Reeve of the Eagle Man of War, with a flag of Truce to this Post ー He delivered me the Letters which accompany this ー Nothing worthy your attention has happened here since I had the honor to receive your Instructions of the 11th Inst by Mr Ross ー The Enemies Guards in our View continue without any new movement ー From their Number it is probable that two Regiments... Continue Reading
Date: 14 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
July 8th The Springs on the Island dried up so much on account of the long dryness of the Season that water became very difficult to be got near the Sea Shore, but by the time the Fowey joined us, which was on the the Ships Casks were nearly full. ー Captain [George] Montagu performed this service with great judgment & prudence; and brought with him upwards of 100 Voluntiers for the Army,... Continue Reading
Date: 14 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
I Recd your Lett[er] and am Well Satisfy'd that I have So far Pleasd you ー you Menshon Sending £250 By Capt Nicollson he Brought Me a Order for that Sum But No Cash, have Sent the Order By Mr Wells to Reeve the Mony, after Paying the flowr Expence to Poakamoak the Expence of Discharging the Brigs and the hier of the Vesells for the Troops to Elk, shall Lay Out the Remainder in any Way you Pleas... Continue Reading
Date: 14 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Gentlemen About One O'Clock yesterday Morning by Express from Captain [Rezin] Beall, I Received Information that there were forty Sail of Vessells off Point Look Out, (Eight of which were Square Rigg'd) & Requesting some Assistance from our Malitia, (and to get the other part in Readiness in Case they should proceed up the Bay) ー Callo [Benjamin] Mackall not being in the County; I gave such... Continue Reading
Date: 14 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
Nova Scotia Court of Vice Admiralty Cause James Montagu Esqr Commander of his Majestys Ship the Mercury VS the Schooner Molly and Cargo 26th June 1776 Libel filed and entred and Order made thereon as on file 27th June Petition for the sale of the Cargo filed and entred and Order made thereon as on file 29th June Gustave Logie L[ieutena]nt of his Majestys Ship the Mercury being... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5
The drummer you were good enough to send me; has declined signing the Articles on board of Ship. I shall therefore send him back again to his Regiment if its agreeable to you, the reason why this Gen[tlema]n dont choose to sign, is, that he wants to go to Canada, or in short to get [a] large Bounty, which we are giving here and then to take himself off; I've refused a very good Drummer on his... Continue Reading
Date: 15 July 1776
Volume: Volume 5


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